Forum: Lawson S3 Financials

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Duns Numbers for Vendors      

Started By  Christina C
Is there a field where the DUNS number can be maintained for a vendor
2 45652 1
by Tim Alessi

Upload Assets to AM Module      

Started By  Melissa McGuire
I am curious if we can do a mass upload of Asset information into Lawson, there was suppose to be a template on an invoice but it got matched, now we're left with manually entering all information in AM20.2
7 53714 3

Mobile Financials and Mobile Assets      

Started By  anirudhthota
Hello, I was looking for user guides or any other sort of documentation on Lawson Mobile Applications, specifically Financials and Asset Management for v10. Thank you in advance!
0 3148 0

Email invoices      

Started By  Absolon
Has anyone found a way in the billing application to email invoices directly to the customer. I know we can create PDF's then attach to emails outside the application, but is there a way to do it all inside of Lawson
0 3920 0

1099 NEC      

Started By  dcaiani
1099 NEC (non employee compensation) is new for 2020. Does anyone know the Lawson implications We use FormFast to format our 1099s, checks, etc. Has anyone figured out what needs to be done to get it formatted correctly etc.
1 50331 0
by Kidd Kasper

Cleaning up the Vendor Master File      

Started By  NBayless
Hello, I have been in this position for almost 2 years and now it's time to clean up our vendor master file. The last time they did it here was 2015, and it was apparently a complete disaster, as many active vendors were inactivated. The query they used apparently was not accurate (maybe user error), I don't know. I can't find a query that can give me a list of active vendors and their last payment made. Does anyone have any thoughts or screen shots of a query that could help with this ...
1 42012 0
by dcaiani

Please Advise: What after Lawson S3 V10      

Started By  Lawsonlearn
Hi Lawson Experts: We updated to Lawson S3 financial V10 (on-prem) in 2015 from V9 and are currently on V10.0.9. We are not sure if we should upgrade to the next version. From what I have read: The next version after V10 for Lawson S3 financial is the Cloudsuite Financials. It does not seem like there will be a Lawson S3 V11. Is it true that that the cloudsuite financial technology stack is very different from S3 V10 and migrating to it will be a big lift If that is true we would...
3 40844 1
by Kat V

Query to get Fixed assets in v10      

Started By  Sreekanth
Can any one help me from which tables will get below fields: Asset Number Location Account Asset Class Fixed Asset Group 1 Fixed Asset Group 2 Fixed asset quantity on hand Fixed asset replacement cost Fixed asset fair value Fixed asset depreciable basis Fixed asset salvage value Fixed asset net book value Fixed asset accumulated depreciation Fixed asset useful life remaining
3 45825 0
by Ragu Raghavan

AP160 and AP161      

Started By  Carlotta McCormick
You've probably all hashed this to death, but I need assistance. We are using the AP160 currently for our ACH transmission to the bank. We want to use the Remit file to send electronic remittances using MHC's e-Remit software. Our problem is that the Remit file doesn't include vendor location information so that I can link to the databases to pull email information. Example: We have a vendor on AP10.1 that gets checks, but one of their locations on AP10.2 gets ACH. The AP160 Remit doesn't ...
10 53669 1
by Raymundo Romero

RNI Report (PO135) cleanup and fix      

Started By  rad206
Hi! Hoping someone might have some suggestions or help. After reviewing our PO135 report, we see there are a a lot of line items that are well over 6 months (some going back as far as 2017 even!). After doing a review, we can see several POs and vendors that were definitely paid, however, it appears our AP clerk forced a lot through the system without matching the invoice to a PO. Our PO135 reports is just over 5,000 line items large, and so far, we have identified close to 3,000 tha...
6 55866 0
by Russ

MA540 Fatal Records Not Loading to MA54      

Started By  Jeremy
Hi. I'm seeing an issue where invoices that have a fatal error (many invoices that error out for us are after the closing control date) do not load to the MA54 for some reason. Once they encounter a fatal error, they just are 'skipped' and don't load into the MA54 tables at all. Has anyone seen this before Is it a setting Should they not at least load to MA54
5 52017 1
by Jeremy

MA540 Fatal Error      

Started By  apurdion
I have been sucessfully uploading invoices via MA540, but when I add an invoice that has a 'Location' specified I get the error 'Problem: Location 1 not defined for company 0001' The location is available and active. I can manually add an invoice via AP20 using said 'Location'. Any ideas
2 47693 2
by Joan at Stony Brook

Vendor Discount Code      

Started By  Elmer Madarang
If there is such a field where does it reside (Which form) and what the field name is thanks! Elmer Madarang
1 45882 0
by Ragu Raghavan

How do I make a partial payment on an AP invoice?      

Started By  AD
Hello, What steps do I have to take to process a partial payment on an AP invoice
3 53154 1
by Jeremy

Down Payment or Prepayment Process      

Started By  Jeremy
Hi all. I seem to be striking out on my forum posts lately, but thought I'd try one more: In researching ways to improve our processing, the issue of what we call 'partial billing' or prepayments has come up. I was hoping to get insight into how others handle these situations. Here's what I'm talking about: We have a need to cut a PO to a vendor and the vendor is demanding a partial or down payment of 80 up front. Then, once the installation is done we will get another invoice for the rem...
2 51575 1
by Jeremy


Started By  Anthony
I made a mistake attempting to change an released invoice’s amount in AP30.3. Now the invoice states it is out balance with a P MESSAGE and does not let me cancel the invoice or change the invoice amount stating “payment record does not exist”. Does anyone have a solution
0 4563 0

Changing GL from 12 to 13 Periods      

Started By  ksp
Our idea is to have the 13th period in order to post entries specific to year end such as inventory adjustments, audit adjustments, etc. We'd like the 13th period to be the last day of our fiscal year. I am concerned about: subsidiary modules such as AP, Asset Management, IC, AR, etc being somehow negatively impacted by the change. Also is it possible for the end of the 12th month to be 9/30/20xx and also have the 13th month begin and end date 9/30/20xx Has anyone else made this change ...
3 42259 3
by Boyd

New Payroll GL interface to Lawson Financials      

Started By  Bonisick
Hi all. Could use some guidance and reference points on best practices and lessons learned re' integrating a payroll solution to Lawson financials. Anyone have advice or sample file specs, etc. they would share Thanks, Bill
2 51275 2
by LauraPat

AR575 vs AR580      

Started By  mikefortuna
We have been using AR575 for a while, but the AR580 file format is much simpler. It seems that AR575 contains a lot of parameters in the input file, while AR580 uses a lot of these as job parameters. What are the differences, if any, in using AR580 for cash application vs AR575
3 51439 2
by Todd Mitchell

Credit Memo's tied back to PO's      

Started By  Casy
The status of the return will not close if the credit amount does not match the return amount to the penny. We believe it will be on supply chain to review the difference between the credit amount and the return amount to determine if the difference is acceptable before they close the return. We need to come up with a process to close the Return Number when the credit memo and return value do not match to the penny. We need the Status to show Closed so we will know by looking at the list what...
1 49425 1
by tgmc8250

SQL query for GL-290 Report      

Started By  zammyC
hi All Has anyone used a SQL query fo run GL-290 Report from Lawson database Thanks Sam
0 4413 0

Infor Lawson RW100 Saving Multiple Reports?      

Started By  Kosmo
Hello, Going to try my luck here. Is there a way that I can save multiple reports in from the Print manager We typically use the RW100 to generate our financial reports. I know we can access our print manager folders to get the excel versions of reports that are generated, but it seems that PDF reports do not generate in the print manager folder until you open them up in lawson's print manager. Is there a way that we can save mass reports in PDF I have to manually open close to 300...
3 44197 1
by Ragu Raghavan

AP invoices not flowing to Asset Management system      

Started By  alloret
Our system is supposed to allow AP invoices to flow through to the asset management system and create an asset automatically. We are coming across an issue where some of these are not flowing through. Nothing shows up on error reports that would give us a clue as to where the invoice is being held up, on our side we can see a variance but we can't figure out why an asset wasn't created for it. What troubleshooting options do we have at this point
0 4001 0

Process and/or tools for protected data      

Started By  Bruce Havelock
Is anyone dealing with protected data that comes across in requisitions, invoices, or GL We are looking to network and share best practices, as our compliance division has put our Infor systems under scrutiny for not having processes in place to protect sensitive data (in this case, Protected Health Information or PHI). Thanks! Bruce
2 50257 0
by Kat V

AP Check Comment Tables      

Started By  Casy
I am working to query the check comments using SQL. I have located the comment tables L_D*** or L_H*** but am not able to locate the actual check comments. They are not located in any of the obvious L_HAP* or L_HCB* tables. Has anyone located them or found a way to decipher these L_ tables to know which apply to what part of the system Some are obvious, others not so much. Thank you!
8 52264 1
by Casy
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