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                             APCVENBAL FILE

                       Vendor Balance Conversion

The Vendor Balance Conversion file is used by the Vendor Conversion program
to convert vendor balance records to the Lawson Accounts Payable system. When
you run AP510 (Vendor Conversion), the system reads records in this file for
conversion into the Vendor Balance file. When Vendor Balance Conversion
records are successfully converted, they are purged from this file.


AP51.1    AP51.2    AP510


CVB-VENDOR-GROUP       Alpha 4
Element: Vendor Group  Required. The vendor group. Must be a
                       valid record in the Vendor Group file.

CVB-VENDOR             Alpha 9  (Right Justified)                AP510
Element: Vendor        The vendor number. Required if not
                       using automatic vendor numbering.

Element: Location Code The alternate vendor location.
                       Represents an alternate remittance or
                       purchasing location for the vendor.

CVB-COMPANY            Numeric 4
Element: Company       Required. The company number associated
                       with the vendor. Must be a valid record
                       in the Accounts Payable Company file.

CVB-OLD-VENDOR         Alpha 9  (Right Justified)
Element: Vendor        Required if using automatic vendor
                       numbering. The vendor's number as it
                       existed before conversion to the Lawson
                       Accounts Payable system.

CVB-LAST-PMT-DATE      Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)
Element: Last Pmt Date The date of the last payment made to
                       the vendor or alternate vendor location.

CVB-LAST-PUR-DATE      Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)
Element: Date          The date of the last purchase made by
                       the vendor or alternate vendor location.

CVB-HIGHEST-BAL        Signed 18.2
Element: Intl Amt      The highest open purchase balance ever
                       reached for the vendor or alternate
                       vendor location.

CVB-CURRENT-BAL        Signed 18.2
Element: Intl Amt      The current open purchase balance (the
                       amount of released, or open, invoices)
                       for the vendor or alternate vendor

CVB-CY-INC-WH          Signed 18.2
Element: Intl Amt      The amount of reportable income
                       withholding (such as 1099 reportable
                       income) for the vendor for the current
                       vendor group year.

CVB-LY-INC-WH          Signed 18.2
Element: Intl Amt      The amount of reportable income
                       withholding (such as 1099 reportable
                       income) for the vendor for the last
                       vendor group year.

CVB-CP-PURCH           Signed 18.2 Occurs 14 Times
Element: Intl Amt      The amount of purchase activity for the
                       vendor or alternate vendor location for
                       each period of the current vendor group

                       Note: The 14th period is used to store
                       purchase activity dated after the end of
                       the current vendor group year. When you
                       run AP199 (Vendor Balance Year End), any
                       balance in the 14th period will be
                       transferred to period one of the new
                       vendor group year.

CVB-LY-PURCH           Signed 18.2 Occurs 13 Times
Element: Intl Amt      The amount of purchase activity for the
                       vendor or alternate vendor location for
                       each period of the last vendor group

CVB-CP-PAYMENT         Signed 18.2 Occurs 14 Times
Element: Intl Amt      The amount of payment activity for the
                       vendor or alternate vendor location for
                       each period of the current vendor group

                       Note: The 14th period is used to store
                       payment activity dated after the end of
                       the current vendor group year. When you
                       run AP199 (Vendor Balance Year End), any
                       balance in the 14th period will be
                       transferred to period one of the new
                       vendor group year.

CVB-LY-PAYMENT         Signed 18.2 Occurs 13 Times
Element: Intl Amt      The amount of payment activity for the
                       vendor or alternate vendor location for
                       each period of the last vendor group

CVB-CP-DSCTAKE         Signed 18.2 Occurs 14 Times
Element: Intl Amt      The amount of the discounts taken for
                       the vendor or alternate vendor location
                       for each period of the current vendor
                       group year.

                       Note: The 14th period is used to store
                       discounts taken activity dated after the
                       end of the current vendor group year.
                       When AP199 (Vendor Balance Year End) is
                       run, any balance in the 14th period will
                       be transferred to period one of the new
                       vendor group year.

CVB-LY-DSCTAKE         Signed 18.2 Occurs 13 Times
Element: Intl Amt      The amount of the discounts taken for
                       the vendor or alternate vendor location
                       for each period of the last vendor group

CVB-CP-DSCLOST         Signed 18.2 Occurs 14 Times
Element: Intl Amt      The amount of the discounts lost for
                       the vendor or alternate vendor location
                       for each period of the current vendor
                       group year.

                       Note: The 14th period is used to store
                       discounts lost activity dated after the
                       end of the current vendor group year.
                       When you run AP199 (Vendor Balance Year
                       End), any balance in the 14th period
                       will be transferred to period one of the
                       new vendor group year.

CVB-LY-DSCLOST         Signed 18.2 Occurs 13 Times
Element: Intl Amt      The amount of the discounts lost for
                       the vendor or alternate vendor location
                       for each period of the last vendor group

CVB-CP-GAINLOS         Signed 18.2 Occurs 14 Times
Current Period Gain    The amount of the currency gain or loss
or Loss                activity for the vendor or alternate
                       vendor location for each period of the
                       current vendor group year.

                       Note: The 14th period is used to store
                       currency gain and loss activity dated
                       after the end of the current vendor
                       group year. When you run AP199 (Vendor
                       Balance Year End), any balance in the
                       14th period will be transferred to
                       period one of the new vendor group year.

CVB-LY-GAINLOS         Signed 18.2 Occurs 13 Times
Last Year's Gain or    The amount of currency gain or loss
Loss                   activity for the vendor or alternate
                       vendor location for each period of the
                       last vendor group year.

CVB-CP-NBR-PMTS        Signed 6.0 Occurs 14 Times
Element: Nbr Pmts

CVB-LY-NBR-PMTS        Signed 6.0 Occurs 13 Times
Element: Nbr Pmts

                         APCVENBAL FILE INDEX


CVBSET1   VENDOR-GROUP                                           AP51.1  AP51.2
          VENDOR                                                 AP510