Forum: Lawson S3 Financials

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Started By  fdflanig
I have a training documentation need to know of any form changes or process changes in 9.0.1 before I update my 9.0 fincae training material. Lawson 9.0.1 is on my horizon. Is 9.0.1 from 9.0 change information available
11558 3
by  jjcyeshuaJump to last post
4/18/2012 8:59 PM

Question about Sub Accounts    

Started By  Saurabh
Hi All, We currently only have the Detail Accounts setup without any Sub Accounts. e.g our accounts are setup as 01700 01701 etc We would now like to add some sub accounts so for e.g 01700 - 001 01700 - 002 As far as i can ascertain these seem to be created as New Detail accounts and also seem to be coming up as separate entries in the GL291 (instead of 1 entry for the main 01700 account) Is there a report which i can run to see the combined posting of the account (i.e 01700,0170...
0 4096 1
2/17/2012 3:32 PM

AP Productivity Query    

Started By  Billi
We are looking for a query that can pull how many invoices and lines have been keyed by employee for a given time period. I am having a bit of a hard time trying to figure out fields I can pull to get this information Any thought Thanks.
2 3842 0
by  Robert SpurrJump to last post
2/17/2012 6:28 PM

Check reissue report?    

Started By  StephanieL
Is there a report I can run that shows a listing of checks reissued over a period of time Thank you.
3 5500 1
by  StephanieLJump to last post
2/22/2012 5:16 PM

PP&E rollforward    

Started By  Boyd
Does anyone know if Lawson has a system report that rolls forward PPE activity from one period to the next I am interested in Beginning balanceadditionsincreases to WIP-disposals etc. Any thoughts are appreciated.
1 6362 0
by  mark.cookJump to last post
3/7/2012 12:01 PM

LP Custom calculation routine    

Started By  Chesca
Our Lawson consultant suggested we add logic to calculate LP vacation accruals. I was provided with this logic but I have no idea what it means or how to code it. I would greatly appreciate any feedback or suggestions with this issue. Thanks! I defined the LP ACR HOURS in WS as whole number. Would I need a compute statement to calculate the ACR Hours Logic: ACR HOURS = If TASERVICE_SERVICE-CODE is included in ACR TASERVICE _SERVICE-CLASS and status 9 and SERVICE CODE DATE is in CURR-...
3 3704 1
by  ChescaJump to last post
3/12/2012 5:22 PM

Crystal-Units issue at the AU level    

Started By  BShort
I have been trouble shooting this for the past few days as a note. I am pulling units that I have setup in the Stats area for the GL, for us accounts 9xxxx I am using the following tables and started over today to try and figure out where the issues happen: GLUNITS, GLCONSOL, and GLSYSTEM. Some items I noticed is that the Var.level does not have everything listed on the GLUNITS as it is missing the main level at 010000000000 but has the department level, where as the GLCONSOL does not h...
0 3214 0
3/9/2012 12:35 AM

DB inquiry processing    

Started By  Chesca
I want to retrieve a record off the TAEMPSERV and the TASERVICE files. I have populated the set keys (840-FIND-TESSET1). This is my first exposure to custom 4GL code. Does an 860-FIND-INDEX must proceed a find next routine I would appreciate any feedback or suggestions with this issue. Thank you in advance. Here is my custom code: INITIALIZE DB-TES-OBJ-ID. MOVE LPMST-TEM-COMPANY TO DB-COMPANY. MOVE LPMST-TEM-EMPLOYEE ...
3489 1
3/12/2012 1:35 PM

Retail Calendar and 13th Period    

Started By  Adam
We are trying to deal with this 53rd week and we know GL can handle a 13th period, but when we contacted Lawson and they advised us not to turn on the 13th period, but offered no other suggestions to deal with it. I was wondering if there were any retail clients dealing with a 13th period or a 53rd week in Lawson
3 4991 1
by  AdamJump to last post
4/5/2012 4:36 PM

AR Lockbox    

Started By  MG44
Anyone utilizing the AR Lockbox feature with 9.01 Financials We are looking to utilize and are looking for any information or tips. We use US Bank and have the file format from them. Any info is appreciated. Thanks.
3772 1
3/22/2012 2:15 PM

Void PD Invoice    

Started By  Boyd
I am having trouble voiding an invoice that was created using PD 570. Is there something that I am missing Surely we can void this type of AP invoice.
0 4112 0
3/26/2012 9:19 PM

turning on remoteglt    

Started By  Deleted User
Any ramifications if I turn on the flag to create the remoteglt file at any point, as opposed to the beginning of a fiscal/calendar/legislative/whatever year One of our payrolls has never used any type of an automated financial interface, and we'd like to start, sooner rather than later. We don't use Lawson financials here - As a severely GL Challenged individual, I welcome any suggestions!! Thank you!
0 3787 0
3/28/2012 9:02 AM

ACBR billing    

Started By  cindi
Is there anyone using ACBR to do minimum type billings For example - bill a customer a minimum of $1500 per month but if number of different cases times different rate per case equals more than 1500 - then customer is billed the cases charge Thanks!
0 4475 1
3/28/2012 2:54 PM

secure invoice number interface from payroll    

Started By  heather
Currently the interfaced garnishments from payroll have the employee number They want to block it out on the ap90 screens. I wrote a rule to block it out operator ap520 to apinvoice. did not work In pr05 you summarize it -but that is not waht they want. I have blocked out the garnishment comments successfully Trying to figure the blocking the invoice as well. Any suggestions/
1 3521 0
by  Jimmy ChiuJump to last post
4/3/2012 6:27 PM

Invoice Distribution from AP Payment    

Started By  G. Monaghan
I am trying to write a report of cash by activity. The activity is attached to the invoice on AP invoice distribution table (apdistrib) and posts to GL via AP175. When the check is written the entry to GL to cash just clears AP via AP170. There appears to be no way to tie the entry from the AP175 to the corresponding payment done via AP170. Has anyone found a way to accomplish this
2 7452 0
by  G. MonaghanJump to last post
4/25/2012 6:05 PM

CB55.1 Payment    

Started By  dj
I am trying to enter a patient refund in CB55.1. I recently learned of this option rather than continually creating one-time vendors in my AP vendor master. When I try to add the payment in CB55.1, I am prompted to provide the vendor bank information 'Bank ID and Acct require for electronic payments' The issue is that I am using a transaction code of SYS to create a check, not an electronic payment. My Patient Refund vendor is setup with a Payment Code of SYS (cash payment). Finally, my...
0 5615 0
4/20/2012 3:38 PM

AP20 Vendor select security    

Started By  Daksha Desai
I hope anyone can help. I am creating a customized AP20.1 form in design studio. Some else handles Security set up so I do not know much about it. The user needs to see Vendors based on the Accounting Unit they enter or are assigned to for Security. How should any security be set up. Is there something I need to add in the form
3959 1
4/23/2012 6:09 PM

Need to create a consolidating company in Lawson 9.0 but I have no idea how to start    

Started By  TeresaE
We are just looking at creating consolidating financials in Lawson 9.0 this year rather than continue creating them manually in Excel. I am wondering if anyone could point me toward any good articles, instructions on how to go about setting up the consolidating companies because I don't have a clue where to begin.
7 5707 3
by  TeresaEJump to last post
4/27/2012 5:51 PM

AR Bank Reconciliation - How To Organize?    

Started By  Garth Gerwing
I would very much appreciate to hear from anyone who has had experience setting-up CB/AR in support of reconciling bank account deposits to AR-sourced payment entries in CBTRANS. I've looked extensively at the 'Bank Reconciliation' functionality in the Cash Management (CB) module - and it would appear to be more slanted to AP-related reconciliation. I'm kind of leaning to using the 'Enhanced' reconciliation constructs (CB185-Run option 'R', CB81, CB82). AR submits records to CB upon the re...
1 5971 0
by  jjcyeshuaJump to last post
4/24/2012 10:23 PM

Alternative for 'delement'    

Started By  sarahula
Lawson Masters, I was declaring some new elements on dbdef, I was supposed to specify them as 'strings'. But as a newbie, I used AlphaLower. Now I want to change them to derived 'strings' but it seems to be imposible. I think the element needs to be deleted. I found this tool called 'delement' but when it deletes elements it does it per product line and it deletes all of the unused elements. I want to delete only those that I created by mistake. Please give me some idea on how to do it...
0 4347 0
4/26/2012 3:39 PM

PD10.3 upload?    

Started By  JCardillo
Hello, We have Excel add-in uploads for user setup in PD10.1 and PD10.2, but PD10.3 seems to allude us, probably because you can only get to PD10.3 via PD10.2. However, in the UWF maker, PD10.3 is a choice. So, I was wondering if anyone out there has been able to defeat the system on this The PD10.3 setup is the most cumbersome and an upload would be very beneficial. Thanks.
0 4219 1
5/3/2012 12:14 PM

Adding field to AM260 Report    

Started By  Jeanne Boitano
How do we go about adding the account number to be pulled in on the AM260 report Thanks ! Jeanne
1 3980 1
by  Ruma MalhotraJump to last post
5/3/2012 3:53 PM

Chart of Acct query    

Started By  Don
Hi There, I am totally new to lawson. I just start to look at the tables on GLs, and try to build chart of account hierachy, for top to detail GL. I look at two tables, GLCHARTDTL and GLCHARTSUM and I knnow ChartName, so here is my query: SELECT S.CHART_NAME, D.SUMRY_ACCT_ID, D.CHART_SECTION, D.ACCOUNT, D.SUB_ACCOUNT,D.ACCOUNT_DESC, S.SUMMARY_ACCT,S.ACCOUNT_DESC, S.TOTAL_DESC,S.PARENT_OBJ_ID FROM dbo.GLCHARTDTL D inner JOIN GLCHARTSUM S ON D.SUMRY_ACCT_ID = S.SUMRY_ACCT_ID ...
5 5956 1
by  amynelsonJump to last post
5/7/2012 2:50 PM

mobile inbasket - issue with custom form    

Started By  chris
I am trying to get a response from a custom html form within the mobile inbasket. When I use the xmlhttp object with the open and send functions but instead of getting the response I would expect I keep getting a response for the login page. I am passing in proper credentials in the open command and I have double checked the url I am passing is correct as well. Any suggestions or examples would be very much appreciated.
0 3628 0
5/9/2012 1:30 PM

How to Cancel on MA40/MA40.5    

Started By  jbertoli
We have had staff changes and the person that has done this process is gone and of course there is no documentation. We are on an old version of Lawson - 7.2.4. For our Bank Wires, they are entered into MA40 with MA40.5 done to create the payment record. After this, AP26 (release), AP170 (closing), AP175 (Distribution) are all done. We had a payment done incorrectly and need to back it out. We are not sure if we are doing things correctly to back out the payment because when we are done, the ...
2 4531 0
by  jbertoliJump to last post
5/24/2012 8:32 PM
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