Forum: Lawson S3 HR/Payroll/Benefits

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MSS Personnel Action - HR Processing    

Started By  Lacey
We are about to go live with Manager Self-Service for Personnel Actions. Supervisors will be able to enter actions in pending. Each action will stay pending until reviewed by HR and approved. I am tossing around different ideas for the best way for HR to go about processing and approval. What are ways that your organization has untilized this tool
9 99720 2
by  AkshayJump to last post
10/16/2020 3:32 PM

ESS/MSS setup guide    

Started By  brunot
Does anyone have the Lawson ESS/MSS setup guide or a similar year-end checklist We are rolling out online annual enrollment next week and we're looking for steps to update all benefits and payroll in the application. Thank you! Bruno
6 99990 1
by  AkshayJump to last post
10/16/2020 3:30 PM

Credit Memos and Service Type Agreements    

Started By  Sarah
I have recently discovered that when our AP folks get a credit memo from a vendor that was originally paid off a PO, they are entering the credit memo invoice as a negative expense with no PO (we call a payment negative or not a direct invoice when there is no PO associated), because the system will not allow them to enter it against the PO, meaning they get an error and cannot move forward. This is causing an issue with Agreement values, more so than Standard POs from RQC.  If the original cha...
10 90537 3
by  SarahJump to last post
7/15/2020 12:59 PM

2020 W4 and PR514    

Started By  rlong
We currently have been using PR514 to load Federal Taxes in for employees. This is no longer working correct for new employees since they are using the new 2020 W4 information. Has anyone seen any kind of changes to PR514, or a new layout for this file feed since the new PR13 includes new fields and changes with the 2020 W4
1 99739 2
by  Adam KleeJump to last post
4/1/2020 2:53 PM

Diving in to help our HR there a way?    

Started By  SShaffer
Good Evening out there...I hope that everyone and their families are safe. We are a new company to the Infor / Lawson suite, and probably like many companies, the last few weeks have been trying times. And of course we are making plans, contemplating reductions, making salary adjustments, etc. My VP of HR is swamped with a million other things, so as the IT guy I told her I'd dive in and help out with what I could. She is worried that if we do a salary reduction that we will have to go ...
6 94351 0
by  Kwane McNealJump to last post
3/24/2020 3:42 PM

Update verbiage in Employee Self-Service Lawson    

Started By  chadgornick
Good morning, At our organization, a request came in to change verbiage in Employee Self-Service Lawson to read: You may open up to 4 account(s) to \'6 accounts.\' Through research, the path to update the verbiage should be /lawtest/apps/web/lawson/xhrnet/xml/lang/enus, where the code should live. I have been unable to get the verbiage to update. Got stuck on message 543 in the ddmsgs.xml. I am not sure where the value is coming from I have also foun...
2 89048 0
by  chadgornickJump to last post
3/28/2020 3:30 AM

2020 W4 EMSS update issue...anyone?    

Started By  rlong
I am not sure if this is where I need to ask, but maybe someone here can help. So far I am not getting any response on the lawson community page, and I am not sure I am confident on what lawson is telling me to do. I want to check all options first, because I dont get why the last patch worked fine and I did not have to do any kind of base EMSS install. The base is already installed...thats why I am doing a patch! See my issue reported below:   I am working on trying to install SHR_1000...
0 3996 1
3/27/2020 7:51 PM

Negative PTO Options    

Started By  Kristie Starzyk
Does anyone have S3 Absence Management programmed so an employee can go negative in their PTO Bank only to a certain amount  We are looking to program S3 so a Part Time employee can go negative 40 hours and a Full Time employee can go negative 80 hours.  Is this programming only needed in the Payroll Rule (LP03.5) that you attach to the PTO plan on LP02
0 4422 0
4/10/2020 3:50 PM


Started By  Kristie Starzyk
Is the LP199 in anyone's bi-weekly payroll process  Or do you run it as needed outside of payroll
0 4161 0
4/15/2020 8:58 PM

Converting a PA31 applicant to an HR11 employee    

Started By  TBonney
Does anyone know if there is any way to automate the process of converting applicant data from PA31 to employee data in HR11 Presently, our applicant data is loaded using PA531 from an external system (SAP) into PA31. Once a final decision to hire is made, the HR staff manually processes a PA52.4 to create the employee record. I'd like to remove as much manual processing from this processas I can, but am discouraged by what I have so far found to be my options for doing so. Is use of MS A...
9 101041 3
by  Scott NalianJump to last post
3/9/2021 8:38 PM

2020 W4 information to be accessible by HR Writer    

Started By  Colleen Bertagnolli
We have downloaded the patch 122019 but are just not seeing where the new w-4 fields are to report in the HR report writer. TASK: 295218 Issue Type: Enhancement PT/JT - Description: W-4 new fields to be accesible by HRwriter reports Programs/Processes Impacted: HR70 HR170 Testing Considerations: Create an HR writer that included the new W-4 deduction fields.  Verify the results on the HR writer.   Has anyone done this
0 4024 0
5/19/2020 6:58 PM

Form Listing    

Started By  Ryan Pie
Does anyone have a listing of the S3 v10. Forms with their descriptions I used to have a copy but cannot find it.  Thank you!
1 94196 0
by  Ragu RaghavanJump to last post
5/21/2020 9:02 PM

OSHA FORM 300 vs. OSHA FORM 301    

Started By  TBonney
In reviewing PA90, it appears from the form help that it may be compliant with OSHA Form 300. However, our organization utilizes OSHA Form 301, which PA90 does not seem to satisfy all the requirements of. Is there some other PA screen (or screens) that can be used to gather all required elements of OSHA Form 301 for our regulatory reporting Or, for anyone who utilizes OSHA301, do you have any information you can share on how you satisfy the associated reporting requirements Presently, this ...
1 95012 1
by  TBonneyJump to last post
6/1/2020 7:38 PM

User Name Field (HR09)    

Started By  Kelly H
I am trying to tie the user name field to some other identifier of the employee.   The user name is on the HR09, which is related the security level field on HR11.     Prior to my start here, we changed network IDs and all employees were assigned new ones.  Well employees that were previously in Lawson somewhere are still tied to that old ID. But I have no way to know that ID without hoping someone in our IT team stil lhas the list.
0 3595 0
6/10/2020 9:40 PM


Started By  Srini Rao
Any one have addins for PR80
0 3598 1
8/28/2020 4:17 PM

Spousal Surcharge - Medical Insurance    

Started By  Kristie Starzyk
Has anyone recently implemented a spousal surcharge in Employee Self Service Benefits Enrollments  I know there is a Spouse Flag on HR11 for medical insurance.  I wasn't sure if anyone knew how to tie it to enrollments easily, or if it's something that needs a new HTML page.
2 97449 1
by  Monica ShackelfordJump to last post
10/20/2020 4:51 PM

Add attestation form before benefit election in Open Enrollment    

Started By  Ethan
Has anyone added an attestation form before a benefit election in Open Enrollment (directly before the benefit, not when starting or completing Open Enrollment) Possibly storing the date timestamp in a User Field on HR11
1 92560 1
by  Bob CanhamJump to last post
10/8/2020 3:31 PM

How To Ideas needed: How to view the same Pay Stub as an Employee    

Started By  SShaffer
Good Morning, Our HR Specialists frequently, and I mean frequently, get calls from our employees wanting to look at something (deductions, hours, etc.) from their paycheck. While the employee is looking at their Pay Stub, our HR Specialist don't have than ability. Sure they can look at the paycheck information / data, but it's not in the same format as the Stub.  That makes it tough to follow along and understand truly what the employee is looking at, Additionally, there are times af...
5 88492 0
by  Beate Hughes-BrownJump to last post
11/19/2020 1:58 PM

Looking for 1095 Printing, Mailing, and Filing Partner?    

Started By  SShaffer
Good Afternoon, And Happy New Year! Looking ahead to 1095 time, and knowing that we are going to be short staffed this year... Is anyone using a 1095 Printing / Mailing / Filing Service Thanks! Steve
2 94373 0
by  teitzteJump to last post
2/5/2021 4:45 PM

User Unable to Perform Actions in PA52    

Started By  bobc
We have a new Windows / SQL Lawson 10 installation that we are testing before promoting to Prod.  We are having an issue with PA52.  When users select an Action such as 'INACTIVATE' and click change they get the error message 'Pending action does not exist'.  This hasn't workred since the installation.  I have recompiled PA52 but it didn't resolve it.  Any ideas what needs to be done  Thanks.
6 95115 0
by  Ragu RaghavanJump to last post
1/13/2021 6:30 PM

Conversion of S3 PMTOUT to ADP Format    

Started By  SShaffer
Good Morning and Happy Friday! We are looking to start using ADP for paychecks... I'm assuming that they (ADP) are going to have a particular file format. Does anyone have experiences in converting the PR160 PMTOUT into a format suitable for ADP  Thanks, Steve
0 3207 0
2/12/2021 4:40 PM

Using Activities in Inventory Contrrol    

Started By  TerryL
Tried changing the inventory flags from No to Yes in GL00.3. PO20 won't let me add the covid activity. What other set up is required to allow activities to be used on Inventory. thanks(less)
1 86275 1
by  TerriCJump to last post
2/26/2021 9:36 PM

LT111 errors and BSI Auth    

Started By  CelsoB
I check all of the taxes pages and nothing seem to be wrong.
2 96509 0
by  QuarantineJump to last post
2/22/2021 4:08 AM

Company Address on Pay Stub view...    

Started By  SShaffer
Good Afternoon, It has been pointed out that the Pay Stub employees see in GHR is not compliant in California as it does not have our Company address. ( We need to figure out how to add our address to this screen / form. Perhaps is something not configured correctly where we haven't entered an address into a config file Or is there a way to influence this screen format Thanks! Steve
0 4035 0
3/3/2021 9:36 PM

leavebalance.htm interpretation    

Started By  TBonney
Can anyone provide any guidance on interpretation of part of the leavebalance.htm file We utilize the essmsgs.xml file to modify the verbiage displayed on the paid time off tab of the leave balances page in ESS, in order to outline the different use-by dates for various employee groups. One group continues to see the generic messaging instead of the customized, more detailed one. We are pretty certain hat it is becasue this group has no carry-over hours balances, and as a result, no carry ov...
0 35778 1
3/12/2021 4:53 PM
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