Forum: Lawson S3 Procurement

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PO130 Report      

Started By  Denise
When I try to print a PO130 report for a previous date, I get a blank report.  We have it set up so that the box for receiver print changes to 'N' overnight and will not allow me to change it to 'Y' to be able to print.
2 6389 0

Pharmacy through Lawson      

Started By  pglibra
Hello all, I was searching in the forum for pharmacy in Lawson and came across a very old post. Was wondering if anyone is using Lawson for Pharmacy orders and, if so, how they are doing it basically Word on the street is it cannot be done. Thanks pglibra
5 6905 0
by Kat V

IC11 Comment printing on PO      

Started By  jerstudd
I have a coworker that has created a Purchase Order with only one item on it. When she prints the Purchase Order the comment that was added in ic11 (Itemmast) for that item prints on the actual Purchase Order. I have never seen this happen before. Does anyone have any idea why the comment from IC11 is printing on the Purchase Order Is there an option somewhere that specifies to include/print the IC11 comment with the Purchase Order Any help would be greatly appreciated.
4 7269 0
by LaDora

PO31 Vendor Returns and Reduce Quantity Received      

Started By  Jeremy
The scenario: Order 10 EA Receive 10 Invoiced 10 Pay Invoice Need to return/replace 5 that were shipped defective Do PO31 Enter Credit Memo   Now, how do we handle the next steps:  We need to be able to receive the 5 'new' ones from the vendor and then enter the second invoice for the 5 'new' ones.  The first invoice was for all 10 and we entered and paid it.  Since 5 were defective, the vendor gives us a credit memo for them.   When we do a PO31, I wou...
3 5637 0
by Jeremy

Item Sourcing Differently on RQ10 and RQC      

Started By  JODAMORE
We recently did a conversion for primary distributor.  We changed all applicable IC12 Sourcing, PO13, and IC81/IC82 locs accordingly. However, we are running into instances where someone is ordering an item that is off contract, but RQC is still sourcing to the old distributor.  The Vendor PN populates with our internal item because the PO13 record is inactivated.  This REQ LOC also does not have this item in its IC81 listing, so it wasn't driven by IC81. My experience is that this occurs wh...
4 6156 0
by Jeremy

POEDI - ED501      

Started By  Bev Edwards
How does this process work   I know you need an ftp address to transmit files in either direction, but I was looking for a more technical description.
2 5815 0
by darwin collins


Started By  JoseLuis
We wrote the sql query below to pull non-stock item usage but it takes a long time to run. We added the sql to a Crystal Report and published it to our LBI dashboard for our Purchasing department to use. Is there a way to speed up this query     select, pli.po_number, pli.po_release, pli.po_code, pli.vendor, pli.line_nbr as line_nbr,  pcr.tot_order_amt, pcr.dropship_fl, pcr.open_po_amt, pcr.term_code, mmd.acct_unit, mmd.account, mmd.sub_acct, mmd.dist_com...
2 7294 0
by JoseLuis

Releasing MA54      

Started By  Amanda Valcik
Has anyone automated the release of MA54 records  Used an AddIns to update MA54 records but need to release them so MA540 db input mode will pick up the changes.
3 5828 0

IC222 Unreleased documents      

Started By  Bev Edwards
There were 47 pages this morning when IC222 was run. Normally, only one page with a few unreleased.   Looked at a couple of these reqs and they are all IS type from our Physicial inventory. Where should I look first to see why there are so many.
1 6128 0
by brupp

Need to run a report of all open Service Type PO's      

Started By  Bev Edwards
What is the most efficient way to run a report to capture all open Service type PO's   Does Lawson have a canned report that can be extracted into CSV, then filtered
1 7009 0
by Jason Beard

PO529 and MA531      

Started By  NatalieD
We are looking into creating a automated process using PO529 and MA531. Does anyone know if there's a way to schedule the PO529 We want to schedule but have the early delivery date update to the prior date when it is run. Infor tech says it's not possible. I was curious if anyone uses this job for daily maintenance since it apparently has to be manually run each day.
3 6137 0
by B Ledet

Nonstock on Inventory POs      

Started By  TerriS
I'm trying to find a way to keep nonstock items from being added to an inventory PO when using PO100. Does anybody else have this problem
2 5505 0
by Deleted User

Cost Message Issue      

Started By  brupp
Hello - We have an unusual cost message where both the UOM & cost are discrepant.  We want to accept invoice cost, but when we do, Lawson throws a Cannot Accept Message & Change Amount error (see attached).  I opened an incident with Infor & they advised to let the Unit Cost Amount default (we normally fill it in).  The default amount showed as 4.103, which is 410.2995/100, which matches up with the IC11 UOM conv factor.  This closed the message but MA60.3 showed as out of balance.  Now Infor is...
1 5675 0
by Kat V

RQC 10.0.6 Customizing the Home Button      

Started By  Sarah
My end users do not use templates, or Punchout at this time.  I would like know how to find these on the Home screen within RQC and have the 'My Most Recent Requisitions' section to utilize the whole top portion as seen in the screen shot attached. I would also like to hide the Template button along the top as well Any and all help is welcomed. Thank you in advance for your help.
3 5396 0
by Sarah

PO20 for receipts by commodity      

Started By  brupp
Hello - Our Materials & Purchasing managers have proposed creating a no charge PO for our food vendors strictly for purposes of receipt & creation of a delivery ticket.  This would help the folks on the dock know where deliveries go.  We do not use Lawson for these orders normally.  Is anyone currently doing this  Any issues to be concerned with, or is there perhaps a better solution  Thanks.
0 3256 0

PO135 v9 vs. v10      

Started By  Jordan
We upgraded from v9/On-Premise to v10/Cloud in September.  When I ran PO135 for September month end, I noticed there were a bunch of lines from the time we went live five years ago to present day, that were not on the report from previous months.  After looking into these PO lines, most appear to be Matched, Not Received issues and then there are a handful (from what I have seen so far) that actually have a Closed status.  I have an incident open with Infor and they claim that 'this is a common ...
3 5928 0
by Kat V

Service PO Lines - Add Credit To Closed Line      

Started By  Jeremy
Here's the scenario: A PO line is for an item type of quantity service; 3 EA at $100 each.  If we get an invoice in for all three and match it, the PO line will then close. But, we discover we the vendor only provided 2 of the the 3 servicings, so they give us a credit memo for one.   We need to be able to match that credit memo back to the PO Line so that when the vendor does later provide the remaining service, they can invoice us for it and we can match it to the PO line. Is this at all ...
1 5663 0
by JonA

Can reqs with a status of Processed be deleted?      

Started By  Bev Edwards
I have a user asking to have 2 reqs deleted that have a status of Processed. Of course, Lawson will not allow this action. She is saying itscCausing a commitment problem for Finance and they are not able to pay against the activity number. Is there a solution to this
1 4988 0
by JonA

Report list of all Capitol POs and Activity      

Started By  Bev Edwards
I have a department requesting a report list of all Capitol POs and Activities. Is there a canned Lawson report that provides this information
1 5010 0
by JonA

Item expensed to one Department, ordered by many      

Started By  Sheri
Hi, has anyone worked out a process to have a particular item (nonstock) always expense to one department, regardless of which department orders it I do not want to create a new par location, would like to be able to add an item to multiple areas, but always have the expense default to one particular department. Thanks Sheri
10 6509 0
by Sheri

Inbound EDI Vendor Data      

Started By  Ike_Duran
Having 856 auto receipt issues due to vendor autosubs. is there a way to use 855 data to automatically update PO with new item
4 5766 0
by Kat V

EPIC or Lawson to Generate Demand?      

Started By  Amanda Valcik
Wanted to get feedback from those of you using EPIC and Lawson and how inventory is decremented and patient charges are captured. I've seen a variety of processes leveraged to enter reqs/issues to create demand/decrement inventory throughout surgical areas using EPIC and Infor.  Options where the req/issue and patient charge is entered in EPIC and interfaced into Infor using IC500 and options where a req is entered in Infor and the patient charge is entered separately in EPIC.  The challenge wi...
0 3586 0

Expiration Dates for Items      

Started By  Brenda
How is everyone managing items that have expiration dates in lawson  Currently we are using a yellow dot program, when an item has an expiration date associated to it the bin the item is in has a yellow dot on it.  This indicates to the central stores folks that this item needs to be checked to make sure the item is in allowed time frame before sending it to the floor.  We want to manage this in lawson and I don't see way to do that.  Any info would be appreciated.  Thanks
0 4478 0

856 Record to kill lines      

Started By  Jeff N
I was looking at some MA53 records and noticed there is a 'cancel remaining' (f59) field. Is there any part of the 856 record where the vendor can send this as part of the 856 record We are on LUOM with O&M and currently need to have someone kill backorders manually. If O&M can send this information it would be a great way to streamline the process.   Thanks, Jeff
0 3875 0

Requisition Splitting Into Multiple PO's      

Started By  Jeremy
We are having a very frustrating issue in which occasionally, a requisition will split into two purchase orders. When we discover it and go back to look at the requisition, some of the lines will have Vendor 'A' and some lines will have vendor 'B' even though the requester set a vendor at the header level and SWEARS that they are not editing the lines to put a different vendor on them. We do not have any IC12's setup. We do not use PO25's. We do not use PO13's (any more).  We did have some b...
2 5749 0
by Jeremy
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