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                             PWCOMPUTE FILE

                      HR Writer Compute Statements

Contains the compute statements used with the HR Writer Report Request.
HR67.1 (HR Writer Compute Statements) is the primary program that updates this


HR60.1    HR65.2    HR65.3    HR170     HR70.1    HR70.2




PWC-AUTHOR-NAME        Alpha 10                                  HR67.1
Element: Author        Contains the author responsible for
                       this compute statement. The author name
                       must be defined in the Author file.

PWC-COLUMN-NAME        Alpha 20  (Lower Case)                    HR67.1
Element: Compute Name  Contains the compute statement name
                       that is listed under the topic CM in
                       HR65.2 (HR Writer Format Item

PWC-COMPUTE-NBR        Numeric 4                                 HR67.1
Element: Compute Nbr   Contains the sequence number of the
                       compute statement. A compute number is
                       automatically assigned in sequential
                       order by author.

PWC-FLD-NBR1           Numeric 4                                 HR67.1
Element: Item          Contains the item number if the first
                       factor of the compute statement is a
                       data dictionary item.

PWC-TOPIC1             Alpha 2                                   HR67.1
Element: Topic1        Contains the topic with which the first
                       selected item in the compute statement
                       is associated.

PWC-DB-FILE1           Alpha 3                                   HR67.1
Element: Db File1      Contains the file prefix of the item if
                       the first factor of the compute
                       statement is a data dictionary item.

PWC-CONSTANT1          Signed 11.4                               HR67.1
Element: Value         Contains the value of the constant if
                       the first factor of the compute
                       statement is a constant.

PWC-COLUMN1            Numeric 2                                 HR67.1
Element: Column HeadingContains the column used if the first
                       factor of the compute statement is one
                       of the columns defined in the report.

PWC-SIZE1              Numeric 2                                 HR67.1
Element: Size1         Contains the size of the item if the
                       first factor of the compute statement is
                       a data dictionary item.

PWC-DECIMALS1          Numeric 1                                 HR67.1
Element: Decimals1     Contains the number of decimal places
                       for the item if the first factor of the
                       compute statement is a data dictionary

PWC-PRT-TYPE1          Alpha 1                                   HR67.1
Element: Prt Type1     Contains the item's print type if the
                       first factor of the compute statement is
                       a data dictionary item.

PWC-OPER1              Alpha 1                                   HR67.1
Element: Operator 1    Contains the mathematical operation
                       performed on factors 1 and 2.
                       * = Multiply
                       + = Add
                       - = Subtract
                       / = Divide

PWC-FLD-NBR2           Numeric 4                                 HR67.1
Element: Item          Contains the item number if the second
                       factor of the compute statement is a
                       data dictionary item.

PWC-TOPIC2             Alpha 2                                   HR67.1
Element: Topic2        Contains the topic with which the
                       second selected item in the compute
                       statement is associated.

PWC-DB-FILE2           Alpha 3                                   HR67.1
Element: Db File2      Contains the file prefix of the item if
                       the second factor of the compute
                       statement is a data dictionary item.

PWC-CONSTANT2          Signed 11.4                               HR67.1
Element: Value         Contains the value of the constant if
                       the second factor of the compute
                       statement is a constant.

PWC-COLUMN2            Numeric 2                                 HR67.1
Element: Column HeadingContains the column used if the second
                       factor of the compute statement is one
                       of the columns defined in the report.

PWC-SIZE2              Numeric 2                                 HR67.1
Element: Size2         Contains the size of the item if the
                       second factor of the compute statement
                       is a data dictionary item.

PWC-DECIMALS2          Numeric 1                                 HR67.1
Element: Decimals2     Contains the number of decimal places
                       for the item if the second factor of the
                       compute statement is a data dictionary

PWC-PRT-TYPE2          Alpha 1                                   HR67.1
Element: Prt Type2     Contains the item's print type if the
                       second factor of the compute statement
                       is a data dictionary item. (See the
                       description of the HR Systems Data
                       Dictionary file for information
                       regarding print type.)

PWC-OPER2              Alpha 1                                   HR67.1
Element: Operator 2    Contains the mathematical operation
                       performed on factors 2 and 3.
                       * = Multiply
                       + = Add
                       - = Subtract
                       / = Divide

PWC-FLD-NBR3           Numeric 4                                 HR67.1
Element: Item          Contains the item number if the third
                       factor of the compute statement is a
                       data dictionary item.

PWC-TOPIC3             Alpha 2                                   HR67.1
Element: Topic3        Contains the topic with which the third
                       selected data item for the compute
                       statement is associated.

PWC-DB-FILE3           Alpha 3                                   HR67.1
Element: Db File3      Contains the file prefix of the item if
                       the third factor of the compute
                       statement is a dictionary item.

PWC-CONSTANT3          Signed 11.4                               HR67.1
Element: Value         Contains the value of the constant if
                       the third factor of the compute
                       statement is a constant.

PWC-COLUMN3            Numeric 2                                 HR67.1
Element: Column HeadingContains the column used if the third
                       factor of the compute statement is one
                       of the columns defined in the report.

PWC-SIZE3              Numeric 2                                 HR67.1
Element: Size3         Contains the size of the item if the
                       third factor of the compute statement is
                       a dictionary item.

PWC-DECIMALS3          Numeric 1                                 HR67.1
Element: Decimals3     Contains the number of decimal places
                       for the item if the third factor of the
                       compute statement is a data dictionary

PWC-PRT-TYPE3          Alpha 1                                   HR67.1
Element: Prt Type3     Contains the item's print type if the
                       third factor of the compute statement is
                       a data dictionary item. (See the
                       description of the HR Systems Data
                       Dictionary file for information
                       regarding print type.)

PWC-HEADING            Alpha 15  (Lower Case)                    HR67.1
Element: Heading       Occurs 2 Times
                       Contains the user-defined column
                       heading for the compute statement. You
                       can enter up to two lines of text.

PWC-HEADER-SIZE        Numeric 2                                 HR67.1
Element: Header Size   Contains the number of characters in
                       the largest header.

PWC-FIRST-OPER         Numeric 1                                 HR67.1
Element: First OperatorIdentifies the mathematical operation
                       that is performed first if the compute
                       statement includes 2 operations.

PWC-MIN-SIZE           Numeric 2                                 HR67.1
Element: Min Size      Contains the minimum field size. The
                       column header defined for the field
                       determines the minimum field size which
                       is used to edit the minimum field sizes
                       in HR65.3 (HR Writer Format Item Order).

                         PWCOMPUTE FILE INDEX


PWCSET1   AUTHOR-NAME                                            HR60.1  HR65.2
          COLUMN-NAME                                            HR67.1

PWCSET2   AUTHOR-NAME                                            HR170   HR65.2
          COMPUTE-NBR                                            HR65.3  HR70.1
                                                                 HR70.2  HR70.3

                         PWCOMPUTE FILE RELATIONS



Author         PWAUTHOR     Required

                            PWC-AUTHOR-NAME    -> PWA-AUTHOR-NAME

Item Nbr1      PADICT       Required
                            When PWC-FLD-NBR1 != Zeroes

                            PWC-FLD-NBR1       -> PAD-FLD-NBR

Item Nbr2      PADICT       Required
                            When PWC-FLD-NBR2 != Zeroes

                            PWC-FLD-NBR2       -> PAD-FLD-NBR

Item Nbr3      PADICT       Required
                            When PWC-FLD-NBR3 != Zeroes

                            PWC-FLD-NBR3       -> PAD-FLD-NBR