Forum: Lawson S3 Financials

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PO100-Purchase orders      

Started By  Chesca
For some strange reason, all of the sudden the PO100 auto job is now creating purchase orders intol 1 single PO for different ship to locations/Pyxis locations. We need to have 1 purchase order created for Each Separate Location. So if we have orders from Location 1X & 2X for example - these must each get their own PO number. They can not be combined into 1 Purchase Order. Up to RQ500 the settings/parameters were fine and it created individual source documents.. Once the PO100 ran - it took...
14 55562 4
by Kat V

CB10, CB10.3, CB10.4 Addin (self-contained)      

Started By  giesewendy
Does anyone have Addins for CB10, CB10.3, CB10.4 in a self-contained file Or even in split versions for header and then detail If you do an can share, thanks in advance. Thank you.
0 4027 0

Needing to open mutiple accounts in GL20.2      

Started By  Ronnie
We have over 500 accounting units that we need to open a certain account for on GL20.2 Is there an easier way than going to each on GL20.1 and the accounts button and then opening the accounts from there one by one Is there a way to mass open an account for ALL of our accounting units I asked lawson support, but they only pointed me to GL222 which is just a report of which ones already have it open, but completely avoided my question of a way to mass open for all.
2 44513 0
by Ronnie

Lease Management - Operating Lease JE Timing      

Started By  Bob Canham
We are working on implementing Lease Management so we can support the new reporting requirements for Long Term Operating Leases. As we're working through testing, we're running up against a block trying to understand when the various journal entries should be hitting our general ledger. I'm hoping someone out here has done this and can point us in the right direction. The difficulty we're having is due to the payment timing. Most of our leases are due by the 1st of the month and are fo...
0 3766 0

How to completely remove journals using SQL      

Started By  Sam Mathew
In Lawson General Ledger, How can we complete remove journals using SQL. I noticed the journals are still present even after deleting rows in GLTRANS How can i completely remove them without using GL146
0 3807 0

EDI Freight Build      

Started By  Casy
We currently use GHX to interface our EDI messages from vendors. We have a record on ED40 for an Add-On cost of Freight. Since GHX sends the code 'G830' in the EDI message, that is how we currently have the ED40 record driven. We would like to somehow have the freight be disbursed based on Process Level of the Purchase Order instead of all Freight going to the 1 AOC code. Is this possible when interfacing with GHX Thank you!
2 44118 0
by Casy

Automate data import      

Started By  Wai Cheng
I'm trying to Automate credit card transaction upload into lawson. The business has a uwf file that they use with the upload addins. What is the best way to do the upload M3 API is there a command line option for the upload addins I found these two links
2 49428 0
by Wai Cheng

PO64 not accessible      

Started By  wat444
I currently don't have access to PO64 (still waiting a week after putting in a service now ticket). Is there another report I could use in the meantime that would give me similar information about matching and/or unreleased invoices
2 47936 0
by wat444

Issues with AP 161 generated file and ED501 translation for 820      

Started By  UD
We are having issues getting the Lawson generated AP161 PAYMENT file to translate into an 820. There was no REMIT file generated. Is that an issue Or should we keep looking at trading partner setup In the AP161 flat file, where is the trading partner ID located, and would it make a difference if it was not found The error we get is simply, no data to be translated. Anyone have experience with an issue like that Not attaching the file for obvious reasons, but can answer questions about sp...
1 43747 1
by UD

EDI 810 Delay      

Started By  Casy
We are looking for a way to delay the EDI 810's. The ED502 job is basic and doesn't have any date parameters so it just goes out to our GHX server and picks up all the files in the mmis_in folder. These get processed in and many of them fail on MA54 due to PO issues. We were wondering if there was a way to delay them by a few days so that it gives the PO's time to come in and be received. Anybody have a way to do this
2 44671 0
by Alex Tsekhansky

Unique Identifer from GLTRANSREL to GLTRANS      

Started By  Sam Mathew
Hi Everyone, I am trying to uniquely pin point transactions from GLTRANSREL table to GLTRANS , how can we achieve this is there a column where you can add a unique identifier which gets populated in GLTRANS once journals are posted Thanks Sam
4 49536 0
by Sam Mathew

Infor’s Lawson Accounts Payable Invoice Automation system      

Started By  DougAB
I'm curious to know if anyone uses Infor’s Lawson Accounts Payable Invoice Automation system, or any invoice automated system. We deal with many suppliers that send their invoices via EDI, email, and csv files. We want a way to flow these invoices into Lawson and automate the matching process. We'd deal with the fallouts thereafter. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
4 57747 1
by BigEasyNO

GL Balance Rollover      

Started By  Anthony
How do you roll GL balances over from year to year Thank You
1 37451 0
by RonT

Lawson ACTOR ID & LAWPROD10X & SSOP      

Started By  ALW
We are migrating to a new Domain and to Lawson 11. I need to create a SQL Script to list out all the Lawson Actor ID's and their corresponding LAWPROD10x and SSOP settings. Example: ACTORID = LAWPROD10x = domain\ SSOP = I cannot find what table contains the LAWPROD10X and SSOP fields so I can list them. Can anyone please help me identify the table(s) that these two fields exist in Thank you in advance. Allen
1 40536 0
by JimY


Started By  Dennis Amory
I need to know who released a specific AR batch. I can see the operator that created the batch in AR20. Is there a way to determine who released that batch
0 3838 1


Started By  Chesca
Is anybody already using GTIN If yes, could you please help me determine how these are assigned We are planning to start using GTIN's.
3 51474 0
by Marisol

GL20-Accounting Unit/Account Code Combinations      

Started By  Sami117
We have several accounting units that are mapped to various GL Account codes per GL20.2. We have one accounting unit for balance sheet transactions, but we discovered several income statement accounts with exists as 'yes' on the GL20.2 for the balance sheet unit. We don't want individuals accidently coding transactions improperly so we need to turn the exists from 'yes' to 'no.' We have shut off dynamic account generation to prevent the exists from being turned automatically to 'yes' if someo...
3 53885 2
by anu singh

AR30 Automation      

Started By  Anthony
My Finance team is trying to automate the process of selecting a invoice that gets paid on the check listed in the header section of AR30. What they do is: “We first add the payment in AR30.1 once the batch is created by giving it the batch number we created, adding the pmt number, paid amount on the check, and customer number with the date we received the money. Then hit add to add the payment. Then the manual work begins by having to put an A for add next to each invoice that gets paid...
0 4252 0

Sample EDI 810 maps      

Started By  jefriedman
Hello All, We're trying to gather as much information as we can for a possible move to EDI (just 810 for invoices for now). Would anybody like to share the fields they use for EDI 810, as well as their mapping to MA540 We looking at office supplies, basic IT hardware, etc. No services. Thanks, Jerry
2 49082 0
by jefriedman

Changing a Recurring Journal      

Started By  jefriedman
We are looking for a way to secure recurring journals by having them go for reapproval if they are changed in terms of dollar amount, cost center, GL, etc. Right now, they get approved on the front end, but after that changes can be made without an additional approval needed. Does anyone have experience with this scenario Thanks, Jerry
1 46432 0
by Carol S

Implementing EDI 810      

Started By  jefriedman
Hello All, We want to set up EDI 810 just for one vendor. All invoices will be against POs. I've been reading the EDI user guide and had some questions. Does ED502 have the ability to translate standard X12 built-in, or do we have to load some kind of field map What errors would prevent an invoice from being accepted into ED502 In this case would an error message go back to the vendor Do qty and price errors prevent an invoice from loading Our single trading partner w...
5 47070 0
by JonA

Upgrade from V10 to V11      

Started By  Michelle Hager
We are headed to the West Coast Mega Meeting in Newport Beach, CA in a few weeks and we would love to chat with someone who is in a healthcare setting who has gone through the upgrade from V10 to V11. Does anyone know of a company that has It doesn't necessarily have to be in a healthcare setting also. Thanks.
2 53657 2
by Declan Bilyew

HotKey not working in IE      

Started By  Seathreads
An S3 Financial user had been able to use this hotkey combo to see which table a particular field is being pulled from, CtrlShiftO. It no longer works. I have performed all of the normal IE troubleshooting steps to no avail. We have actually uninstalled the newest version of Java and installed and older version. I am not familiar with Lawson, I am the Help Desk Sup but our Lawson Expert prefers to put tickets in with Infor than to post on forums. I prefer the people's voi...
3 49654 1
by Tim R

general ledger posting dates      

Started By  Dan Guszregan
After the closing of period 7 it was discovered that there were two PR entries in period seven with posting date for period 4 and period 6. We need to fix these dates into period 7. I have opened period 7 for back posting and tried to un-release the two entries so I could correct the dates but the system will not allow that. Is there a way to correct these dates Our concern is if we have to open up to say period six to do some correction then the one PR entry dated within that period will t...
4 43560 0
by Dan Guszregan

Lease Compute Statements      

Started By  Bob Canham
We are just starting to look at using Lawson's Lease Management module in order to track leases with the new regulations. We're coming up with various scenarios to see how they would work in the new system. One that I'm curious how people are using is compute statements for payments. As an example, we have a lease that has a Year 1 base amount and then increases annually at a percentage of the CPI index increase. I was looking at the computes, but we've really only used them with old rep...
0 4183 1
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