Forum: Lawson S3 HR/Payroll/Benefits

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Employee Address changes via ESS    

Started By  jeremy.zerr
We want to add the functionality for an employee to change their own address through ESS. For obvious reasons (auditing), we want this action to be pending, not immediate. I was very disappointed when I found the Lawson delivered address change ESS module directly updates HR11.  How dangerous is that!  That makes it completely worthless to us, and to many others I would guess. The Manager Self service allows address changes if you have a Personnel Action that is for address changes, but we wa...
12 6306 3
by  Margie GyurisinJump to last post
11/7/2016 8:03 PM

Data Purge and Data Archiving    

Started By  martingibbs
Hello, We installed Lawson a few years ago, and we are beginning our analysis regarding the need to archive/purge data sometime in the future. Lawson provides several purge programs, but I was always under the impression that these programs were for test data only --in other words, you wouldn't ever run a BN430, unless you first archive that data. Has anyone ever used a purge program in production If so, what lessons have you learned, or what would you reccommend The other side of that is a...
12 12993 7
by  MORGS13Jump to last post
11/11/2016 6:32 PM

Set up BN15.1 For Employer Contrib only (replace DB plan)    

Started By  kvetro60
We are going from a DB plan to DC plan where we give employees a of pay each year after two years of service.  The employee does not contribute to this plan.  I am just trying to figure out which contribution type to select so this will work properly.  We will also be giving employees credit for prior years of service (employee terminated and then is rehired) toward the the two years of service.
9 5347 1
by  kvetro60Jump to last post
11/21/2016 8:11 PM

Equifax Compliance Center    

Started By  Kelly H
Is anyone using the Equifax Compliance Center and then bringing data into Lawson from that tool  ie) direct deposit, tax withholdings, etc.
3 3130 1
by  Kelly HJump to last post
10/25/2016 7:08 PM

WFH / Teleworker usage problems    

Started By  Jeffrey Stevens
Our remote workers seem to have problems more than our internal network users. What can we look at as the source of problems displaying lawson screens for such users We have 3 possible types of remote workers: 1.       They have MVO hardware (modem/phone/vpn) to run a Virtual Desktop on our internal network 2.       They have Windows Remote Desktop (they connect  to a computer inside Mayos network) using F5 VPN 3.       They use F5 VPN and expect internal network performance on their externa...
0 3092 2
10/3/2016 6:51 PM

Gender Drop Down List    

Started By  Kelly H
Has anyone added an option to the Gender drop down list We would like to add 'refuse to answer' option to the drop down list.
5 3740 1
by  Kelly HJump to last post
10/5/2016 8:45 PM

PA531 Applicant Import    

Started By  Ken2000
Using the PA531, I am trying to import applicants into Lawson with a pre-determined applicant ID as well as a requisition number for the position they have applied for.  I am finding that for the requisition to feed in, I must turn the e-recruiting option 'on' for the company and then import the file.  Having the e-recruiting on, however, requires that they system assign the applicant ID.  If I turn e-recruiting off, I can feed the applicant ID I need but the requisition number will not populate...
0 3188 1
10/4/2016 7:46 PM

ESS Customize - annual enrollment headers    

Started By  giesewendy
We want to modify text on each benefit plan annual enrollment header.  Using the technical text, we still cannot find the proper file to modify and reference back to the benmsgs file.   For example on Medical Only, we want to edit this section:
7 3328 1
by  Karen SheridanJump to last post
10/7/2016 2:04 PM

Benefit Automation Termination Rules - Custom Calculation for Stop Date    

Started By  kvetro60
I am going through our Benefit Automation rules for terminations and needed help with the Stop Date set up. For our employees who are going to a benefit ineligible status, we need their benefits to Stop the Pay Period End date prior to their termination/PA date.  I am thinking we need to use the Custom Date field but not sure how that works Also, for our regular termination employees (leaving the company), we end benefits on the last day of the current pay period in which the termination is ef...
3 2759 0
by  Margie GyurisinJump to last post
10/17/2016 6:22 PM

'Select different plan' not working for new plan    

Started By  giesewendy
We set up 1 new health plan in BN15.  The employees are eligible for the new benefit on BN31.2 and it shows in the list of available plans. It seems to be added appropriately on bs01, bS02 and bs03. When, you actually pick 'Select a different plan' and select the newest plan, ESS hangs and never produces an error.  Where else can I look Any ideas at all to help
3172 0
by  giesewendyJump to last post
10/17/2016 8:51 PM

POS Level 01 effect date is greater than term date    

Started By  hussey1213
I have an employee that was hired with the incorrect date; 07/12/2018. When attempting to separate them we are getting the message 'POS Level 01 effect date 07/12/18 is greater than term date'. The employee has only a single position record dated 7/12/2018. Can anyone provide thoughts on how to get this term processed.
2 5544 1
by  Margie GyurisinJump to last post
11/3/2016 2:00 PM

Change in a Pay Rate History    

Started By  TBonney
I know the percentage change/increase for a pay rate history is shown on the screen in employee self service. However, I am not able to locate where this value is actually stored. It is not in the PRRATEHIST table where I would expect it to be. Can any one please advise where this value is stored (or advise if it is actually calculated when the page loads in ESS) Thank you.
3 3727 2
by  Karen SheridanJump to last post
10/27/2016 6:02 PM

accessible archived HR payroll data??    

Started By  Russell Spreeman
Our org was acquired several months ago and we have moved onto the new company's (non-Lawson) HR / payroll / benefits systems. We don't want to keep our Lawson HR suite going indefinitely and would like to archive the data in a way that we could access it in the future without having Lawson HR on our system. Has anyone any experience with doing any such thing Which vendor did you work with and what sort of accessibility did you end up with Keeping Lawson HR on our system, which is hosted, woul...
3 3039 2
by  Vijay SJump to last post
10/26/2016 6:52 AM

add non-cash income to flex credit    

Started By  giesewendy
We have a full flex plan working that adds taxable income for our LTD benefit to an employee's check.  (We offer this feature on our plan)  We cannot however, tie a non-cash income code to the full flex plan.  Any ideas on how to tax the benefit but not allow the employee to see the difference between the taxed premium and their taxes paid - essentially no change to their net pay, just an addition to income to be taxed.
0 3346 0
10/27/2016 7:15 PM

Open enrollment survey    

Started By  DavidV
More of a survey of questions for those who are using Infor for open enrollment.    1-Are you offering it outside your intranet  Yes or No   2-If offering outside the intranet what is your delivery method  Citrix, VPN, or End Point outside the firewall   3-If end point outside the firewall I assume you have an external domain and separate end point setup in ISS and using SSL.  What other form of security are you using  Are you using two-factor authentication   4-If presented outside ...
0 3140 0
10/28/2016 12:19 PM

Deleting ACA hours from BN54    

Started By  Jennifer Burke
Hi!   While in the process of adding external ACA hours to an employee's BN54, I did an add over an existing line of data and it also brought in 40 payroll hours in addition to the 466.75 external hours.  Of course, when I try to delete the record, I get an error message that you 'cannot delete if payroll hours exist'.  Does anyone have suggestions on how I can correct this epic fail  I attached a screenshot.  :)   Thank you! Jen
3870 1
10/28/2016 2:03 PM

LP140 Error    

Started By  Katy Prince
I get this error when trying to run the LP140: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- User:               Job: LP140-4         Queue: ********** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN:  Job Submitted:  Fri Oct 28 13:42:16 2016   Step  1:  LP140 Started. . . . . .:  Fri Oct 28 13:42:17 2016             Token Command. . . . . .:  D:\lsfprod\law\prod\obj\LP140.gnt             Executable Command . . .:...
0 4596 0
10/28/2016 5:52 PM

Benefit Enrollment    

Started By  charliewilliam
We would like to do a passive benefit enrollment this year.  We have BS01 set to update immediate for anyone going through benefit enrollment.  We would also like to have all current plans stop 12/31/2016 and restart 01/01/2017 if they did not participate in benefit enrollment and choose to roll their current elections into next year. Has anyone done anything like this  What tasks do you do after benefit enrollment closes to stop/restart benefits for those who choose to roll everything to the ...
1 3324 0
by  FireGeek21Jump to last post
11/3/2016 1:19 PM

HR13 dependent info    

Started By  Cherie O
is there a way to change the field names on the HR13.1 there is a field on the 'Coverage' tab (Primary Care Physican' that i would like to change the name of. is there a way
1 8187 0
by  Jeff ShumateJump to last post
11/1/2016 4:57 PM

Changing supplemental life ins paln    

Started By  Colleen Bertagnolli
We are looking at changing our supplemental life ins plan from salary based to multiples of 10000.  Is it better to just set up a brand new plan or make changes to the current plan in the coverage options
1 3085 0
by  Colleen BertagnolliJump to last post
11/3/2016 2:45 PM

bn29.2 multiple offers    

Started By  Colleen Bertagnolli
We are implementing ACA (only a year late).  When we do a personnel action changing someone's hours (which will put them in a different health option based on employee group) we see two offers on the bn29.2 after running the bn100.  Is that right
7 3891 0
by  Colleen BertagnolliJump to last post
11/9/2016 8:25 PM

Leave Balances on EMSS    

Started By  Sandy M
We have a few departments who would like to suppress some of the tabs on the Leave Balances screen in EMSS.  We can't find a way using security groups or other settings in Infor/Lawson.  Has anyone else accomplished this
1 3004 1
by  Jeff ShumateJump to last post
11/15/2016 11:43 PM

LP140 through Date not working for all    

Started By  Sylvie
We tested our yearend process in V9.  We have since converted to V10 and gone live with LP this year.  We are testing the process again in V10 to be ready for year end and it is not working.  We run the LP140 through 12/31/16.  It recognizes the hours used for all employees to that date, however it is only accruing on hours up to that date for our salary cycle employees and not the hourly cycle employees.  They both use the same accrual rule.  Since it pulls hours used for the employees up to th...
0 3653 0
11/16/2016 6:46 PM

S3 LT11.1    

Started By  shawnhaning
I've mapped all of the apparent key fields: COMPANY, LTM-DATE-STAMP, LTM-TIME-STAMP, LTM-OBJ-ID, EMPLOYEE, ACTION-CODE, ACTION-REASON, EFFECT-DATE, ERROR-FLAG, STATUS, TRAN-TYPE, MESSAGE. But running a delete operation still gives a 'Record does not exist' error... Am I doing something wrong Thanks, Shawn
2 4226 1
by  shawnhaningJump to last post
11/17/2016 10:36 PM

Employee Group Using Age as criteria    

Started By  Colleen Bertagnolli
Is there a way to set up an employee group s criteria  We are setting up a separate life ins plan for these folks.     Thanks
2 3514 0
by  AngiePJump to last post
12/1/2016 3:14 PM
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