BN102 - Plan Employee Update
**Form Purpose
Run Plan Employee Update (BN102) to update employee benefits for a plan that
has coverage or contributions based on age, salary, or years of service. For
benefits based on salary, BN102 is the recommended update program when salary
is determined using an as of date or first of the month. For benefits based on
current salary, BN100 (Employee Change Benefit Update) is the recommended
update program, provided personnel actions and automation rules are used.
If a plan uses current salary to determine coverage or contribution amounts,
and you are not using personnel actions to enter employee changes that impact
salary, run BN102 to update employee benefits.
If a benefit is based on an as of date, update employee benefits before that
date. If a benefit is based on the first of the month, update employee
benefits before the first of each month. If a benefit is based on current
age, years of service, or salary, update employee benefits prior to each
payroll cycle processing.
**Processing Effect
The Benefits application stops and re-adds benefits for any employees with
age, salary, or years of service changes identified by the program.
To determine if a salary change has occurred BN102 compares the employee's
salary in effect on the salary date stored on the benefit to the salary
calculated on the Through Date. If a difference is found, the benefit will be
updated. For BN102 to find a change in salary, the salary in effect prior to
the salary change must be logged to history. If the initial salary is not
logged, BN102 will not determine that a change has occurred, even if the new
salary is logged to history.
Updated Files
BENEFIT - The Employee Benefit file contains employee benefit records
for all benefit types.
BNCOMMENTS - Comments are deleted from the Benefit Comments file when an
employee benefit is deleted.
CKPOINT - The Check Point file is used to allow recovery.
EMDEDMASTR - The Employee Deduction Master file is updated when benefits
are added, changed, or deleted.
EMPFLEXDOL - The Employee Flex Plan file is updated with flex plan
EMPFLEXREM - The Employee Flex Period Dollars file is updated with flex
EMPINVEST - The Employee Benefit Investment Distribution is updated with
the stop date when a benefit is stopped on a defined
contribution plan. The file is also updated when benefits are
EMPLOYEE - The Employee file is updated with the last deduction sequence
when a benefit is added. The file also verifies the employee.
HRDEPBEN - The Dependent Benefits file is accessed by this program.
HRHISTORY - The HR History file is accessed to retrieve annual salary for
"as of" dates.
STANDTIME - The Payroll Standard Time Record file is updated for defined
contribution plans when employee benefits are deleted or when
contributions are changed or added.
Referenced Files
BENEFICRY - The Beneficiary file is accessed to ensure disability,
employee life, defined contribution, and defined benefit plans
are not deleted if beneficiaries exist.
BNACCOUNTS - The Benefit Accounts file validates general ledger override
account information.
BNCOMPANY - The Benefit Company Parameters file validates the company.
BNCOVDFT - The Benefit Coverage Defaults file verifies whether a coverage
option is needed and that coverage defaults exist.
BNCOVERAGE - The Benefit Coverage file verifies that coverage exists for an
employee and date.
BNCOVOPT - The Benefit Coverage Options file is accessed to validate the
coverage option.
BNPOSTCODE - The Benefits Postal Code file is updated with postal codes for
the company.
BNPRMOPT - The Benefit Premium Options file is accessed to validate
BNWAIT - The Benefit Plan Waiting Period file contains waiting period
CODA - The Cash Or Deferred Account History file contains employee
account balances for defined contribution and defined benefit
COMPHIST - The Employee Compensation History file contains employee
compensation history data.
CONTRDETL - The Contribution Schedule Detail file is accessed verify
company match information and to retrieve contribution limits
and company match information.
DEDCODE - The Deduction Code file is accessed to verify deductions.
DEDFREQTBL - The Frequency Table is accessed to verify the deduction
frequency table.
DEPTCODE - The Department file is accessed to retrieve the department
EMDEPEND - The Employee Dependent file is accessed to verify dependent
EMTAMASTR - The Employee Time Accrual Master file is accessed to verify
vacation maximum hours and costs.
FLEXDOLLAR - The Flex Dollars file is used to verify flex dollar records.
FLEXPLAN - The Flex Plan file is accessed to verify that flex plans exist.
HRHISTORY - The HR History file is accessed to retrieve annual salary for
"as of" dates.
HRSECLEV - The Employee Security Level file is accessed to verify the
user security for updates.
JOBCODE - The Job Code Parameters file is accessed to retrieve the job's
annual hours for computing the salary.
NAVIGATE - The Benefit Process Order file is accessed to display plan
types in the user-defined order.
ONETMDED - The Payroll One-Time Deduction file is accessed to ensure
benefits are not deleted if a one-time deduction exists.
PAEMPLOYEE - The Employee Personnel Information file is accessed verify
that the employee exists.
PARTBEN - The COBRA Participant Benefit file is accessed to retrieve the
coverage option and benefit coverage information for COBRA
participants and retirees.
PARTICIPNT - The COBRA Participant file is accessed by this program.
PASCRTY - The Data Item Attribute Parameters file is accessed to
determine if a change should be logged.
PAYDEDUCTN - The Employee Payment Deductions file is accessed to ensure
benefits are not deleted if payments exist.
PERSGROUP - The Employee Group Header file is accessed to verify that the
group exists.
PGEMPLOYEE - The Employee Group Employees file is accessed to retrieve all
the employees in a group and to verify if an employee is in the
PGSELECT - The Employee Group Selection Criteria file is accessed to
retrieve the selection criteria for the employee group.
PLAN - The Benefits Plan file is used to verify that a plan exists.
PREMDEDHST - The Employee Deduction History file is accessed to ensure a
benefit is not deleted if a deduction was taken.
PREMIUM - The Benefit Plan Premium file is accessed to compare the plan
contribution type with the premium contribution type to be sure
it is the same. The file
also verifies that the premium exists.
PROTPAYPRD - The Overtime Pay Periods file is accessed to retrieve the pay
period start and end dates for entry verification.
PROTWRKPRD - The Overtime Work Periods file is accessed to retrieve the
work period start and stop dates for entry verification.
PROVERTIME - The Overtime Pay Plan file is accessed to verify that the pay
plan exists.
PRPROCGRP - The Payroll Process Group file is accessed to verify that the
processing group exists.
PRRATEHIST - The Employee Rate History file is accessed to retrieve the
salary for the "as of" date.
PRSAGDTL - The Step and Grade Schedule Detail file is accessed to
retrieve the salary if there is a pay step.
PRSAGHEAD - The Step and Pay Schedule Header file is accessed to retrieve
the salary for an employee with a pay step.
PRSYSTEM - The HR Company and Process Levels file is accessed to verify
that the company exists.
PRTAXLEVY - The Payroll Tax Levy file is accessed to verify the IRS levy
table for the effective year.
PRTIME - The Employee Pay/Hours History file is accessed to calculate
the waiting
PSGRELATE - The Pay Class/Pay Summary Group Relation file is accessed to
determine if hours should be added or subtracted.
RATETBLDTL - The Rate Table Detail file is accessed to retrieve the current
RATETBLHDR - The Rate Table Header file is used to verify rate table codes.
RESTRANS - The Spending Account Transactions file is accessed to ensure
benefits are not deleted if a spending account plan still
INVOKED Programs