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                            CUSTDEFLTS FILE

                          AR Customer Defaults

The AR Customer Defaults file contains a set of customer options which help
speed the entry time of adding customers. Some options may default from the
company record to the defaults record. When adding a customer, a default code
must be specified.


AR04.1    AR07.1    AR136     AR208


AR08.1    AR10.1    AR501     AR550     AR700     AR01.1


CDF-COMPANY            Numeric 4                                 AR08.1
Element: Company       Company number.

CDF-DEFAULT-CODE       Alpha 5                                   AR08.1
Element: Default Code  Default code identifying many options
                       that will be used at the customer
                       level. Each customer record will require
                       a default code at customer creation time
                       with each option maintainable at the
                       customer level.

CDF-OPEN-BAL-FWD       Alpha 1                                   AR08.1
Open Item/Balance      Processing receivable records by either
Forward                open item or balance forward methods.
                       Valid values are:

                       B = Balance forward
                       O = Open Item

CDF-AGE-DISPUTES       Alpha 1                                   AR08.1
Element: Age Disputes  This option will specify how disputed
                       invoices will be aged. Valid values are:

                       N = Age disputes in current column
                       Y = Age disputes

CDF-DISPUTES-FIN       Alpha 1                                   AR08.1
Finance Charge         This option will specify if disputed
Disputes               invoices are exempt from being assessed
                       finance charges. Valid values are:

                       N = No; finance charges do not apply
                       Y = Yes; subject to finance charges

CDF-AUTO-APP-FL        Alpha 1                                   AR08.1
Auto Application       Automatic cash application indicator.
Flag                   Valid values are:

                       N = No; no automatic cash application
                       Y = Yes; automatic cash application

CDF-DISC-GRACE-PD      Numeric 2                                 AR08.1
Discount Grace         Grace days added to discount date,
Period                 compared to payment deposit date to
                       allow discount during cash application.

CDF-MEMO-TERM          Alpha 5                                   AR08.1
Element: Memo Terms    Memo terms code. Must be a valid net or
                       prepayment type terms code defined in
                       the Lawson Terms system.

CDF-CHRGBK-PRT-FL      Alpha 1                                   AR08.1
Element: Print ChargebaThis option will specify whether
                       chargebacks will be printed. Valid
                       values are:

                       N = Do not print chargeback documents
                       Y = Print chargeback documents

CDF-STATEMENT-REQ      Alpha 1                                   AR08.1
Element: Statement RequStatement required option. If
                       statements are required the default
                       selection criteria will include current,
                       past due and credit open items. Zero
                       balance statements will not be produced
                       unless specified. Individual statement
                       options may override this set of default
                       criteria. Valid values are:

                       N = No statements required
                       Y = Statements required

CDF-STMNT-CYCLE        Alpha 2                                   AR08.1
Element: Statement CyclStatement Cycle Code. This code allows
                       grouping of customers for statements.

CDF-LOCK-BOX           Alpha 2                                   AR08.1
Element: Lock Box      This is an optional Remit-To Location
                       address code for payment receipt. If
                       entered, it must be a valid Lock Box
                       code. The remit-to location will be used
                       for external.

CDF-ZERO-STMNT-FL      Alpha 1                                   AR08.1
Element: Zero StatementZero Balance Statement option. If this
                       flag is set to Yes, a statement will be
                       produced showing no detail and a balance
                       amount of zero. Valid values are:

                       N = Do not send zero balance statements
                       Y = Send zero balance statements

CDF-CRED-STMNT-FL      Alpha 1                                   AR08.1
Element: Credit StatemeCredit balance statement option. If Yes
                       is specified, credit balance statements
                       will be produced for the customer. Valid
                       values are:

                       N = Do not print credit balance
                       Y = Print credit balance statements

CDF-PAST-STMNT-FL      Alpha 1                                   AR08.1
Past Due Only          Past due invoices only statement
Statements             option. Valid values are:

                       N = Do not print past due only
                       Y = Print past due only statements

CDF-OVER-STMNT-FL      Alpha 1                                   AR08.1
Over Credit Limit      Over credit limit statement option. If
Statements             this option is Yes, only if a customer's
                       balance is greater than the customer's
                       credit limit will a statement be
                       produced. Valid values are:

                       N = No credit limit/balance checking
                       Y = Statement only if balance exceeds
                       credit limit

CDF-MAX-AUTO-AMT       Signed 15.2 Occurs 3 Times                AR08.1
Maximum Auto           This is the maximum amount allowed
Shortage Amount        shortage during cash application that
                       will be automatically adjusted. This is
                       one of three fields that may be used for
                       this purpose. If multiple allowed
                       shortage amounts are used, they must be
                       in ascending amount sequence.

CDF-MAX-AUTO-PCT       Signed 5.5 Occurs 3 Times                 AR08.1
Maximum Auto           This is the maximum percentage allowed
Shortage Percent       shortage amount during cash application
                       that will be automatically adjusted.
                       This is one of three fields that may be
                       used for this purpose. If multiple
                       allowed shortage percentages are used,
                       they must be in ascending percent

CDF-AUTO-REAS-CD       Alpha 4 Occurs 3 Times                    AR08.1
Element: Auto Reason CoThis reason code is required if auto
                       amount or auto percent has been
                       indicated. This will allow tracking
                       adjustment records by this reason.

CDF-DISC-REAS-CD       Alpha 4                                   AR08.1
Element: Discount ReasoThis will be the default reason code
                       for earned discounts.

CDF-LATE-PAY-FL        Alpha 1                                   AR08.1
Element: Finance ChargeFinance Charge Type. It will indicate
                       what type of charges will be assessed.
                       Valid values are:

                       Blank = No charges
                       F = Finance charges assessed
                       L = Late payment charges assessed
                       B = Both finance and late payment
                       charges assessed

CDF-FIN-CALC-TYPE      Alpha 1                                   AR08.1
Finance Charge         This field will indicate what type of
Calculation            calculation will be used in determining
                       the finance charge amount. Valid values

                       D = Detail per record calculation
                       N = Net past due balance calculation

CDF-FIN-CHRG-CD        Alpha 2                                   AR08.1
Element: Finance ChargeFinance Charge code. This code must be
                       predefined and will contain a monthly
                       finance charge percentage rate.

CDF-FIN-GRAC-DAYS      Numeric 2                                 AR08.1
Finance Charge         Finance Grace Days. The number of grace
Grace Days             days added to due date before finance
                       charges will be assessed.

CDF-FIN-MIN-CHRG       Signed 7.2                                AR08.1
Minimum Finance        The minimum finance charge amount
Charge                 assessed if calculated finance is less
                       than minimum. If minimum charge is zero,
                       there is no override.

CDF-FIN-DOC-PRNT       Alpha 1                                   AR08.1
Print Finance          This option will specify whether or not
Charge Documents       finance charge documents are required to
                       be printed. Valid values are:

                       N = Do not print finance charge
                       Y = Print finance charge documents

CDF-AUTO-DUNN-FL       Alpha 1                                   AR08.1
Element: Auto Dunning LAutomatic Dunning Letter flag.
                       Indicates whether or not the customer
                       will receive automatic dunning letters.
                       Valid values are:

                       N = No automatic Dunning letters
                       Y = Automatic Dunning letters

CDF-TERMS-CD           Alpha 5                                   AR08.1
Element: Terms Code    Terms Code. This is the default terms
                       code that will be assigned to customers
                       when default code is specified. Terms
                       code must be a valid code established in
                       the AR terms code file.

CDF-CR-VAR-PCT         Numeric 3                                 AR08.1
Credit Review          Percent of a customer's balance in
Percent                relation to their credit limit for
                       review purposes. This percent will be
                       use to compare balances greater as well
                       as less than a credit limit.

CDF-USED-FL            Alpha 1                                   AR08.1  AR10.1
Element: Used Flag     Indicates whether or not the default      AR501   AR550
                       code has been used. Valid values are:

                       N = No
                       Y = Yes

CDF-AGING-CODE         Numeric 2                                 AR08.1
Element: Aging Code    This field contains a valid aging code
                       for single customer agings.

CDF-POD-REQ-FL         Alpha 1                                   AR08.1
Element: POD Required  POD required flag. Used by Lawson Order
                       Entry system. Customer requires that a
                       Proof of Delivery form to accompany the
                       shipment. The shipment will not be
                       billed until POD is returned or the POD
                       grace period expires.
                       N = No
                       Y = Yes

CDF-GRACE-PER          Numeric 3                                 AR08.1
Element: Grace Period  Used by Lawson Order Entry. The number
                       of days after the POD is printed after
                       which billing will automatically assume
                       it is OK to bill the customer.

CDF-SGL-ORD-LIM        Signed 13.0                               AR08.1
Element: Single Order LLimit to the value of a single order.
                       Used by Lawson Order Entry system.

CDF-SGL-HOLD-CODE      Alpha 4                                   AR08.1
Single Order Hold      Used by Lawson Order Entry system. Hold
Code                   code to apply to a non-COD order when
                       the order total amount exceeds the
                       single order limit. If single order
                       limit greater than zero, then this field
                       is required. If the single order limit
                       equals zero and single order hold code
                       is entered, then every non-COD order
                       will be on hold.

CDF-COD-LIM            Signed 13.0                               AR08.1
Element: COD Limit     Total value limit for COD orders. Used
                       by Lawson Order Entry system.

CDF-COD-HOLD-CODE      Alpha 4                                   AR08.1
Element: COD Hold Code This is the hold code applied to the
                       order if it exceeds the COD order limit.
                       Used by Lawson Order Entry system.

CDF-ENT-CHECK-FL       Alpha 1                                   AR08.1
Credit Check on        Used by Lawson Order Entry system.
Order Entry            Entry check flag indicates whether
                       credit checking is performed when orders
                       are entered.
                       N = No
                       Y = Yes

CDF-PRT-CHECK-FL       Alpha 1                                   AR08.1
Credit Check on        Used by Lawson Order Entry system.
Picking Lists          Print check flag indicates whether
                       credit checking is performed prior to
                       printing picking lists.
                       N = No
                       Y = Yes

CDF-SHP-CHECK-FL       Alpha 1
Credit Check on        Used by Lawson Order Entry system.
Shipping               Shipping check indicates whether credit
                       checking is performed prior to accepting
                       shipping feedback for an order.

CDF-AGE-CRED-PCT       Percent 5.2  (Percent) Occurs 5 Times     AR08.1
Age Credit Limit       Used by Lawson Order Entry system. This
Percent                is the percentage of the credit limit
                       allowed in this aging period.

CDF-AGE-HOLD-CD        Alpha 4 Occurs 5 Times                    AR08.1
Element: Aging Hold CodUsed by Lawson Order Entry system. This
                       is the hold code applied to an order if
                       it is added when the customer fails the
                       credit check because of the aging period

CDF-TAX-EXEMPT-CD      Alpha 1                                   AR08.1
Element: Tax Exempt CodThis field will indicate if the
                       customer is exempt from tax. Valid
                       values are:

                       E = Exempt
                       T = Taxable

CDF-TAX-CODE           Alpha 10                                  AR08.1
Element: Tax Code      A user-defined code representing a
                       default tax code. Must be a valid code
                       in the Tax Code file.

CDF-FREIGHT-CODE       Alpha 2                                   AR08.1
Element: Add On Cost CoThis field contains the freight code.
                       This is must be valid in the OE Freight
                       Code file. This determines whether
                       carrier and charge are allowed for the

CDF-CARRIER            Alpha 9  (Right Justified)                AR08.1
Element: Vendor ID

CDF-CIA-FL             Alpha 1                                   AR08.1
Element: Cash In AdvancIndicates whether the customer must pay
                       cash in advance. Valid values are:

                       N = No (default)
                       Y = Yes

CDF-CIA-PCT            Percent 8.5  (Percent)                    AR08.1
Cash In Advance        If cash in advance is required, this
Percent                field indicates the percentage of the
                       order amount required from the customer
                       before accepting an order.

CDF-ORD-DISC-CODE      Alpha 4                                   AR08.1
Accounts Receivable    Order discount code used to assess
Code                   discounts on customer orders. Must be a
                       valid order discount code in the Lawson
                       Order Entry system.

CDF-TERRITORY          Alpha 4                                   AR08.1
Element: Sales TerritorSales territory. Must be a valid
                       territory code.

CDF-PRICE-LST          Alpha 14                                  AR08.1
Element: Price List    Used to automatically price orders.
                       Must be a valid price list in the Lawson
                       Order Entry system.

CDF-BACK-ORD-FL        Alpha 1                                   AR08.1
Backorders Allowed     Indicates whether the customer accepts
Flag                   backorders. Valid values are:

                       N = No
                       Y = Yes

CDF-SHIP-COMP-FL       Alpha 1                                   AR08.1
Element: Ship Complete Indicates whether orders must be
                       complete for shipment. Valid values are:

                       N = No
                       Y = Yes

CDF-DEF-SHIP-TO        Numeric 4                                 AR08.1
Element: Ship-to Code  Default ship-to location. Must be a
                       valid ship-to code in the Lawson Order
                       Entry system.

CDF-DEF-METHOD         Alpha 10                                  AR08.1
Element: Opt Method    Default shipment method.

CDF-BRKN-CS-CHRG       Alpha 1                                   AR08.1
Element: Broken Case ChThis flag determines if there is a
                       charge if a broken case is required to
                       satisfy an order in Order Entry.
                       N = No
                       Y = Yes

CDF-AR-CODE            Alpha 4                                   AR08.1
Accounts Receivable    AR Code.  This will be the default
Code                   account that will be used in posting the
                       receivables for customers.

CDF-BANK-INST-CODE     Alpha 3                                   AR08.1
Element: Payment Code  This is the default payment code of the
                       customer. It will edit to the Cash
                       Ledger Payment code file. It must be an
                       payment type of cash (check) or Bill of
                       Exchange to be a valid default payment

CDF-DRAFT-FLAG         Alpha 1                                   AR08.1
Element: Bill of ExchanIf the payment code type is a bill of
                       exchange, this field will indicate if
                       the bill of exchange will be generated
                       in summary, or individually (1 BOE for 1
                       Invoice). Valid values are:

                       I = Individual BOE per payment
                       S = Summarize payment obligation to one
                       bill of exchange

CDF-MAJOR-CLASS        Alpha 4                                   AR08.1
Element: Major Class   Major class for customer

CDF-MINOR-CLASS        Alpha 4                                   AR08.1
Element: Minor Class   Minor class for customer

CDF-CREDIT-ANLYST      Alpha 4                                   AR08.1
Element: Credit AnalystCredit analyst code.

CDF-SALESMAN           Numeric 4                                 AR08.1
Element: SalesRep      This field contains the code that
                       represents the primary salesrep of this
                       line. If left blank, this defaults from
                       the order header.

CDF-REVALUE-FL         Alpha 1                                   AR08.1
Element: Revaluation   Currency revaluation indicator used for
                       non-base currency open items. Valid
                       values are:

                       N = No revaluation
                       Y = Revaluation

CDF-CR-LIMIT-HOLD      Alpha 4                                   AR08.1
Element: Credit Limit HIndicates whether a customer is on hold
                       due to exceeding credit limit.

CDF-OR-LIMIT-HOLD      Alpha 4                                   AR08.1
Element: Order Limit HoIndicates whether a customer is on hold
                       due to exceeding order limit.

CDF-PK-PRIORITY        Numeric 2                                 AR08.1
Element: Picking PrioriPicking priority assigned to this
                       customer. Used by batch inventory
                       allocation to determine which customers
                       get first option on available inventory.

CDF-SALESMAN-2         Numeric 4                                 AR08.1
Element: SalesRep 2    This field contains the code
                       representing the second salesrep. This
                       defaults from the order header.

CDF-COMM-SPLIT         Percent 5.3  (Percent)                    AR08.1
Commission Split       This field contains the commission
Percentage             split. This defaults from OECUSTOMER.

CDF-ACKNOW-FL          Alpha 1                                   AR08.1
Acknowledgement        Indicates whether the customer requires
Required Flag          printed acknowledgments. Valid values

                       N = No
                       Y = Yes

CDF-PO-REQ-FL          Alpha 1                                   AR08.1
Element: POD Required  Indicates whether the customer's
                       purchase order number must be entered
                       before releasing an order. Valid values

                       N = No
                       Y = Yes

CDF-DEF-LOCATION       Alpha 5                                   AR08.1
Element: Location Code Default ship-from location or warehouse
                       for the customer.

CDF-CUSTOMER-CODE      Alpha 4                                   AR08.1
Element: Customer Code Customer code. This is a code used to
                       classify customers for Sales Analysis.

CDF-MINIMUM            Alpha 1                                   AR08.1
Use Minimum Finance    Used to determine if minimum finance
Charge                 charges are used. Valid values are:

                       Y = Use minimum amount if calculated
                       amount is less than minimum amount.
                       N = No charge if calculated amount is
                       less than minimum amount.  If minimum
                       amount is blank, then calculated amount
                       is charged.

CDF-FIN-CYCLE          Alpha 2                                   AR08.1
Element: Finance Cycle Defaults cycle code used to group
                       customers for finance charge processing.

CDF-DUN-CYCLE          Alpha 2                                   AR08.1
Element: Dunning Cycle Default cycle code used to group
                       customers for dunning letter selection
                       by AR160 (Dunning Letter Select).

CDF-AUTO-METHOD        Alpha 1                                   AR08.1
Auto Cash              Indicates the default automatic cash
Application Method     application method.
                       " " = None
                       A = Algorithm
                       B = Balance Forward
                       L = Last Statetment
                       R = Remittance

CDF-LINE-ITEM-REQ      Alpha 1                                   AR08.1
Element: Line Items ReqIndicates if line items are required
                       for an invoice. Valid values:

                       N = Line items are not produced
                       Y = Line items are produced

CDF-AUTO-REMOVE        Alpha 1                                   AR08.1  AR700
Element: All Flag      Field will determine if transactions can
                       be automatically written off.
                       N = No
                       Y = Yes

CDF-CB-DTL-DATE        Alpha 1                                   AR08.1
Element: Cb Dtl Date   This field will control the dates used
                       in calculating the the transaction and
                       due dates for detail chargebacks.
                       I = Invoice
                       P = Payment

CDF-I-FIN-MIN-CHRG     Signed 7.2                                AR08.1
Element: I Fin Min ChrgMinimum finance charge amount for an

CDF-DUN-LTR-IND        Alpha 1                                   AR08.1
Element: Dun Ltr Ind   Specifies whether the advanced dunning
                       letter process is to be used for this

CDF-DUN-PROCESS-CD     Alpha 6                                   AR08.1
Element: Dun Process CdDunning letter process code for this
                       customer.  A unique code that represents
                       a combination of Dunning letter options.

CDF-LANGUAGE-CODE      Alpha 10                                  AR08.1
Element: Language Code The customer's preferred language code
                       (locale).  Specifies the language in
                       which a dunning letter is sent.

CDF-ASSESS-DUN-FEE     Alpha 1                                   AR08.1
Element: Assess Dun FeeSpecifies whether to assess a dunning
                       letter fee.

CDF-TAX-PRINT-CD       Alpha 1                                   AR08.1
Element: Tax Print Cd  D = Calc by line - print detail
                       P = Price incl tax - print summary
                       S = Calc by line - print summary
                       T = Calc and print in summary
                       " " = Space

                         CUSTDEFLTS FILE INDEX


CDFSET1   COMPANY       This path is used for record uniqueness  AR01.1  AR04.1
          DEFAULT-CODE  and selection.                           AR07.1  AR08.1
                                                                 AR10.1  AR10.4
                                                                 AR136   AR208
                                                                 AR501   AR550

                         CUSTDEFLTS FILE RELATIONS



Agingholdcode  HOLDCODES    Required

                            ACO-CUST-GROUP       -> HDD-CUST-GROUP
                            CDF-AGE-HOLD-CD      -> HDD-HOLD-CODE

Arcomp         ARCOMP       Required

                            CDF-COMPANY          -> ACO-COMPANY

Arreason       ARREASON     Required
                            When CDF-AUTO-REAS-CD != Spaces

                            CDF-COMPANY          -> ARR-COMPANY
                            "AD"                 -> ARR-TYPE
                            CDF-AUTO-REAS-CD     -> ARR-REASON-CODE

Codholdcode    HOLDCODES    Required
                            When CDF-COD-HOLD-CODE != Spaces

                            ACO-CUST-GROUP       -> HDD-CUST-GROUP
                            CDF-COD-HOLD-CODE    -> HDD-HOLD-CODE

Sglholdcode    HOLDCODES    Required
                            When CDF-SGL-HOLD-CODE != Spaces

                            ACO-CUST-GROUP       -> HDD-CUST-GROUP
                            CDF-SGL-HOLD-CODE    -> HDD-HOLD-CODE