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                             EMTAMASTR FILE

                      Employee Time Accrual Master

Contains a record for each plan in which an employee is enrolled, the dates
needed for accrual and eligible hours, and time accrual balances.

TA125 (Employee Enrollment Update) and TA60.1 (Employee Plan) update this


AC550     BN100     BN101     BN102     BN103     BN105
BN245     BN31.1    BN31.2    BN32.1    BN32.2    BN32.3
BN531     BN65.1    BN71.1    BN72.1    BS13.1    BS14.1
BS15.1    BS32.1    HR170     HR650     HR70.1    PA02.1
PA102     PA502     PR110     PR113     PR120     PR13.1
PR13.5    PR13.6    PR13.8    PR134     PR135     PR160
PR180     PR32.2    PR35.1    PR35.2    PR35.3    PR35.4
PR35.5    PR35.6    PR35.8    PR36.1    PR530     PR82.1
PR85.1    TA147     TA175     TA265     TA290     TA65.3
TA65.2    TA65.1    TA20.1    TA20.2    TA241     TA242
TA40.1    TA195     TA196     TA260     TA300     TA340


BN138     BN66.1    HR11.1    HR511     PA100     PA52.4
PR130     PR140     PR189     PR195     PR80.1    PR89.1
TA125     TA145     TA146     TA148     TA170     TA180
TA181     TA198     TA199     TA310     TA341     TA42.1
TA50.1    TA542     TA570     TA60.1    TA70.1    TA70.2
TA80.1    TA81.1    PA115


ETM-COMPANY            Numeric 4                                 HR11.1  HR511
Element: Company       Contains the number that represents an    PA100   PA52.4
                       established company.                      TA125   TA145
                                                                 TA180   TA181
                                                                 TA50.1  TA60.1
                                                                 TA80.1  TA81.1

ETM-EMPLOYEE           Numeric 9                                 HR11.1  HR511
Element: Employee      Contains the employee number which is     PA100   PA52.4
                       used to correlate all information         TA125   TA145
                       related to the employee.                  TA180   TA181
                                                                 TA50.1  TA60.1
                                                                 TA80.1  TA81.1

ETM-PLAN-NAME          Alpha 10                                  HR11.1  HR511
Element: From Plan NameContains the plan name. This is           PA100   PA52.4
                       verified in the Time Accrual Plan file.   TA125   TA145
                                                                 TA180   TA181
                                                                 TA50.1  TA60.1
                                                                 TA80.1  TA81.1

ETM-PL-ENTRY-DATE      Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     TA145   TA170
Element: Plan Entry DatContains the date the employee enrolled   TA180   TA181
                       in the plan.                              TA50.1  TA60.1
                                                                 TA80.1  TA81.1

ETM-PL-END-DATE        Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     TA180   TA181
Element: Plan End Date Contains the date the employee is no      TA50.1  TA60.1
                       longer enrolled in the plan.              TA80.1  TA81.1

ETM-RUN-DATE           Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     TA180   TA181
Element: Date          Contains the last pay period end date     TA198   TA199
                       the plan was processed through TA199      TA80.1  TA81.1
                       (Time Accrual Close).

ETM-FST-ACR-DATE       Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     TA180   TA199
Element: First Accrual Contains the first date the employee      TA60.1
                       can accrue hours. It is updated from the
                       temporary first accrual date by TA199
                       (Time Accrual Close).

ETM-LST-ACR-DATE       Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     TA170   TA180
Element: Last Accrual DContains the last date the employee       TA199   TA80.1
                       received accrual hours. TA199 (Time
                       Accrual Close) updates this field using
                       the temporary last accrual.

ETM-ACR-LMT-DATE       Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     TA199
Element: Accrual Limit Contains the last date accrual limits
                       were checked. TA199 (Time Accrual Close)
                       updates this field from the temporary
                       accrual limit date.

ETM-FST-ELIG-DATE      Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     TA145   TA180
Element: First EligibleContains the first date the employee      TA199   TA50.1
                       can have eligible hours or begin          TA60.1  TA81.1
                       transferring accrual hours. TA199 (Time
                       Accrual Close) updates this field from
                       the temporary first eligible date.

ETM-LST-ELIG-DATE      Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     TA180   TA199
Element: Last Eligible Contains the last date the employee
                       received eligible hours. TA199 (Time
                       Accrual Close) updates this field from
                       the temporary last eligible date.

ETM-ELIG-LMT-DATE      Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     TA199
Element: Eligible LimitContains the last date eligible limits
                       were checked. TA199 (Time Accrual Close)
                       updates this field from the temporary
                       eligible limit date.

ETM-ACR-BALANCE        Signed 9.4                                TA180   TA199
Element: Accrual BalancContains the employee's accrual           TA80.1
                       balance. TA199 (Time Accrual Close)
                       updates this field from the temporary
                       accrual balance.

ETM-ELIG-BALANCE       Signed 9.4                                TA148   TA180
Element: Eligible BalanContains the employee's eligible          TA181   TA198
                       balance. TA199 (Time Accrual Close)       TA199   TA80.1
                       updates this field from the temporary     TA81.1
                       eligible balance.

ETM-T-RUN-DATE         Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     BN66.1  PR130
Element: Temporary Run Contains the date TA170 (Time Accrual     PR140   PR189
                       Update) was run.                          PR195   PR80.1
                                                                 PR89.1  TA146
                       This field is the period end date from    TA170   TA198
                       PR140 (Earnings and Deductions            TA199

ETM-T-FST-AC-DATE      Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     BN66.1  PR140
Temporary First        Contains the first date the employee      PR189   PR195
Accrual Date           can accrue hours.                         PR80.1  PR89.1
                                                                 TA170   TA199

ETM-T-LST-AC-DATE      Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     BN66.1  PR140
Temporary Last         Contains the last date the employee       PR189   PR195
Accrual Date           received accrual hours.                   PR80.1  PR89.1
                                                                 TA170   TA199

ETM-T-AC-LMT-DATE      Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     BN66.1  PR140
Temporary Accrual      Contains the last date accrual limits     PR189   PR195
Lim Run Date           were checked.                             PR80.1  PR89.1
                                                                 TA170   TA199

ETM-T-FST-EL-DATE      Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     BN66.1  PR140
Temporary First        Contains the first date the employee      PR189   PR195
Eligibl Date           can have eligible hours or start          PR80.1  PR89.1
                       transferring from accrual.                TA170   TA199

ETM-T-LST-EL-DATE      Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     BN66.1  PR140
Temporary Last         Contains the last date the employee       PR189   PR195
Eligible Date          received eligible hours.                  PR80.1  PR89.1
                                                                 TA170   TA199

ETM-T-EL-LMT-DATE      Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     BN66.1  PR140
Temporary Eligible     Contains the last date eligible hours     PR189   PR195
Lim Date               were checked for limits.                  PR80.1  PR89.1
                                                                 TA170   TA199

ETM-T-ACR-BALANCE      Signed 9.4                                BN66.1  PR140
Temporary Accrual      Contains the employee's accrual balance.  PR189   PR195
Balance                                                          PR80.1  PR89.1
                                                                 TA170   TA199

ETM-T-ELG-BALANCE      Signed 9.4                                BN66.1  PR130
Temporary Eligible     Contains the employee's eligible          PR140   PR189
Balance                balance.                                  PR195   PR80.1
                                                                 PR89.1  TA146
                                                                 TA170   TA198
                                                                 TA199   TA42.1

ETM-ACR-DIST-CO        Numeric 4                                 TA60.1  TA80.1
Element: Acr Dist Co

ETM-ACR-ACCT-UNIT      Alpha 15                                  TA60.1  TA80.1
Accrual Accounting     Contains the GL Interface File accrual
Unit                   accounting unit.

ETM-ACR-ACCOUNT        Numeric 6                                 TA60.1  TA80.1
Accrual Account        Contains the GL Interface File accrual
Number                 account.

ETM-ACR-SUB-ACCT       Numeric 4                                 TA60.1  TA80.1
Accrual Subaccount     Contains the GL Interface File accrual
Number                 subaccount.

ETM-EXP-DIST-CO        Numeric 4                                 TA60.1  TA80.1
Element: Exp Dist Co

ETM-EXP-ACCT-UNIT      Alpha 15                                  TA60.1  TA80.1
Element: Accounting UniContains the GL Interface File expense
                       accounting unit.

ETM-EXP-ACCOUNT        Numeric 6                                 TA60.1  TA80.1
Element: Account       Contains the GL Interface File expense

ETM-EXP-SUB-ACCT       Numeric 4                                 TA60.1  TA80.1
Element: Subaccount    Contains the GL Interface File expense

ETM-LST-SEQ-NBR        Numeric 4                                 BN138   PR130
Element: Number of ItemContains the sequence number of the       TA146   TA148
                       last time accrual transaction record      TA170   TA180
                       created for the employee in the plan      TA181   TA42.1
                       for.                                      TA542   TA570
                                                                 TA70.1  TA70.2
                                                                 TA80.1  TA81.1

ETM-TRANSFER-FLAG      Alpha 1                                   TA170   TA180
Element: Transfer Flag Contains the value that indicates if      TA80.1
                       the transaction was a transfer from
                       another plan. The value changes to No
                       after you run TA170 (Time Accrual
                       Y = Yes
                       N = No

ETM-TA-DOLLARS         Signed 12.2                               TA148   TA181
Element: Ta Dollars                                              TA198   TA81.1

ETM-T-TA-DOLLARS       Signed 12.2                               PR130   TA146
Element: T Ta Dollars                                            TA198   TA42.1

ETM-EMPL-PERCENT       Signed 5.2                                TA50.1
Element: Empl Percent

ETM-EMPL-VAC-HRS       Numeric 7                                 TA50.1
Element: Empl Vac Hrs

ETM-COUNTRY-CODE       Alpha 2                                   HR11.1  HR511
Element: Country Code  The country code.  Required for VAT and   PA100   PA52.4
                       intrastat reporting.  Must be defined in  TA145   TA181
                        IN01.1 (Country Maintenance).            TA50.1  TA81.1

                         EMTAMASTR FILE INDEX


ETMSET1   COMPANY                                                AC550   BN100
          EMPLOYEE                                               BN101   BN102
          PLAN-NAME                                              BN103   BN105
                                                                 BN138   BN245
                                                                 BN31.1  BN31.2
                                                                 BN32.1  BN32.2
                                                                 BN32.3  BN531
                                                                 BN65.1  BN66.1
                                                                 BN71.1  BN72.1
                                                                 BS13.1  BS14.1
                                                                 BS15.1  BS32.1
                                                                 HR11.1  HR11.2
                                                                 HR170   HR511
                                                                 HR650   HR70.1
                                                                 PA02.1  PA100

ETMSET2   COMPANY                                                PR130   TA147
          PLAN-NAME                                              TA148   TA170
          EMPLOYEE                                               TA180   TA181
                                                                 TA20.1  TA20.2
                                                                 TA241   TA242
                                                                 TA310   TA341
                                                                 TA40.1  TA65.2

ETMSET3   COMPANY                                                TA146   TA170
          COUNTRY-CODE                                           TA195   TA196
          EMPLOYEE                                               TA198   TA199
          PLAN-NAME                                              TA241   TA260
                                                                 TA300   TA340
                                                                 TA50.1  TA60.1

ETMSET4   COMPANY                                                TA175   TA65.1

                         EMTAMASTR FILE RELATIONS



Accrual Acct   GLMASTER     Required
                            When ETM-ACR-ACCT-UNIT != Spaces
                            Or   ETM-ACR-ACCOUNT   != Zeroes

                            ETM-COMPANY          -> GLM-COMPANY
                            ETM-ACR-ACCT-UNIT    -> GLM-ACCT-UNIT
                            ETM-ACR-ACCOUNT      -> GLM-ACCOUNT
                            ETM-ACR-SUB-ACCT     -> GLM-SUB-ACCOUNT

Company        PRSYSTEM     Required

                            ETM-COMPANY          -> PRS-COMPANY
                            Spaces               -> PRS-PROCESS-LEVEL

Employee       EMPLOYEE     Required

                            ETM-COMPANY          -> EMP-COMPANY
                            ETM-EMPLOYEE         -> EMP-EMPLOYEE

Expense Acct   GLMASTER     Required
                            When ETM-EXP-ACCT-UNIT != Spaces
                            Or   ETM-EXP-ACCOUNT   != Zeroes

                            ETM-COMPANY          -> GLM-COMPANY
                            ETM-EXP-ACCT-UNIT    -> GLM-ACCT-UNIT
                            ETM-EXP-ACCOUNT      -> GLM-ACCOUNT
                            ETM-EXP-SUB-ACCT     -> GLM-SUB-ACCOUNT

Plan           PLANMASTER   Required

                            ETM-COMPANY          -> PLM-COMPANY
                            ETM-PLAN-NAME        -> PLM-PLAN-NAME

Plan Class     PLANCLASS    Not Required

                            ETM-COMPANY          -> PLC-COMPANY
                            PLM-PLAN-CLASS       -> PLC-PLAN-CLASS

                         EMTAMASTR FILE RELATIONS



Plan Trans     EMTATRANS    Delete Restricted

                            ETM-COMPANY          -> ETT-COMPANY
                            ETM-EMPLOYEE         -> ETT-EMPLOYEE
                            ETM-PLAN-NAME        -> ETT-PLAN-NAME

Trans Summary  EMTATRNSUM   Delete Cascades

                            ETM-COMPANY          -> EMT-COMPANY
                            ETM-EMPLOYEE         -> EMT-EMPLOYEE
                            ETM-PLAN-NAME        -> EMT-PLAN-NAME