Forum: Lawson S3 Financials

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Balance Sheet Report    

Started By  Deleted User
I am new to Lawson  but knows Crystal Reporting.  I was asked to create a balance sheet report that contains current and prior year balances.  I am not familiar with the General Ledger tables.  Can someone get me started on which tables to use to create this report
7 8052 1
by  AliseJump to last post
9/23/2014 7:37 PM

How to Upload Journal Entries    

Started By  rsq2_15
Hello, I'm relatively new to Lawson.  I've been using it now for six months.  During our budget process, I learned to use the Excel addin to upload account information into FB20.  This made things MUCH easier and faster.  I know there has to be a way to upload monthly journal entries but I haven't figured out how to do it.  Can someone point me toward a good resource for learning how to upload entries into the General Ledger (GL) as well as Recurring Journal (RJ) areas  I'd be a hero at work! h...
16884 4
by  John HenleyJump to last post
7/24/2014 5:54 PM

Recurring Journal Entries    

Started By  Deleted User
I have several recurring journal entries that were set up as automatic zero but post the previous month amounts and have the release status. These entries were than interface to the general ledger and are now posted. Is there an easier way to fix these entries without having to upload or key in the entire entry over I try to copy the entries but since they were set up as automatic zero they have no dollar amounts.
3 10445 0
by  dcaianiJump to last post
8/7/2014 5:36 PM

GL190 - (GL190.prt) modify sort order    

Started By  Tom
When I run a GL190 journal posting, I would prefer that the journal posting report (GL190.prt) sort in Company order (it appears the current primary sort is by company but the company numbers are out of order). Can the sort order of the journal posting report (GL190.prt) be modified and, if so, where would that be done Thank you.
2 3120 0
by  TomJump to last post
7/1/2014 7:05 PM

Using a WellsFargo Commercial Card in AP    

Started By  LeslieP
The bank wants us to submit a file that can include ACH, Checks and C-Card payments. The file can be either processed immediately or the various parts manipulated in their CEO module. AP161 has some of the information but not all and would require major re-working. Which I can do. But I don't have a test system to play with so I am going to have to test on prod...or build a new productline to test with. Neither of which are appealing. I am considering running the payments through like an...
4 4021 0
by  Greg MoellerJump to last post
6/4/2014 6:51 PM

Report Writer Training Manual    

Started By  Vince
Does anyone know of a link to a copy of the Lawson Report Writing training manual I Have been out of Lawson for many years and need to refresh my memory. The user guide is not much help.
0 7359 1
6/2/2014 8:37 PM

Invoices in AP36    

Started By  Ruma Malhotra
We have a process by which we are feeding invoices from external systems into AP36. These invoices are released but have not been approved to be paid. Once they are in AP36 the AP person has to approve the invoice and add the image using onbase before it gets paid. We have had a situation last wekk that about 5k invoices were randomly approved to pay and left AP36 without the AP processor looking at the invoice. We checked into the tables if someone would have accidentally done this but it do...
1 3746 1
by  darwin collinsJump to last post
10/2/2014 1:24 PM

Lines in MA43    

Started By  BenignVanilla
I am looking for documentation on the MA43 screens, and the process of adding line items. Can anyone point me towards a user guide on this process I am trying to debug a process that is adding invoices via AP20, and line items via MA43. We are seeing a condition where the AP20 works fine, the MA43.1 works fine, but when we look at the AP20, the goods amount is twice the invoice amount, even if a single line item exists for the proper amount. When I drill around into the invoice lines, the line ...
0 3299 0
6/16/2014 6:39 PM


Started By  whitey1287
I am trying to update GL20.2 via Add-ins. In the upload I have as my headers: 1._f2:GLN-COMPANY 2._f3:GLN-ACCT-UNIT 3. _f6:GDT-ACCOUNT 4.Sub 5._f1:FC 6._f1:More 7._f29:GLM-ACTIVITY-REQ 8._f33:GLM-ACCT-CAT When I run the upload on thr first row as a test, the result is 'cannot add/delete/change blank detail lines,' but I have each field filled. Any help on what I am doing wrong is very much appreciated. Thanks
2 4095 1
by  whitey1287Jump to last post
6/19/2014 7:00 PM

Tax Codes and Imaging Solution into AP20.2    

Started By  Bill
We are using Perceptive's ImageNow to scan our AP Invoices and add our financial accounting information. We have been a non-profit entity until our recent acquisition of some practices that are for profit. That being said we are having issues with trying to get the proper information to flow into Lawson AP20.2. Does anyone else have this in their world and could offer any tips Thanks!
3 3630 1
by  BillJump to last post
7/11/2014 2:46 PM

Add Image Link in AP150 Output    

Started By  Giulia
We use Image Express by MHC to scan and store all of our AP Invoices. We would like to add a link/hyperlink to the AP150 output report so that a user can see the scanned image when they click on an invoice number in the report. I have been trying to figure out a way to do this via Smart Reports Designer but have been unsuccessful. Has anybody else been able to do this either through Smart Reports Designer, or through any other approach. Or has anybody been successful in re-creating the AP150 out...
6 4140 2
by  GiuliaJump to last post
7/15/2014 1:27 PM

Accounts Payable Invoice Automation Invoice Scanning    

Started By  Jack Peters
My company is considering implementing Accounts Payable Invoice Automation and I'm wondering if anyone has experience with the scanning side of the process. We use Kofax currently as our scanning solution for other apps and could concievably start with that, but I simply don't know what would be required. Any shared experience would be greatly appreciated!
1 4590 0
by  Any ideas?Jump to last post
9/9/2014 3:24 PM

Cash Book Poor Performance    

Started By  SteveB
Is anyone else experiencing very slow Cash Book performance When users run single line reconciliations, it takes 2 minutes for the process to complete. But when users try to do multiple lines, the process times out in Smart Office and Portal (multiple lines can be successfully processed using LID). We have opened a case with Infor and they had us rebuild indexes on CBTRANS and CBCONSOL which did not solve the issue. To resolve the time out issue, Infor had us increase the read/write time...
3 3999 1
by  John HenleyJump to last post
7/17/2014 6:46 PM


Started By  whitey1287
I am trying to change an activity in PA52.1 -> Selected Items 2 tab. But, I am getting the error message, 'account unit not defined within range for activity.' I have checked AC07 to ensure everything is accurate, but still get the error. Any guidance on this issue is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
1 6435 0
by  Jason BeardJump to last post
7/17/2014 1:03 AM

AC20.4_Activity Budget by Activity    

Started By  whitey1287
Hi, In AC20.4 I have a budget of $20,000 in the amount fields, but next to Total Cost Budget Amount the total is $40,000. Any guidance on this issue is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
3 3402 1
by  whitey1287Jump to last post
7/24/2014 4:22 PM


Started By  JonA
Can anyone shed some light on what each code number means for... MATCH_STATUS 0 = 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = MTCH_ERR_TYPE 0 = 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = Any others
2 4074 0
by  JonAJump to last post
8/18/2014 3:54 PM

Override Base Zone on JE Header    

Started By  DennisM
I'm attempting to determine why any one would ever want to override a Company's Base Zone on a JE Header (GL40.2). Infor provides the functionality, but why would any one wish to perform this action. What would be gained... What would be some of the reasons for doing this... it seems to me it might increase difficulty with elimination entries at month-end. I'm just looking for rationale and/or reasons for ever wanting to override the base zone on a JE Header...
3245 1
by  BShortJump to last post
8/19/2014 4:27 PM

Tax Reports/Queries by Accounting Unit???    

Started By  Bill
Does anyone run a report or a query to attach the Accounting Unit/ Cost Center to a Tax Code and Amount One of our companies that we just added has reporting requirements for additional Use Tax to be reported by County. Only way we are able to do this is if we can tie the AU/CC back to the Distribution Lines with Tax Codes used. I have not been able to find a relation in any of the tables to get this done. Anyone else run into this issue
0 3688 0
8/19/2014 5:28 PM

Prenotification without processing via alternative method    

Started By  Nikki W
We would like to submit prenotifications to the bank without cutting checks for invoices that we pulled into Lawson via AP520. We want to wait until the account is verified by the bank and then allow payment. Is there a flag that would allow us to do this on the vendor setup
1 2946 1
by  Mark F. HardyJump to last post
8/26/2014 2:23 PM

How people track Customer Comments In AR?    

Started By  mrw562
Based on the information I am finding Lawson AR does not have a dynamic area to track comments on customer accounts. Does anyone have or is aware of a method to track customer comments obtained by AR reps in Lawson Preferably they would like to be able to pull up all previous comments and add additional comments/status comments up to 140 characters. Anyone else have this issue Or previously performed a customization
0 3441 0
8/26/2014 9:27 PM

Changing Fiscal Year-end Date    

Started By  mmcgOmaha
We have been instructed to change the year-end of a small associate company from 6/30 to 12/31. That means that the current period will be 'stub' period. Our understanding is that all history will convert to years ending 12/31. That would make it difficult to reproduce any financial statements for the 12 months 7/1/13 to 6/30/14 without actually doing the math to add and subtract from years ending 12/31. How do others handle the transition
0 4353 2
9/4/2014 4:20 PM

Load AP161 with Separate Payment & Remit to Document Express    

Started By  Bob Canham
We are working on implementing Wells Fargo SPS solution for healthcare vendor electronic payments. The process uses the remit file of the AP161 only, so we have our cash code set up to do a separate payment and remittance file. For our own records, we would like to be able to have a human readable copy of the payment to attach to the invoice for archiving. We use Document Express for check printing today, and it does a good job importing the AP161 as long as the Payment and Remittance are com...
0 4402 0
9/9/2014 1:51 PM

Foreign Vendors and 1042S Reporting    

Started By  JenDavis
We are looking for insight on how other organizations are handling the withholding section in Lawson. Also, how are you processing/tracking foreign payments and issuing 1042S We were told Lawson doesn't support 1042S and just wanted to discuss how others might be adjusting that that.
0 3479 0
10/3/2014 3:00 PM

Intercompany Relationships    

Started By  Deleted User
Looking for a suggestion on creating a relationship between two companies in Lawson where an intercompany entry in the GL40 is not require. The scenario would play out like this: Company nbr 1 orders product from company nbr 2. Co nbr 1 bills co nbr 2. There is no payment out the door, instead the dollars would pass from one co to another in the GL. Everytime I walk through the scenario, everything works until co nbr 2 tries to pay nbr 1.
0 3524 1
10/3/2014 6:11 PM

GM System control    

Started By  whitey1287
Is there a GM system control closing job Similar to the other closing jobs
0 3114 0
10/13/2014 3:40 PM
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