Forum: Lawson S3 Procurement

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PO30 addins upload    

Started By  Sue Shirley
Has any one used Addins to upload new receipts to PO30.1. I am finding I need to run it twice. Once to add the receiver then again to add the lines to the receiver. Any insights would be helpful, Thanks Sue
9 6501 0
by  Kat VJump to last post
10/9/2014 8:01 PM

RQ500 Interface - File Example    

Started By  Kevin
Good afternoon!  We are looking at using the RQ500 interface program to interface a requisition file from our TMS application.  I have went out to Lawson KB and can see the file layout, but there is no reference of 'required' -vs- 'optional' fields.  I would think that based on what we're going to be using, only a handful or two of the fields will be necessary.  Is anyone doing this now and if so, would you consider sharing a sample of your interface file along with any other 'tips' you might be...
14 9470 0
by  JonAJump to last post
2/9/2015 8:11 PM

Productivity Tracking Advice    

Started By  brupp
Hi.  I want to create a simple dashboard of sorts for our Buyer 1's.  They serve as our front lines - besides actively 'placing & chasing' PO's, they are also responsible for returns/repairs, cost message resolution, backorder notification, etc, & often are the center of communication between the vendors, Materials, Receiving, AP & our contracting Buyers.  I currently share this data in various forms with our managers but want to create a 1-page weekly dashboard for each buyer. Is anyone doin...
6 4573 0
by  ACCESS GNOMEJump to last post
10/16/2014 7:20 PM

PO Format / PO Overlay    

Started By  Kat V
We have a custom PO Overlay - currently from MHC - to get our logo and terms onto the PO.  We've got a new company being built which will necessitate altering it, so my director is curious: 1. Are you using a custom overlay     a. If so, what elements/fields not in the prt file are you adding 2. The great account issue - AP10 has a single field, nearly everyone has several accounts for several ship tos.  Have you found a way to include account number on the PO     a. If so, how  Multipl...
1 3883 0
by  StephanieDJump to last post
8/27/2014 1:55 PM

PO20 If/when to Issue Final?    

Started By  brupp
Hello - One of our Expeditors asked me about the Issue Final function & the timing of when it should be used.  I believe that we typically Issue Final immediately after releasing a non-EDI PO, but perhaps better practice would be to wait until the confirmation is worked. Any information/recommendations would be appreciated! Thanks & Happy Friday! Beth
4 5478 0
by  Kat VJump to last post
8/12/2014 6:36 PM

POVENITEM error when using the PO536 upload    

Started By  Arnold Layne
Hi everyone, I get the below error when I try loading a vendor contract price list via the PO536.  I've isolated the issue.  It has to do with the MFG CODE field in the P0536 upload.  When I try to populate the 4 character MFG CODE I get the below error.  When I strip off the code - the file loads just fine.  Does anyone have some advice on how I can get the MFG Code to populate the IC11, PO13, & PO25.6 via the PO536 upload.  Many thanks. User Name: u0y6ap00 Job Name: GORE Queue Name: PO...
1 3891 0
by  Kat VJump to last post
9/9/2014 7:22 PM

Requisition Field Required    

Started By  MChism
Hey folks, We have hundreds of locations that orders are being shipped to. Sometimes within one location there are dozens of different departments. When a requestor enters a requisition - on the first page they are asked the requested delivery date and also are asked to enter the 'deliver to' field. However, this field is not mandatory; meaning that when items are delivered and there is no name/department the vendor does not know what to do with them. Is there a way to make this field mandat...
2 4093 0
by  MChismJump to last post
10/3/2014 3:19 PM

Vendor price agreements load (PO536/PO25)    

Started By  kesarla
Hi - We are attempting to automate the Lawson Vendor Agreement loads to eliminate the manual upload process using lawson upload wizard and spreadsheets. The catch here is the file we  receive will have records related to multiple vendor agreements.  In this scenario I ccan't use PO536 because vendor agreement reference is required field on the screen.  We are exploring options to develop a custom program to invoke PO25.   If someone has already been through this process or have a sugges...
2 3946 0
by  kesarlaJump to last post
10/16/2014 12:09 PM


Started By  kyle
Is is possible to have a par location source directly from the contract at the line level as long as the item is not in the companies asset location  I would think a par would be similar to an asset location that does not have the replenishment information populated, where the asset location will automatically go to the contract as a nonstock order.
2 5145 0
by  kyleJump to last post
10/17/2014 5:58 PM

Return/Repair Form    

Started By  brupp
Hello - This isn't exactly Lawson related but hoping to get some help anyway...When a department has a return or repair, they currently use a form mostly meant as a paper requisition for non Lawson users to order supplies & tweak as needed.  Problem is everyone has their own way of tweaking the information or critical info gets left off altogether.  Would anyone be willing to share their return/repair form with me  Also if you have your process documented, that would be helpful as well.   T...
0 3647 0
11/6/2014 5:40 PM

PO line buyer code doesn't match PO header buyer code    

Started By  JonA
I recently changed the buyer code on about 700 POs but I'm finding that the buyer code on the line doesn't always match the header.  My RNI report in Crystal uses the POLINE.BUYER_CODE field so now some of the lines are being assigned to the wrong buyer on the report.  I can easily change the field to PURCHORDER.BUYER_CODE but is there some trick to making these fields match
1 3991 0
by  Kat VJump to last post
11/17/2014 5:43 PM

Ship to Location    

Started By  Kodi L
We have hospitals out of town that we purchase for; we are setting up Purch From locations but we want the ship to address to appear on the PO rather than having to type it at the header level each time. My thought was to set up IC02.1 locations with the correct ship to address and enter the location in the Ship to in PO20 but I am getting push back as others are stating this is for asset locations. But my understanding was that all asset locations were ship to locations but not all ship to loca...
3 4848 0
by  JonAJump to last post
1/19/2015 5:29 PM

Vendor Pricing Non Contract Items    

Started By  Kat V
Is anyone loading price lists into GHX or Premier etc Example a vendor isn't charging us list price, but there's no contract per se. They just give hospitals 5 off. Do you load that any where Just accept changes as they occur
0 4147 0
12/23/2014 8:36 PM

Purchase Order form    

Started By  ttredwell
Has anyone figured out a way to add standard verbiage to all Purchase orders that are printed out  I talked with the folks at Infor and they suggest creating comment codes that contain our standard disclaimers like affirmative action etc...  Our folks do not want to take the chance of a buyer forgetting to add these disclaimers to the Purchase orders so I am looking for any other alternatives to getting disclaimers on our purchase orders. Thanks, Tim
3 5123 0
by  ttredwellJump to last post
1/22/2015 2:11 PM


Started By  Chesca
We are having an issue with MA236 that's scheduled in RECDEF. I noticed there are 17 steps so it sends the report to each user. For some reason, only one of the buyer's can see the report in his queue. I am not sure where to look at to set this up so that all the buyer's can see the report in their queues. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.
0 5050 0
1/12/2015 3:06 PM

PO Invoice Remit To Address    

Started By  TerryL
Dumb question. Our AP office moved and we need to update the Invoice Remit to address on our POs. Which form is used to make that change. I have seen IF forms referenced but could not access the IF flow chart. Or does it reside in GL Setup   Thanks for you help. Also posted in Supply Chain.
1 4042 0
by  JonAJump to last post
1/12/2015 6:40 PM

PO Invoice Remit To Address chagne    

Started By  TerryL
Dumb question. Our AP office moved and we need to update the Invoice Remit to address on our POs. Which form is used to make that change. I have seen IF forms referenced but could not access the IF flow chart. Or does it reside in GL Setup IC02 doesn't change it in the system. I'm looking for the system setup chagne form. Thanks for you help.
1 3435 0
by  JonAJump to last post
1/13/2015 12:03 PM

Mass Print PO's    

Started By  brupp
Hello - We have a need to print 88 previously released PO's in rather short order.  I built an addin to change the issue method to P, Form 2, Orientation L, Revisions Include I.  I can only get the Issue Method & Rev Include to update; the Form & Orientation fields stay blank.  Any ideas Also I was going to build a 2nd addin to Issue Final so they will print.  Is this possible, or is PO120 the way to go  Or maybe just 1 addin necessary   Thanks in advance, Beth
4 4531 0
by  bruppJump to last post
1/23/2015 8:21 PM

Pyxis Supply Statation- ICS    

Started By  Chesca
Hello all, I am hoping I can get some guidance or ideas on how to test the interface to RQ500. Carefusion is in the process of upgrading the Pyxis Supply Stations from version 8 to 9. I received a test file that's fed to RQ500. However, I have no idea how if another program like WH130 should run and what files/reports to look at for verification/validation. Would I need to run a PO100 or PO120
1 4267 0
by  Kat VJump to last post
2/11/2015 1:40 PM

PO25 Audit Report    

Started By  lars
I run the PO254 to provide the auditors a list of PO20's issued in a FY period. The auditors also want a similar report for the Vendor Agreements entered in PO25. Auditors want to view basic Vendor Agreement information such as 1) PO number 2) Vendor Name  3)Service Agreement name,  all within a certain time period. Does anyone know of a Lawson report that will provide this information Worse case is that I would run a Lawson Query but  prefer to run canned reports. Thanks.
0 4368 0
3/5/2015 2:14 PM

RQ10 Release Date    

Started By  brupp
Hello - I have a Crystal Report that has the Creation Date from REQHEADER & I've been asked to add the Release Date, but I do not see where this field is available in either REQHEADER or REQLINE.  What table is the Release Date stored in   Thanks.
2 4328 0
by  bruppJump to last post
3/10/2015 3:15 PM


Started By  Suresh
Does PO04.3 restrict the buyer to be used on PO/Requisitions for other than those defined on this form
1 3888 0
by  Kat VJump to last post
4/1/2015 4:38 PM

EDI Acknowledgement Process    

Started By  Bob Canham
Hi, We have been using Lawson and GHX for our EDI Purchase Orders for a while, and I want to see if we're using it efficiently for processing acknowledgements. Our typical setup is that we process an ED502 regularly to retrieve acknowledgement files.  We then have PO122 jobs that run regularly through recdef.  These are huge multi-step jobs as they were created for individual vendor/company combinations.  We have specific inbound filenames set up on our ED10 855 records. My question is if oth...
2 5443 0
by  JonAJump to last post
5/14/2015 12:15 PM

RQC From Location    

Started By  Jeremy
I was playing around with RQC, testing some things for our security team, when I discovered that I can't edit the lines/items in RQC to adjust the From Company and/or From Location. Example:  If I want Item 1 to be shipped to Location A, and Item 2 to be shipped to Location B, there is no easy way to do this at the line level in RQC.  In order to do so, I have to set my From Company and From Location (both are required fields) to Location A, then add Item 1. Then, go back to the header in RQC,...
3 4574 0
by  JonAJump to last post
5/14/2015 12:03 PM

To Upgrade or to not upgrade...that is the question.    

Started By  R Phillips
I would be interested in hearing from anyone working on non-supported versions of Lawson or who are not planning to move to the latest Lawson upgrade (Infor 10). How are you handling support and Lawson issues What has your experience been in dealing with system issues For people who have upgraded, was it worth the work What new features or functions have been beneficial What problems have arisen We are currently debating the cost/benefit of upgrading.   Thanks for your insight.
0 3765 0
5/19/2015 9:18 PM
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