Forum: Lawson S3 Financials

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Interface AP employee expense check to payroll    

Started By  Jim Van Zummeren
We have recently installed the Lawson HR/payroll module. Our AP department is wanting to have direct deposit of expense checks available. So instead of maintaining direct deposit information in both the AP and payroll system we are wondering if anyone passes the expense checks from their AP system to their payroll system so that they can be included on their regular paycheck.
6 16503 3
by  John HenleyJump to last post
6/9/2009 4:51 PM

Link AP Record To Another Application    

Started By  Deleted User
Hello, this is my first posting to the forum so my appologies if I've made any forum etiquette transgressions. I am architecting a Sharepoint application which will manage the workflow for each line of business (LOB) for the approval and routing of invoices to Lawson AP. The Sharepoint application will be the repository for the LOB approvals and supporting documentation including, scanned impages. What I need is a way of linking the invoice in Lawson AP to the Sharepoint application to make the...
10 6506 5
by  John HenleyJump to last post
3/25/2009 5:14 PM

AP160-Extra Header    

Started By  Deleted User
When our AP160 files have about 200 transactions, AP160 is creating an extra header at the bottom of the file. This confuses the bank because they think more is to follow, but there isn't any extra data. Any ideas on what is causing the extra header at the bottom
3 5122 0
by  Vito AmatulliJump to last post
3/6/2009 1:48 PM

Periodic Accurals    

Started By  NickM
We currently have Lawson 9.0. On a periodic basis the Financial Planning and Analysis (FP&A) Team will need the Final actual data export (i.e. the financial data for each period that composes the financial statement) out of Lawson so I can upload it into our budget/forecasting tool.  We use Adaptive Planning. Export should only contain GL and Actual. Can I do this through Microsoft Add-ins Or do I need to go after it using the oracle database. I would think Addins should work.
1 3899 1
by  dcaianiJump to last post
3/6/2009 3:41 PM

System Code GL01.1 and GL01.2    

Started By  Deleted User
Does anyone know the benefit and hindrance of using system control in the GL system  I know you can't close GL if the sub systems are not closed, how does GL know if PR is closed or not.  Right now we don't use System Control for PR or other sub systems except for AP. Does Lawson recommend it  Do you clients recommend it Does it work the same way in LSF9 as it would in 8.1 Appreciate your help. Barb
2 32154 2
by  dcaianiJump to last post
3/6/2009 3:32 PM

AP160 ACH Remot File    

Started By  Vito Amatulli
Our company currently uses a custom VB application to send emails to vendors notfifying them of their payments. We are looking to eliminate this VB application and place the process on our AIX server.  Does anyone know if Lawson provides any software to send email acknowledgements to vendors or do we need to code a custom application using PFI or Java Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks, Vito.
1 3934 1
by  John HenleyJump to last post
3/6/2009 8:47 PM


Started By  KathyT
Is anyone using a true 13 period calendar - 28 days per period  If so, would it be possible to share how you have set up your dates and rolling the extra week in year 6 into the calendar Thank you
2 4954 0
by  djJump to last post
3/17/2009 3:01 AM


Started By  Deleted User
Can someone help me locate or determine the steps required to upload  invoices from our Food and Beverage system into Lawson. We are currently using LSF9.Some of the information I have gathered is that we export the invoice data from our F&B system into a CSV file, then upload the CSV file into Lawson (via AP520). My IT guy said he was able to 'upload' 3 invoices out of F&B sys and into Lawson(). However, when he attempted to run AP520, he got no information. Where did the files goThis par...
3 5517 4
by  John HenleyJump to last post
3/12/2009 6:18 PM

drill-around on company field take up 15 second    

Started By  Xin Li
On program Ap20, po20, gl90, etc if drill-around on company field, it takes up 15 second to display. Anyone has similar issue Any suggestion to improve it We are on AIX 5.3 LSF 9.0.04 and Apps 8.1.0. Oracle 10g
4 3792 1
by  John HenleyJump to last post
3/13/2009 4:45 PM

AR Open Item/Invoices Table Extract    

Started By  dj
I am more of a functional user, however, I have experience with Addins.  I want to query the following out Lawson but I need to query the tables and not the forms (application) 1) Open AR deposits 2) Open AR items--invoices, credit memo's debit memos I queried the followoing tables: AROIHDR & AROITEMS  Should I be going after different tables
5402 1
3/16/2009 8:23 PM

Factor or Pay To Vendors    

Started By  Verna
My CFO would like to start paying contractors but including the sub-contractors name on the payment to ensure the sub-contractors are being paid.  We have never used AP11 before and I cannot determine the difference in 'factor' vs 'pay-to'.  Also, how would the check print  She would like to see 'GENERAL CONTRACTOR A and SUB-CONTRACTOR B' printed as the payee.  Is this possible  Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
0 4040 1
3/20/2009 10:10 PM

Variance report    

Started By  Chandra
I am creating a budget variance report in reporting services. I am looking for (1) Revenue  --  Acutal / Budget    and    (2) Expenditure - Acutal / Budget.  I was able to go after some tables like GLTRANS, FBDETAILand etc. Can some one help me please identifying what table should I go after for my requirements (1) and (2) above for Acutals and Budget Thanks
3 5180 1
by  John HenleyJump to last post
3/31/2009 9:09 PM

GL165 - IFJR.1 and IFTR.1 error reports    

Started By  Dave
Wondering if anyone has experienced this issue and might offer some tips  We are LSF9 - I have a script that launches the GL165 as Lawson - it's launched via a portal button by a handful of users.  The user gets a copy of the GL165.prt - but does not get a copy of the associated error and je report created by IFJR and IFTR.  Their LS class has complete access to both GL and IF system codes and all programs.  The only way a user is able to view all reports is if I set checkls to NO and have them...
2 4782 0
by  mark.cookJump to last post
4/23/2009 6:17 PM

Summarized transactions in GL for AP / AC,VP,AP source codes    

Started By  Venkatarajamani Raman
Hi, Our customer has configured the setup in such a way that summary of transactions should only go to GL from AR, BR, AP, AP, CB, AC and AM sub systems. I am in the process of building a program that would print all the detail transactions for the given GL account.  While doing so, I am able to identify the detail records for AR, AC, AM and CB records from ARDISTRIB, ACTRANS, AMTRANS and CBDISTRIB respectively using GLT-OBJ-ID. For invoice distribution records in AP (system code AP, source cod...
2 9072 1
by  Venkatarajamani RamanJump to last post
4/13/2009 5:27 AM

AR Invoice Distribution    

Started By  Jeff
Hello all.  Rather new to Lawson so hopefully I can explain my issue. Using MS Add-ins to upload Invoice data.  A typical invoice has 3-5 lines to it.  Each line has the total invoice amount in, ARH-ORIG-AMT.  The AMD-ORIG-AMT contains the amount that applies to each detail line. When I upload the data to AR42.2, I receive the following results: Transaction added - distributions out of balance Transaction header record already exists | Transaction changed - distributions out of balance Tran...
5 9277 3
by  JeffJump to last post
4/16/2009 3:46 PM

Duplicate record in Asset Management    

Started By  Diane G
I'm new to Lawson (just in CRP testing right now). I tried testing an adjustment to change the purchase date and get adjusting entries. I get to the AM20.5 form and see my journal entries. I know I need to do an ADD to get the entires over to GL, then an AM170 to release. However, on the AM20.5 when I click add, I get a message that says duplicate record, so I get no entries over to GL. Does anyone have any clues
4280 2
by  Brad SchauerJump to last post
5/9/2009 2:09 AM

AC190 Performance problem    

Started By  John Costa
We are preparing to 'flip the switch' on our LSF9 migration and go live this weekend.  However, we've identified a serious performance problem with AC190 (Activity Posting). On our 5-year old hardware running SQL-2000, environment 8.0.3 (ESP7) and applications 8.1.0 (MSP6), our nightly AC190 job takes app. 4.5 hours to complete. On our new state of the art 64-bit database server running SQL-2005, LSF9, and the same application set, the AC190 job is taking any where between 10.5 and 12 hours to...
14 5632 4
by  John CostaJump to last post
5/1/2009 11:22 AM


Started By  Kate Liamero
Because there are no user fields for ee20.2 we would like to add 2 date fields to the bottom of the eeexpense table and then add the fields to the form in design studio.  Our travel audit department needs to track the dates when the expense approval was received and the date the receipts associated to the expense were received.  Does anyone forsee any problem with doing this Thanks Kate
1 3777 1
by  John HenleyJump to last post
5/1/2009 9:20 PM

SQL Server 2005 Performance    

Started By  JY
Lawson ENV 803 SP7, Financials 803 SP11.  Recently migrated to SQL Server 2005 as a step toward LSF9.  Since then, performance for the most part has been abysmal.  A function like BR42 now times out.  Once any load has been put on the system, response time degrades significantly.  Pursued Lawson GSC about BR42 but we discovered ourselves that the wrong index (at least from our perspective) is being used.  Checked all the usual suspects -- the MICROSOFT file, the SQL Native Client version matchin...
5 4383 0
by  John HenleyJump to last post
5/5/2009 4:20 PM

AP136 Performance patch    

Started By  DeltaFoxtrot
In our organization we are having unusually long run times when running an AP136 (takes anywhere from 5 to 20 hours, depending on what parameters are used).  AP database is quite large about 92 million records. We are running LSF 9 and SQL server 2005.  Lawson Support suggested we run the CTP 58954 patch to resolve this issue.  This patch took 5 days to run in our test environment, we are now evaluating if it is worth it to run it in our production environment. Have any of you had similar perf...
2 4661 0
by  DeltaFoxtrotJump to last post
5/11/2009 6:10 PM

Project & Activity Performance    

Started By  mcl
Our consultants are suggesting the use of the Activity module for several tracking and reporting issues that we have for a city government.  We have grants, projects, contracts, enterprise funds, etc. that will be treated as projects or activities in this module.  I remember reading one forum issue on an update or closeout program for this module.   What is the history of this module in performance, and is there a limit to the number of Activity 'groups' that it can handle. Recently, we have mo...
2 4994 1
by  mclJump to last post
5/18/2009 3:37 PM

Printing AP Checks    

Started By  Thomas Jackson
We are currently in the process of installing Lawson at our facility and on our old system we printed checks via Adobe Output Designer and in HR we used Crystal to do this.  Is it possible to use one of these programs to print manual AP or Payroll check.  If so, could someone shed some light on this for me. Thanks,Thomas
2 4578 1
by  Thomas JacksonJump to last post
6/4/2009 4:52 PM

Use of Smart Recon- apps    

Started By  itsjustme
We continue to experience issues related to Smart Recon after our recent upgrade from 8.0.3 apps to apps. We are on LSF9.0.0.5, Unix, Oracle. In particular the Authority Code/Buyer is dropping from the messages created in Smart REcon. When matched in MA60, we cannot duplicate the issue. Lawson is unable to duplicate the issue either using Smart Recon. We have tried finding other companies using Smart Recon without much luck. Just looking here to see if anyone uses or has additional inf...
0 4452 0
6/8/2009 12:06 PM

Interpreting GLNAMES Level Detail information    

Started By  Matthew Nye
Im trying to create a geneology of AUs by using the LEVEL_DETAIL_ fields from GLNAMES but I dont really understand the values the fields are being populated with.  They dont seem to coorespond to the AU values or the OBJ_IDs.   Any ideas   Thanks, Matt
3 3889 1
by  Ruma MalhotraJump to last post
6/9/2009 1:43 PM

Dynamically change As of Date on AR251    

Started By  JoeS
Is there a way to 'dynamically' change the As of Date on a AR251 job   I am looking to schedule an AR251 to run weekly via recdef and want to avoid any manual intervention. JS
2 3387 1
by  TracyOJump to last post
6/15/2009 5:14 PM
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