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                            FLEXDOLLAR FILE

                              Flex Dollars

The Flex Dollars file contains the parameters used to calculate flex dollars
for employees.

BN08.1 (Flex Dollars) is the primary program that updates this file.


BN02.1    BN02.3    BN02.2    BN02.4    BN02.5    BN06.1
BN100     BN101     BN102     BN103     BN104     BN105
BN145     BN206     BN232     BN238     BN245     BN246
BN258     BN259     BN31.1    BN31.2    BN32.1    BN32.2
BN32.3    BN320     BN325     BN331     BN340     BN45.1
BN531     BN65.1    BN71.1    BN72.1    BS09.1    BS10.1
BS11.1    BS12.1    BS13.1    BS14.1    BS15.1    BS32.1
HR55.1    BN138     LP138


BN00.1    BN08.1    BN90.1


FLD-COMPANY            Numeric 4                                 BN08.1
Element: Company Hr    Contains the company number.

FLD-FLEX-PLAN          Alpha 4                                   BN08.1
Element: Flex Plan     Contains the flex plan name.

FLD-START-DATE         Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     BN08.1
Element: Start Date    Contains the flex dollar start date.
                       The month and date corresponds to the
                       month and date on the flex plan.

FLD-GROUP-NAME         Alpha 10                                  BN08.1
Element: Group Name    Contains the employee group used to
                       define flex dollars.

FLD-STOP-DATE          Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                     BN08.1
Element: Stop Date     Contains the flex dollar's stop date.
                       This is calculated as 12 months from the
                       start date.

FLD-CMP-BASE-AMT       Signed 11.2                               BN08.1
Element: Cmp Base Amt  Contains the base amount of dollars the
                       company gives each employee.

FLD-CMP-BASE-PCT       Signed 5.2                                BN08.1
Element: Cmp Base Pct  Contains the percent of an employee's
                       salary used to determine how many flex
                       dollars the employee receives.

FLD-ADD-TO-GRS-PCT     Signed 5.2                                BN08.1
Element: Add To Grs PctContains the percent of unspent flex
                       dollars which employees can add to
                       taxable wages.

FLD-MIN-TOT-CREDTS     Signed 11.2                               BN08.1
Element: Min Tot CredtsContains the minimum number of credits
                       an employee receives.

FLD-MAX-TOT-CREDTS     Signed 11.2                               BN08.1
Element: Max Tot CredtsContains the maximum number of credits
                       an employee receives.

FLD-EMP-BASE-AMT       Signed 11.2                               BN08.1
Element: Emp Base Amt  Contains the amount of an employee's
                       salary which can be spent on a pre-tax
                       basis to purchase benefits.

FLD-EMP-BASE-PCT       Signed 5.2                                BN08.1
Element: Emp Base Pct  Contains the percent of an employee's
                       salary which can be spent on a pre-tax
                       basis to purchase benefits.

FLD-SALARY-TYPE        Alpha 2                                   BN08.1
Element: Salary Type   Defines the salary that is used to
                       calculate the flex dollars.
                       EM = HR11 Salary
                       B1 = Benefit Salary 1
                       B2 = Benefit Salary 2
                       B3 = Benefit Salary 3
                       B4 = Benefit Salary 4
                       B5 = Benefit Salary 5
                       E1 = HR11 and Ben Sal 1
                       E2 = HR11 and Ben Sal 2
                       E3 = HR11 and Ben Sal 3
                       E4 = HR11 and Ben Sal 4
                       E5 = HR11 and Ben Sal 5
                       ET = Total Emp Salary
                       T1 = Total Emp and Sal 1
                       T2 = Total Emp and Sal 2
                       T3 = Total Emp and Sal 3
                       T4 = Total Emp and Sal 4
                       T5 = Total Emp and Sal 5
                       X = Custom Calculation

FLD-SALARY-DATE        Numeric 4  (mmdd)                         BN08.1
Element: Salary Date   If flex dollars are based on the
                       employee's salary, and the salary is
                       determined on a specific month and day,
                       this field contains the date the salary
                       is determined.

FLD-SAL-FIRST-MO       Alpha 1                                   BN08.1
Element: Sal First Mo  If flex dollars are based on salary,
                       this field determines the salary
                       calculation date.
                       C = Current
                       M = First of Month
                       A = As of Date

FLD-SAL-ROUND-METH     Alpha 1                                   BN08.1
Element: Sal Round MethIf flex dollars are based on salary,
                       this field defines how the salary amount
                       should be rounded.
                       H = High
                       L = Low
                       R = Normal
                       N = No Rounding

FLD-SAL-BEF-AFT        Alpha 1                                   BN08.1
Element: Sal Bef Aft   If flex dollars are based on the
                       salary, this field defines when the
                       salary should be rounded. It does not
                       affect the calculation.
                       B = Before
                       A = After

FLD-SAL-ROUND-TO       Signed 9.4                                BN08.1
Element: Sal Round To  If the salary amount is rounded, this
                       defines to what place the amount is

FLD-MIN-SALARY         Signed 11.2                               BN08.1
Element: Min Salary    Contains the minimum salary for
                       calculating flex dollars.

                       If an employee's salary is less than
                       this amount, the system uses this amount
                       to calculate flex dollars for the

FLD-MAX-SALARY         Signed 11.2                               BN08.1
Element: Max Salary    Contains the maximum salary that can be
                       used in the flex dollar calculation.

                       If the employee's salary is greater
                       than this amount, the system uses this
                       amount to calculate flex dollars for the

FLD-AGE-DATE           Numeric 4  (mmdd)                         BN08.1
Element: Age Date      If flex dollars are based on a specific
                       age, this field contains the date on
                       which the age is calculated.

FLD-AGE-FIRST-MO       Alpha 1                                   BN08.1
Element: Age First Mo  If the flex dollars are calculated for
                       specific ages, this field determines the
                       age calculation date.
                       C = Current
                       M = First of Month
                       A = As of Date

FLD-AGE-RATE-TBL       Alpha 4                                   BN08.1
Element: Age Rate Tbl  If flex dollars are calculated for
                       specific ages, this is the table used to
                       define flex dollars ages.

FLD-AGE-CREDIT         Signed 11.2                               BN08.1
Element: Age Credit    Contains the age flex credits.

FLD-AGE-ROUND-METH     Alpha 1                                   BN08.1
Element: Age Round MethIf flex dollars are based on age, this
                       field defines how the age credits should
                       be  rounded.
                       H = High
                       L = Low
                       R = Normal
                       N = No Rounding

FLD-AGE-BEF-AFT        Alpha 1                                   BN08.1
Element: Age Bef Aft   If flex dollars are based on age, this
                       field determines when rounding is
                       performed. It has no affect on
                       B = Before
                       A = After

FLD-AGE-ROUND-TO       Signed 9.4                                BN08.1
Element: Age Round To  If flex credits are rounded, this field
                       defines to what place the amount is

FLD-AGE-MIN-CREDTS     Signed 11.2                               BN08.1
Element: Age Min CredtsContains the minimum number of credits
                       for an age.

FLD-AGE-MAX-CREDTS     Signed 11.2                               BN08.1
Element: Age Max CredtsContains the maximum number of credits
                       for an age.

FLD-FROM-DATE          Alpha 2                                   BN08.1
Element: From Date     Contains the code that defines the date
                       from which service credits are
                       HI = Hire Date
                       AJ = Adjusted Hire Date
                       AN = Anniversary Date
                       SN = Seniority Date
                       B1 = Benefit Date 1
                       B2 = Benefit Date 2
                       B3 = Benefit Date 3
                       B4 = Benefit Date 4
                       B5 = Benefit Date 5
                       X = Custom Calculation

FLD-SERV-DATE          Numeric 4  (mmdd)                         BN08.1
Element: Serv Date     If flex dollars are based on service,
                       and service is determined on a certain
                       month and day, this field contains the
                       day to be used.

FLD-SERV-FIRST-MO      Alpha 1                                   BN08.1
Element: Serv First Mo If the flex dollars include service
                       credits, this field contains the service
                       calculation month and days.
                       C = Current
                       M = First of Month
                       A = As of Date

FLD-SERV-RATE-TBL      Alpha 4                                   BN08.1
Element: Serv Rate Tbl If flex dollars are calculated based on
                       years of service, this is the rate table
                       used to define the service credits.

FLD-SERV-CREDIT        Signed 11.2                               BN08.1
Element: Serv Credit   Contains the service flex credits.

FLD-SERV-RND-METH      Alpha 1                                   BN08.1
Element: Serv Rnd Meth If flex dollars are based on service,
                       this field defines how the service
                       credits should be rounded.
                       H = High
                       L = Low
                       R = Normal
                       N = No Rounding

FLD-SERV-BEF-AFT       Alpha 1                                   BN08.1
Element: Serv Bef Aft  If service credits are rounded, this
                       field defines the place to which the
                       amount is rounded.
                       B = Before
                       A = After

FLD-SERV-ROUND-TO      Signed 9.4                                BN08.1
Element: Serv Round To If the service credits are rounded,
                       this defines to what place the amount is

FLD-SERV-MIN-CREDT     Signed 11.2                               BN08.1
Element: Serv Min CredtContains the minimum number of credits
                       for a service.

FLD-SERV-MAX-CREDT     Signed 11.2                               BN08.1
Element: Serv Max CredtContains the maximum number of credits
                       for a service.

FLD-DEP-FIRST-MO       Alpha 1                                   BN08.1
Element: Dep First Mo  If flex dollars include dependent
                       credits, this field contains the date
                       used to determine the number of
                       dependents from the HR History file.
                       A = As of Date
                       C = Current
                       M = First of Month

FLD-DEP-RATE-TBL       Alpha 4                                   BN08.1
Element: Dep Rate Tbl  If flex dollars are based on the number
                       of dependents, this field contains the
                       rate table used to define the number of
                       dependent credits.

FLD-DEP-DATE           Numeric 4  (mmdd)                         BN08.1
Element: Dep Date      If flex dollars are based on the number
                       of dependents, this contains the month
                       and year used to determine the number of
                       dependents from the HR History file.

FLD-LIFE-FIRST-MO      Alpha 1                                   BN08.1
Element: Life First Mo If flex dollars are based on the number
                       of lifestyle credits, this field
                       contains the date used to define the
                       number of lifestyle credits from the HR
                       History file.
                       A = As of Date
                       C = Current
                       M = First of Month

FLD-LIFE-RATE-TBL      Alpha 4                                   BN08.1
Element: Life Rate Tbl If flex dollars are based on the number
                       of lifestyle credits, this field
                       contains the rate table used to define
                       the number of lifestyle credits.

FLD-LIFE-DATE          Numeric 4  (mmdd)                         BN08.1
Element: Life Date     If flex dollars are based on the number
                       of lifestyle credits, this field
                       contains the month and year used to
                       determine the number of lifestyle
                       credits from the HR History file.

FLD-LAST-CMT-SEQ       Numeric 4                                 BN90.1
Element: Last Cmt Seq  Contains the sequence number of the
                       last comment.

FLD-SALARY-YEAR        Numeric 4                                 BN08.1
Element: Salary Year   If flex dollars are based on salary
                       year, and an "as of" date is used, this
                       field contains the year.

FLD-AGE-YEAR           Numeric 4                                 BN08.1
Element: Age Year      If flex dollars are based on age and an
                       "as of" date is used, this field
                       contains the year.

FLD-SERV-YEAR          Numeric 4                                 BN08.1
Element: Serv Year     If flex credits are based on a service
                       and an "as of" date is used, this field
                       contains the year.

FLD-DEP-YEAR           Numeric 4                                 BN08.1
Element: Dep Year      If flex dollars are based on dependents
                       and an "as of" date is used, this field
                       contains the year.

FLD-LIFE-YEAR          Numeric 4                                 BN08.1
Element: Life Year     If flex dollars are based on lifestyle
                       credits and an "as of" date is used,
                       this field contains the year.

Element: Cash Plan Flag" " = Not Applicable
                       1 = Cash
                       2 = Plan

Element: After Tax FlagN = No
                       Y = Yes

FLD-PLAN-TYPE-1        Alpha 2
Element: Plan Type

FLD-PLAN-TYPE-2        Alpha 2
Element: Plan Type

FLD-PLAN-TYPE-3        Alpha 2
Element: Plan Type

FLD-PLAN-TYPE-4        Alpha 2
Element: Plan Type

FLD-PLAN-CODE-1        Alpha 4
Element: Plan Code     Contains the user-defined code that
                       represents a benefit plan.

FLD-PLAN-CODE-2        Alpha 4
Element: Plan Code     Contains the user-defined code that
                       represents a benefit plan.

FLD-PLAN-CODE-3        Alpha 4
Element: Plan Code     Contains the user-defined code that
                       represents a benefit plan.

FLD-PLAN-CODE-4        Alpha 4
Element: Plan Code     Contains the user-defined code that
                       represents a benefit plan.

                         FLEXDOLLAR FILE INDEX


FLDSET1   COMPANY                                                BN00.1  BN02.1
          FLEX-PLAN                                              BN02.3  BN06.1
          START-DATE                                             BN08.1  BN100
          GROUP-NAME                                             BN101   BN102
                                                                 BN103   BN104
                                                                 BN105   BN145
                                                                 BN206   BN232
                                                                 BN238   BN245
                                                                 BN246   BN258
                                                                 BN259   BN31.1
                                                                 BN31.2  BN32.1
                                                                 BN32.2  BN32.3
                                                                 BN320   BN325
                                                                 BN331   BN340
                                                                 BN45.1  BN531

FLDSET3   COMPANY                                                BN100   BN101
          FLEX-PLAN                                              BN102   BN103
          START-DATE*                                            BN105   BN138
          GROUP-NAME                                             BN145   BN232
                                                                 BN245   BN31.1
                                                                 BN31.2  BN32.1
                                                                 BN32.2  BN32.3
                                                                 BN320   BN331
                                                                 BN340   BN45.1
                                                                 BN531   BN65.1
                                                                 BN71.1  BN72.1
                                                                 BS09.1  BS10.1
                                                                 BS11.1  BS12.1
                                                                 BS13.1  BS14.1
                                                                 BS15.1  BS32.1

FLDSET4   COMPANY       KeyChange, Subset                        BN02.1  BN02.2
          FLEX-PLAN     Where (AGE-RATE-TBL  != Spaces )         BN02.3  BN02.4
          START-DATE    Or    (SERV-RATE-TBL != Spaces )         BN02.5
          GROUP-NAME    Or    (DEP-RATE-TBL  != Spaces )
                        Or    (LIFE-RATE-TBL != Spaces )

                         FLEXDOLLAR FILE RELATIONS



Age Rate Tbl   RATETBLHDR   Required

                            FLD-COMPANY          -> RTH-COMPANY
                            FLD-AGE-RATE-TBL     -> RTH-TABLE-CODE
                            FLD-START-DATE       -> RTH-START-DATE

Company        BNCOMPANY    Required

                            FLD-COMPANY          -> BNC-COMPANY

Company Name   PRSYSTEM     Required

                            FLD-COMPANY          -> PRS-COMPANY
                            Spaces               -> PRS-PROCESS-LEVEL

Dep Rate Tbl   RATETBLHDR   Required

                            FLD-COMPANY          -> RTH-COMPANY
                            FLD-DEP-RATE-TBL     -> RTH-TABLE-CODE
                            FLD-START-DATE       -> RTH-START-DATE

Flexible Plan  FLEXPLAN     Required

                            FLD-COMPANY          -> FLP-COMPANY
                            FLD-FLEX-PLAN        -> FLP-FLEX-PLAN

Life Rate Tbl  RATETBLHDR   Required

                            FLD-COMPANY          -> RTH-COMPANY
                            FLD-LIFE-RATE-TBL    -> RTH-TABLE-CODE
                            FLD-START-DATE       -> RTH-START-DATE

Persgroup      PERSGROUP    Required

                            FLD-COMPANY          -> PRG-COMPANY
                            FLD-GROUP-NAME       -> PRG-GROUP-NAME

Serv Rate Tbl  RATETBLHDR   Required

                            FLD-COMPANY          -> RTH-COMPANY
                            FLD-SERV-RATE-TBL    -> RTH-TABLE-CODE
                            FLD-START-DATE       -> RTH-START-DATE

                         FLEXDOLLAR FILE RELATIONS



Emp Flex Dol   EMPFLEXDOL   Delete Restricted

                            FLD-COMPANY          -> EFD-COMPANY
                            FLD-START-DATE       -> EFD-START-DATE