TP130 - Tip Pay Report
Run TP130 (Tip Pay Report) to produce a listing of the tip income reported by
The report identifies the date, amount of tips, hours worked, the type of tip
(direct or indirect) and the type of record (Payroll or Tips Allocation
system-created). The report includes the current (not yet used for shortfall
allocation calculation) tip pay records or the tip pay records generated
during a user-defined date range.
You have the option to print the report in employee number sequence or in
last name alphabetic sequence. Totals print for employees, allocation levels,
and companies as well as the total number of employees processed in each
allocation level and company. The report provides page breaks at each
allocation level and company.
Updated Files
CKPOINT - CKPOINT is a universe file used for recovery.
Referenced Files
DEPTCODE - DEPTCODE is used to validate the department code, and to
default the department name to the establishment name.
EMPLOYEE - EMPLOYEE is used to validate the employee, and to print the
employee's name on the report.
PAYSUMGRP - PAYSUMGRP is used to print the description of the pay summary
group on the report.
PRSYSTEM - PRSYSTEM is used to validate the company and process level,
and to default their names to the establishment name on the
TIPPAY - TIPPAY is used to report the tip pay transferred from the
Lawson Payroll system.
TPPARAM - TPPARAM is used to default the establishment name on the