Forum: Infor Global HR (GHR)

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Adding data to LTM      

Started By  Ruma Malhotra
For all LTM first time users what is the best way to input data I went through the LTM data load guide but wanted to find out what is a better way to input data Has anyone used the Lawson Spreadsheet designer Can you share your experiences Thanks.
2 6381 0
by AshleyR

Connecting with other Customer PMs for Lawson Talent Management      

Started By  Cindy S
I am running a Lawson Talent Management project and would like to connect with other customer Project Managers to see if we can share notes on issues encountered in these projects. Any Project Managers interested in talking bi-weekly Cindy S
7 7206 0
by John Henley

Enwisen and Employee/Manager space?      

Started By  George Graham
Currently in final stages of implementing Enwisen ESS/MSS for S3. HR is looking at LTM/GHR. I know that some of this is new - does anyone know if Enwisen has links into Landmark - or would this be a consideration to have to shift over the Landmark for ESS/MSS
0 5060 1

LTM Security Classes      

Started By  Dennis Amory
How can I tell which roles security class 'X' are assigned to Is there a command or report for that For example, I would like to know all the roles that have security class 'ActorInquiryAccess_ST' assigned to them.
2 4845 0
by Dennis Amory

LTM Web Access      

Started By  Massimo Emilione
I know LTM looks a lot like LSO, but is not written in .net like LSO. Since it is not written in the same manner, does anyone know if there is a url to a web side of LTM If I am understanding this correctly, if a company were to utilize LTM as a replacement for the front end of Lawson for ESS users, and a pc could not handle any installations that there should be a web portion of the application. Maybe I am wrong, any help would be appreciated into understanding the product.
1 4655 0
by Woozy

proxy setup      

Started By  JimMNH
It appears that by default Lawson will not allow an individual to set their own security proxy. This makes sense perhaps for most approvers, but Directors, Dept. Heads, etc. should be able to easily set their proxy before they go on vacation without requesting Finance or IT to do it for them within the process flow. Approvers are defined/assigned using the ProcessFlow Administration Tool. Is there any other way that you have seen customers setup security proxies for a high level executive whe...
3 7393 0
by JimMNH

How to re-create after delete a supervisor?      

Started By  Sean
We are implementing the LTM. One of my coworker accidentally deleted the top level supervisor- CEO and President by using the current date as effective date. Is there anyway that we can restore the supervisor role or we have to create another one with the different effective date thanks. BTW, this is in test survey. I just wonder how people handle this kind of situation in LTM.
0 4887 0

Synergita to host a insightful webinar on Performance Appraisal vs Continuous Feedback by industry renowned HR Practitioners and Motivational Speakers      

Started By  sathiya
HR Experts from around the world, join together to discuss on Continuous Feedback vs Performance Appraisal.  A Change Agent, a deft Organizational Psychologist, Workplace Issues Generalist and a Senior Practitioner exchange their views, share their perspectives on Performance Appraisal and feedback mechanism.   Join this exciting discussion on March 1st 2012, 11 AM US EST (1 hour online discussion)                                 Kindly find below the invite or view in this link - http://ww...
0 4836 0

Continuous Feedback Vs Performance Appraisal      

Started By  sathiya
Webinar date: 25th January 2012 Webinar time: 11 AM US EST/ 4 PM GMT/ 9.30 PM India Speakers: Anga Sanders, MLA, SPHR, CEO at Global HR Solutions LLC Arvinder S Dhesi, Group Talent Director at Towers Watson Mitch Byers, SPHR,Senior Human Resources Director at JDC Healthcare Management LLC ,Dallas Lee Cooper, Editor at Agenda-Continuous Feedback Vs Performance Appraisal Today the world of business is going through challenging times. Hiring the ...
0 7901 0

Personnel Action Interface between LTM and S3      

Started By  Kelly H
Anyone out there have any experience with how to interface the personnel actions in LTM with the S3 actions so that our Benefit Automation rules still work
2 7733 1
by Kelly H

LTM Screen Shots and file descriptions      

Started By  Mark Larochelle
Is anyone aware of any documentation that contains LTM screen shots and the table layouts. IE: From Global Human Resources Guide, page 119, To Define a competency: Administrator, Competency Management, Competencies. What does this screen look like, and is there anyway of knowing the underlying tables and their description(s). Thank-you.
1 6651 0
by Woozy

LTM/Talent Acquisition & Resource Navigator      

Started By  Kay
Hello - My client is scheduled for a demo on the Resource Navigator and Talent Acquisition (part of LTM) next week. I am trying to obtain as much information as possible before they meet with Lawson. My first question ....My client is under the impression that they can purchase and implement only the LTA piece of LTM.....Is that true Will LTA function separately from LTM If anyone has recently gone live on either of these (LTA or LRM), I would welcome any advice, warnings, sugges...
0 6331 0

Talent Management Suite - Lawson      

Started By  Jeff White
Is anyone out there using Lawson's Talent management Suite There's very little documentation out there about it, other than some interfacing documents. What are your impressions Did you also compare it to a Success Factors, or other comparable software I'm also guessing that this Talent Management software runs a separate server from the standard Lawson applications.  Do you know the requirements Thanks, Jeff
0 6638 1
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