Forum: Infor Global HR (GHR)

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LTM security - secured on list not form      

Started By  MC
LTM 10 - I have secured the  OfferDeadlineDate  on the JobApplication BC.  It is not appearing in Lists for the TAHiringManager Role, but it is still appearing on the  Define Offer (OfferParameter Form).  How do I prevent the HiringManager (only) from being able to update this.  I need to have the Recruiter Role still update this field. I don't want the Hiring Manger to see the field, but do want want the Recruiter to do this. Thanks
5 4836 0
by Peter O

LTM Configuration & Data Transfer      

Started By  Randika
Hi, Does anyone know how to transfer LTM configuration and data from a development environment to production environment Does LTM has any data transfer procedures or do we have to do it manually Thanks in advance Randika
2 5214 0
by Peter O

Adding a New Form with Configuration Console      

Started By  Herman Schultz
Is this possible  How
1 6128 0
by Peter O

Exit Interview      

Started By  Sameera
Is there a workaround to accommodate 'Exit Interview' in ltm Thanks Sameera
2 4656 0
by Sameera

Removing Icons      

Started By  Srini Rao
Hello, How do we remove the icons (like Opportunities, Public Safety etc) from employee space
1 4318 0
by JackB

Action Request History Details      

Started By  Sameera
What are the database tables which need to refer to view the history details of a action request (Eg - Need to view the history details of Transfers, including previous values & New values) Thanks Sameera
6 5774 0
by Sameera

LMRK Performance Tuning      

Started By  SP
My apologies in advance for the x-post, but I need to take the shotgun approach here hoping to hit something. I can't believe I'm going to post this question, but at this point I'm thinking why not, so here it goes. I am looking for feedback regarding performance tuning the LMRK GRID. Specifically I am interested in knowing what others have done to improve performance.  I am curious about max grid jvm size settings for the components listed below, as well as any overrides or speci...
0 4447 0

Field Encryption      

Started By  Sameera
Is there a way to enable/ disable encryption for a selected field in ITM. Also how can we read the fields like EMPLOYEEIDENTIFICATIONNUMBER from DB (looks like its encrypted) Thanks Sameera
2 4406 0
by Sameera

Talent Acquisition Question      

Started By  Chris Perozek
Hi, does anyone know if Talent Acquisition can rank candidates who apply to a requisition based on their answers to screening questions
3 5272 0
by Chris Perozek

System Usage      

Started By  Sameera
We have a requirement to monitor the ITM system usage (How many users has logged in, when, time, etc..), Appreciate if someone can advice  Thanks Sameera
0 4358 0

Special Incentive - LTM V.10      

Started By  JackB
Does anyone have experience deploying Special Incentive in LTM 10 Compensation Management I wonder if the process has some bugs. when Manager makes a Request Special Incentive for a staff. It appears OK, but Work Unit erred out in: Service: RequestSpecIncen that invokes Process: AwardApprFocal. Some data were not passed to process or wrong data passed (i.e. the Employee ID of the staff was passed, when the ID (derived from Actor) was not. Results in Supervisor not found. App...
0 4270 0

Set up LTM Oracle DB to Unicode      

Started By  Sri
Hi, We currently use S3 for Payroll/Benefits (S3 Environment -, Core S3 Applications and LTM (LTM 3.4.2) for Global HR/Recruiting We have had issues with LTM with unicode characters in Candidate Space (not in Manager Space), specifically apostrophe and quotation marks when a candidate cuts and pastes their resume from word Our services provider (velocity) is currently in touch with Infor to determine what, if any, can be done to resolve this issue ...
0 4663 0

Resume Parsing      

Started By  Chris Perozek
Hi, has anyone used Talemetry for resume parsing  If so, would you care to share your experience with this product If anyone else has experience with a different resume parsing tool, I would be interested in your experiences as well!
2 4792 0
by Dina Parker

Filed Relation      

Started By  Sameera
Is there a way to build a relationship between the data in two fields (In ITM 10.2). eg- When we select a record in Field A, Filed B should load the relevant data for the selected record in Field A (both fields are dropdowns & in same form) Thanks Sameera
0 4568 0

Historical Hire action - change effective date      

Started By  Nate@SummaHealth
We previously were able to correct what is considered the 'current row' in the audit log for either employee or Work Assignment.   But with recent upgrades in Landmark, this functionality has been removed.  One process that has been impacted significantly is the changing of hire dates to a later date.  Future effective dated transactions are still editable, however, those transactions that are current, meaning Today() cannot be modified to adjust the effective date.  Infor provided us with a pr...
0 5930 0

Applicant Data - Start Date for Internal Candidate      

Started By  Terry Wilson
Does anyone know what record I could find the effective date of a transfer for an internal applicant which is hired into a position.   I know the EMPLOYMENTSTARTDATE gets populated on the JOBAPPLICATION record for external applicants once the Hire transaction has been approved but not for internals applicants.
1 4599 0
by Peter O

Offer Letter Merge Fields      

Started By  Dina Parker
hi - I am in the end stage of a full lawson implementation for the Talent Acquisition (LTM) side of the house.  I am in the end stage of integrated user testing and our offer letters are not currently working. Does anyone know if there is an add-on in Microsoft Word to add Lawson Pattern Language (LPL) merged fields so the information from the candidate record/requisition autopopulates into the offer letter A link to the LPL database or an add-on would be helpful so I can recreate ou...
2 6181 0
by Dina Parker

Global HR Turnover Report      

Started By  Karen Siegel
Has anyone used the delivered turnover report/analysis within Global HR Do you know if the formula shown on this report labeled 'leavers turnover rate' is system defined or user defined   If system-defined, do you know what the formula is We would like to use these reports to automate the turnover calculation process as part of our GHR implementation for HR and for managers. Any help is appreciated! Thanks Karen Siegel
0 6058 1

Use LPL to trim spaces from form fields?      

Started By  Peter O
Hello all, I'm trying to figure out if it's possible to use LPL to trim spaces out of a form field, or if LPL has some kind of an equivalent to regex functions to alter text in the form field. Our issue is that applicants will put spaces in their name before or after.. and sometimes even in the middle... and no fields trim these spaces by default. Then when they go through the application process it can be nearly impossible to find them in candidate pool due to the strange way it s...
0 5588 0

TM 10.X - customize Action Request label      

Started By  JackB
Does anyone know where in the Configuration Console that we can change the label of a global Action Request i.e. change: 'Export to csv' to 'Export to Excel'... Much appreciate. Jack
0 4670 0

Mass transaction upload - TM to S3 interface      

Started By  bearcat32
What is your approach to uploading mass transactions (ie Merit or pay rate changes) into TM and having them reflect in S3 After a few tests it seems the delivered flows take hours/days to simply interface the data to the LT holding tables. There has to be a more efficient solution. Thanks for any advice.
9 6350 1
by Peter O

TM: Dual name Display      

Started By  JackB
I am setting up TM for the Chinese employee of a US base company. For the Chinese employee, we want to show the screen in Chinese, but the name will be displayed in both Roman and Kanji characters. We've done: 1.       Configured Dual Name Display by define the LTM_AlternateLocale parameter to Chinese 2.       Set the Locale of the Actor(s) to Chinese 3.       The Employee’s Nationality is Chinese 4.       Verified that Multiple Language Configuration is enabled. 5.       Change the Region ...
0 4820 1

ATS to GHR/Landmark      

Started By  Kimr
Hi We are in the process implementing both Lawson S3 and GHR/Landmark.  We want to interface our ATS, Healthcare Source to GHR/Landmark but are having some issues in determining the file feed from the ATS to Infor.  Does anyone have any experience with this
1 5036 1
by Peter O

Delivered IPAs      

Started By  ALB
Appendix A of Infor Talent Management Suite Configuration Guide has many of the delivered IPAs; however, I have been unable to find AddAddress, ChangeName, and ChangeAddress.  Is there another place which has that documented
0 4681 0

Delivered IPAs      

Started By  ALB
Appendix A of Infor Talent Management Suite Configuration Guide has many of the delivered IPAs; however, I have been unable to find AddAddress, ChangeName, and ChangeAddress.  Is there another place which has that documented
4 5065 1
by Woozy
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