Forum: Lawson S3 HR/Payroll/Benefits

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Workers Comp and OSHA data in lawson?    

Started By  MichelleW
Our Employee Health Services department is asking that we look into tracking workers comp and OSHA data in lawson is anyone else currently doing this I am thinking this data would be in the pa90, any feed back would be great. Thanks
1 3782 1
by  DonnaJump to last post
5/14/2014 5:55 PM

LP53 records not deleted    

Started By  Chesca
I put a ticket with Lawson and they are saying it's working as designed. If your employee's aren't in the particular Absence Plans they will not have LP53 cleared. You would have to manually delete the LP53 records. Is there a program that can delete these records or would we have to write a custom program to do so How is your organization handling this
3098 0
by  BrandonJump to last post
5/15/2014 2:13 PM

Spousal Surcharge    

Started By  Fhessler
Has anyone had to set up a spousal surcharge for their employee benefits If so, how did you set it up I'm fairly new to Lawson applications and I am trying to get a jump start for our open enrollment season in Feb.
2 3232 0
by  agershJump to last post
6/5/2014 6:24 PM

Employee enrolled in absence plan    

Started By  Chesca
Can anybody please let me  know what screen/file would tell me if an employee is inrolled in a absence management plan or structure
2897 1
by  Margie GyurisinJump to last post
5/20/2014 12:04 PM

Direct Deposit Description Required?    

Started By  Mary Porter
This field (EAD-CHECK-DESC) shows as optional but it is actually required. Does anyone know why it is required and if there is a way to make it truly optional and/or default an entry in it
7 29230 0
by  Mary PorterJump to last post
5/27/2014 6:51 PM

Online status and term forms    

Started By  M.J.
We have looked into using MSS for personnel actions but found them lacking quite a bit in what we want them to do and due to being hosted and not having the expertise in our enterprise to customize do not anticipate being able to use them.   Our I.T. department had created us a wonderful custom browser based application for manager to submit terms.  It pulls the info from Lawson, authenticates the users is the supervisor from the Lawson supervisor table, lets the manager select from one of t...
5 2837 0
by  M.J.Jump to last post
5/13/2014 3:11 PM

401k Company Match Annual Limit    

Started By  Kchan
Hi! We are planning to introduce a new Employer Match Plan for Highly Comp Associates, as follows: Set a plan for an Annual Limit - $115,000, where Company matches 4, and then the excess of $115,000, Company will match 1. I would like to know, if this can be set up and if anyone has done this Thanks!
0 2792 1
5/12/2014 10:49 PM

Address Verification Service Integration into Lawson S3    

Started By  Troy Thompson
Hi Forum! This is my first post so please be gentle! Seriously though, my company is interested in improving the quality of employee data entered within MSS. To that end, we are having some issues with valid address entry. Given some of the new ADP payroll functionality rejects bad address information, we are researching the possibility of integrating with a 3rd party address verification service (at this point, we really like the USPS web service offering). Has anyone else done this before Can...
0 3059 1
5/15/2014 8:39 PM

Upgrade from 8.0.3 to 10 (Payroll)    

Started By  Vijay S
We are currently On 8.0.3 for Payroll/Benefits version.We are planning to move to infor 10 for Payroll. Do we need to upgrade to 9.0.X first and then move on to 10, or can we directly move to 10 directly. What are the main things we need to take care of while doing this upgrade. We are also using ESS/MSS application Appreciate your suggestions.
1 2642 0
by  Kent JacobsonJump to last post
5/17/2014 3:30 PM

457 Plan Catch-up    

Started By  BradF
Anyone dealing with catch-up on the 457 Plan.  The catch-up can be the full derreal amount.  How do we set this up with BSI. I appreciate any help.
0 2718 0
5/19/2014 2:11 PM

ESS screens    

Started By  Chesca
Any idea if ESS could be customized My users want a link so that employees can click on it and take them to a fill-able form and create a csv file. I  have attached the ESS screen and forms.  Is this something feasible
11 4371 1
by  Tim CochraneJump to last post
5/23/2014 4:22 PM

Global HR for 10x    

Started By  Kent Jacobson
Did you realize that you can move your current EMSS from S3 to GHR and take advantage of the new Employee Space, Manager Space and Benefit Space  This sets you up for the next generation of self service applications and delivers the new feature rich employee portal found in GHR.  Easily done as part of your upgrade to 10x
0 3093 1
5/22/2014 5:48 PM

ESS bookmark linked to Powerpoint    

Started By  Mary Porter
Has anyone ever set up a link to a powerpoint from an ESS bookmark I tried it but it opens it up as a zip file.
0 2769 0
5/30/2014 3:38 PM

Disaster Recovery Plan for Payroll    

Started By  Colleen Bertagnolli
We have been asked to come up with a disaster recovery plan.  I would like to get an idea of what other users have in place.  We are looking at not only a back up plan for the data, but ways to be able to process a  payroll in the event of a disaster.  Thoughts, ideas
1 6685 1
by  RayJump to last post
6/2/2014 8:50 PM

Benefit already exists error message    

Started By  Kelly H
We are trying to enroll someone in a plan between 5/3/14 and 5/10/14 and it wont let us - says they are already enrolled. I cannot find the enrollment anywhere.  There is no deduction record that already exists for that time period or a related one time deduction record. This is occurring both the employee’s dental and medical enrollment. Both plans were stopped 5/31/14 because of GL over ride changes due to changing EINs and restarted 6/1/14.  This was done by the BN100.  They had two records...
0 3748 0
6/2/2014 6:12 PM

How Do I Track Re-Hire and Leave Dates?    

Started By  Dave Williams
I am a relatively new HRIS ( 7/1/2000 - 6/30/2005    5 years        Hire Date 7/1/2000 7/1/2006-6/30/2011      5 Years        Adj Hire Date 7/1/2006 7/1/2012- Present         2 Years         I am aware of Anniversary Date and Seniority dates that can be used to capture and store dates for longevity and service recognition but I don't understand how LAWSON gives me the ability to track dates when employees leave and come back multiple times.  The first time the employee leaves employme...
4 6065 1
by  Dave WilliamsJump to last post
6/3/2014 3:56 PM

BN100 not creating BN70 records    

Started By  Deleted User
The BN100 is not consistently creating BN70 records. I have multiple employees with the same action code, all moving from benefit eligible to non-benefit eligible.  The BN100 has no errors and shows the benefits stopped and the employees removed from the correct employee groups. .  The only difference in the employees are the different status codes they are moving to (all non-benefit eligible status codes).  Where in Lawson are the status codes linked to the different occurrence types  How are ...
0 2733 0
6/10/2014 6:08 PM

Looking for field Close Requisition on PA45    

Started By  Donna
I am not able to find the field on the screen PA45 that is displays the description Close Requisition. Thank you.
1 2661 1
by  John HenleyJump to last post
6/12/2014 7:30 PM

error when adding formula dates for hoiidays    

Started By  Tom F
I am trying to enter the date in 2015 when  a holiday should be made available to an employee and am getting an error that says  'Formula Detail Already Exists'.  But I can see no entry for that holiday for that date.  Any ideas how to resolve this or what I did to create the situation   Thanks!
0 2502 0
6/11/2014 12:26 PM

How to View Underlying XML    

Started By  Dave Williams
I can't remember how to turn on a feature that allows me to see the underlying XML so I can see how the hidden keys are formated when running PA52.  I'm creating an Upload and I'm getting an error 'Must Inquire before using this feature.'.  I've been told that this error is usually related to not concatenanting the hidden key properly. Can anyone help me with either viewing the XML or some other method that will allow me to correct my upload file Thanks, Dave Williams
3 3508 0
by  Dave WilliamsJump to last post
6/16/2014 10:53 AM

A 457 plan on ESS    

Started By  Kim Corpening
We would like for our employees to be able to enroll, stop or update their 457 benefit via ESS. However, upon setting it up and doing some initial testing, it only partially works. If the employee is stopping the benefit or using a percentage, it works. If the employee puts in an annual amount, it is annualizing the amount again. Does anyone use ESS for 457 If so, can you share your setup with me Thanks in advance
0 2905 0
6/17/2014 4:19 PM

PR131 PR197 Enhancement Request Vote 31106    

Started By  Margie Gyurisin
Hello,   I put in an enhancement request 31106 with regard to the PR131.  PLease vote a 10 for it.   We are unable to rn the PR131 with the H - Historic option due to the way the records are stored via the PR197 in PRDISTRIB.  They are batched by pay period based on pay code instead of detail.  If we try to run it for a portion of a pay period not all records are selected.  The C or E options do not distribute the retro amount to the correct accounting units.   Thanks for your help.
1 2717 0
by  aphillipsJump to last post
6/18/2014 8:11 PM

Calculating Partial Salaries    

Started By  amal.b
Our employees are paid once at the end of the month, but we have new joiners starting  in the middle of the month. Currently, we calculate partial monthly payments on an excel sheet and then upload them on PR36 just before we run payroll. Is there a way to set it up so the partial caluclations are done automatically
1 2791 0
by  amal.bJump to last post
7/1/2014 12:43 PM

Reason Descriptions in PA52    

Started By  Dave Williams
I can not find the Table and Field that stores the Reason Description on PA52.1 or 52.5. When I do a Ctrl-Sht-O, LAWSON tells me it is 'PCT-Reason1'  I believe this is referring to Table PERSACTION (which does have a 'Reason_01' field in it BUT, I don't want the CODE, I want the Description that is linked to the CODE.  I have looked in PADICT and PADICT2 but don't see it there either. Anyone know where I can find the Descriptions Thanks, Dave Williams
4 3510 1
by  John HenleyJump to last post
6/30/2014 8:27 PM

Must specify after-tax or pre-tax (_f16r0)    

Started By  Dave Williams
We have been running an AddIn on BN31 for years with no problem until today.  All of our Health elections are returning the error 'Must specify after-tax or pre-tax (_f16r0) | Value not in list: [A, , -] (_f1)' We've never even had to supply _f16r0 before. Any ideas Thank, Dave
2 2648 0
by  Dave WilliamsJump to last post
7/1/2014 12:37 PM
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