Forum: Lawson S3 Financials

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Index which table??????????    

Started By  Vijay S
I have only acess to LID(No portal access, no query wizard access and no database access). I want to know that which index belongs to which table!!!!!!!!!!! I mean to say is there any trick (or utility) to know which index belongs to which table:
7 5405 2
by  Vijay SJump to last post
7/1/2010 3:31 PM

Vendors with no activity    

Started By  jacobske
We are trying to clean up our vendor master, In doing so we want to find vendors with no activity. I see there is no canned Lawson report for this - but in trying to create in crystal, we are a multi company facility - and using the APVENBAL table isnt proving to be that easy to use b/c it shows Last Payment date. I am sure there is a way to do this - but I am not a crystal expert by any means - so if anyone has done something similar to this, any information is greatly appreciated!
4 4325 0
by  Eddie SmithJump to last post
6/16/2010 6:18 PM

Accounts Payable Aging Report    

Started By  Katfra
Hello, First of all, is there a report in Lawson that i could run that shows me an AP Aging Currently I use AP136 to show me what my AP for the month is. Secondly, I'm attempting to create an aging report in Crytal since i wasn't sure if Lawson had one but having trouble with what table to use to pull the amount that shows up in my AP136. I'm currently using APDISTRIB as well as APINVOICE. Can anyone assist me in this Thanks, Frank
13 22021 2
by  KatfraJump to last post
8/9/2010 5:02 PM

Lawson Portal Screens    

Started By  PZ
I know you can use 'Ctrl-Shift-O' to view the name of the corresponding field from a screen in Lawson Portal. Is there a way to identify the name of the table as well
4 11446 0
by  mark.cookJump to last post
6/23/2010 10:43 AM

Round cost allocation to allocate all costs    

Started By  Sherry Shimek
A user allocates benefits costs from the Benefits Accounting unit to the department accounting units using Cost Allocation. Is there a way to round the amounts so the Benefits Accounting Unit is reduced to zero automatically for each account instead of leaving a few pennies presumably due to rounding
1 4826 2
by  Gail GudgelJump to last post
6/28/2010 7:30 PM

Terms Code Description    

Started By  Deleted User
What table can I find the terms code description. I am building a MSaddins query and can include the terms code but it is a meaningless number with out the definition. Can someone tell me what table I might find the terms code definition Thanks.
2 3436 1
by  Deleted UserJump to last post
7/1/2010 3:17 PM

Adding new levels to AU Hierarchy    

Started By  Deron
We currently have 3 levels defined for our accounting units: Line of Bus - 3 Department - 3 Cost Center - 4 leaving 2 unused levels. Our reporting requirements are changing and the current hierarchy does not give us the level of detail we need. Is it possible to expand our hierarchy to include the 2 unused levels, making my hierarchy look like this: Line of Bus - 3 Department - 3 New Hierarchy 1 - 4 New Hierarchy 2 - 4 Cost Center - 4 Thanks for any ...
3 3988 2
by  Ruma MalhotraJump to last post
7/1/2010 12:01 PM

Transferring Activity commitment    

Started By  Saurabh
Hi All This is for Apps 8.1 0 MSP5. We currently use the AC module to track some of our IT projects. Unfortunately I had to create a Purchase order (via requisition) using a dummy activity code. The PO has just been released and issued (not received or matched) Now that i have setup the correct activity i have gone into PO20 and changed the Activity and Account Group to be the correct value. Reissued and Released the PO and was expecting the commitment to now show up againt this new Activity....
3 3582 1
by  Ruma MalhotraJump to last post
7/1/2010 2:30 PM

Lawson 8.03 in 9.01 environment    

Started By  Deleted User
I have the financial application in lawson 8.03 that we use as historical. Few users still go there to check on the history, However we upgraded to 9.01 env last month and now I need to think about that application and copy the product line over to our new environment. Does anybody knows if I am going to encounter any problems in the new environment. I do not want to convert all of the programs to the new lawson App version 9.01. Any comment will be appreciated.
2 4257 2
by  Deleted UserJump to last post
7/2/2010 12:31 PM

Moving Lawson databse from DB2 z/OS to DB2 AIX    

Started By  nicks
New to the Lawson world and am trying to find documentaiton on the steps necessary and utilities provided to move the underlying Lawson Financials database from DB2 z/OS to DB2 on AIX. I understand there are databse definition and data movement utilities provided but am looking for a source of information that maps out the high level steps necessary. The DB2 AIX software installation/configuration is done already.
1 3988 0
by  Vijay SJump to last post
7/14/2010 12:33 PM

Daily Exchange Rate vs Single Monthly Exchange Rate    

Started By  Melissa McGuire
Does anyone have any dealings with these Any pros or cons you can share
0 3441 0
7/7/2010 2:37 PM

AP: Number of Check Runs    

Started By  Deleted User
Is there a way to find out how many check runs, or in Lawson terms how many times AP150, AP155, or AP170 has been run for a given time frame I can build a report if needed, but I don't know if there is a table that houses that info.
3 6118 1
by  SeanJump to last post
8/3/2010 10:47 PM

Upload Wizard Login Server Name    

Started By  Jodi
Hi, Some users of the Lawson Upload Wizard have to keep typing the server name in the login box where others have the server name in their drop down box. I can't figure out how to change it so everyone has the server name in the login box. Does anyone have any ideas Thanks, Jodi
1 4169 1
by  SaurabhJump to last post
7/9/2010 10:58 AM

Sharing Posting Activities within an Activity Group    

Started By  Saurabh
Hi All This is on 8.1 0 MSP5 on LSF9.0.0.4 We have just recently started using the Activity module. The initial setup had been very simple and works fine. We would now like to track certain complex projects (like Major Refurbishment projects etc). When trying to setup the various Activities I find that I am not able to use Activities across the summary level.(see attached document for an example setup we would like to be done.) e.g We are having to dup...
3 3325 2
by  Ruma MalhotraJump to last post
7/12/2010 7:04 PM

RW Row files    

Started By  Matthew Nye
Im creating a row file in RW10.4. It seems the description is limited to 30 characters. Is there any other display options for row description that would allow for more characters Thanks, Matt
6 3901 1
by  Ruma MalhotraJump to last post
7/16/2010 8:58 PM

APDISTRIB Entry/Create Date?    

Started By  Gary
I'm trying to report AP transactions by the date they were actually entered. I'm not finding that date anywhere. There's an APINVOICE create date - not the same thing. There's a GLTRANS R_DATE which does not appear to be the correct thing and isn't useful for this report as it is not created until the transaction is posted. I figured it would be in the APAPDHIST file but I'm not finding it anywhere. If nothing else, isn't there a transaction history file somewhere that would have it THANK...
7646 0
by  GaryJump to last post
7/20/2010 11:39 AM

Renumber Account Utility?    

Started By  Jeff N
Are there any utilities that allow you to renumber a Lawson account so the account detail is available in the new account I need to move some investment accounts to a different part of the balance sheet and would like the history to go with them. I used to work with MAS200 and there was a utility to do this. Thanks Jeff
0 4037 1
7/20/2010 2:23 PM

Manual controls around ACH/EFT payments in Lawson AP    

Started By  Deleted User
We are beginning to implement electronic payments out of Lawson AP, but would like some guidance around setting up manual controls. What do others do to ensure the right vendors are being paid the proper amounts when paying electronically
0 6168 0
8/2/2010 4:33 PM

Commitments transferred from non-Lawson system    

Started By  Margaret
Has anyone had any experience with commitments and how to handle at go live We currently use an encumbrance system and are trying to determine how to treat open POs in our old system at go live and whether we should convert the POs to Lawson and pay from Lawson or somehow continue to use the current(old) system and either use reports out of both systems and pay out the open POs in the old system or what We are implementing GL, AP, PO, AC, HR/PR, CB, AM, LM...I think that's it...and go l...
1 3351 0
by  Ruma MalhotraJump to last post
8/3/2010 10:00 PM

AC410 in Crystal Reports    

Started By  ErikaS
Good Morning, My organization is new to Lawson (implementing) and I'm wondering if anyone has been able to recreate the AC410 report using Crystal Reports (not through LBI). Thanks, Erika
6 4012 1
by  Kevin HaganJump to last post
8/5/2010 4:10 PM

Double entry for Credit memos in AR    

Started By  Deleted User
Hello colleagues, I would like to get some details on what GL account codes are hit when a credit memo is created in AR42 and it is applied to an open invoice.I ask this because there is a client who raised credit memos in AR42 and then applied these to open invoices and therafter these memos were released and was followed up by Application closing and distribution closing but there was no effect on 12001 account in GL even if GL190 was also run.The double entry seemed to have not taken place...
0 4521 0
8/9/2010 5:32 PM

Auto load GL22.2    

Started By  Matthew Nye
What is the best way to go about loading large amounts of rows for a manual account list Thanks, Matt
1 3423 1
by  Brad SchauerJump to last post
8/13/2010 7:05 PM

Activity Commitment Detail Report link to PO Line Detail    

Started By  Carl Gifford
I am trying to write an AC Committment Detail report in Crystal (using SQL) and would like to be able to reference the specific PO Line (POLINE) record. Is this possible. I am using the ACCOMMITX table and can find the PO from this table, but I cannot seem to find a link to the specific PO Line. Is this possible Thanks,
1 5317 1
by  Eddie SmithJump to last post
8/24/2010 11:04 AM

Vertex 3.3 and LSF 901 Technology    

Started By  Deleted User
I've recently done an upgrade of our Vertex software and database files from version 2 to version 3.3. We are required to do this upgrade before the end of the year. The database files are still in the version 3.1 ISAM format. When I tried to use TX40 after the migration of the database files, I got the following error message: 'Quantum Err: Open failed.' How can I fix this
0 3503 0
9/7/2010 8:49 PM

AC41.4 Resource Time Entry Upload    

Started By  MEllis
We are trying to create an ac41.4 upload template. Each time we run the upload the GL Offset accounting unit changes to something other than what we are specifying. What could cause this
3581 1
by  BobCJump to last post
9/15/2010 8:10 PM
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