Forum: Lawson S3 HR/Payroll/Benefits

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Company offering Roth 401K starting in 2012    

Started By  Sarah
Our company currently has a 401K pre tax plan. Starting in 2012, we will be offering our 401K pre tax plan AND a Roth 401K post tax plan.  How did you set this up I'd like to keep just one benefit plan for 401K and have the pct pre tax plan in the BENEFITS.EMP_PRE_CONT and BENEFITS.EMP_AFT_CONT plan.  I was looking at our 401K plan code set up under the BN15.1 and I'm not sure how this would work.  I think payroll would have to set up a separate deduction code for the 401K post tax contribu...
3 3397 1
by  Margie GyurisinJump to last post
7/8/2013 11:56 AM

Changing accrual rates (Abs Mgmt)    

Started By  jph826
I have two accrual plans (PTO and PTO-VP) tied to one accrual table PTO.    The rates are changing only for the PTO-VP plan.  I think I have to create a new accrual table and rule, then update the Plan Structure using the new table and rule.  Is this the right way to go about this or should I create a whole new plan I would appreciate some advice please.
8 4435 2
by  Mary PorterJump to last post
7/25/2013 5:04 PM

PR132 issues after upgrade from to    

Started By  LisaN
We are working with Support on the issue but wanted to see if others have had an issue with PR132 calculating to much FLSA after upgrading from MSP 6 to MSP 8. Our PR132 company totals use to calculate just pennies to just a few dollars, after the upgrade it is calculating $1,000 and over. Some people are getting a couple hundred dollars of FLSA. Has anyone had an issue with PR132 after upgrading to MSP 8 (vs Thank you.
4 3035 0
by  Mary PorterJump to last post
7/10/2013 3:20 PM

PR292 overstated gross wages with 457f    

Started By  Mary Porter
For only our employees with 457f deductions, the PR292 overstates their gross wages, example Gross Wages = $10,000, Taxable = $7000, Excess = $4,000 where Excess should be $3,000. And we can't correlate the extra excess to anything, and it's only happening to these employees. We have a case logged with Lawson but not making any progress. Has anyone else run into this
3 3040 0
by  Mary PorterJump to last post
7/5/2013 11:36 PM

PR140 Sporadic Runtimes    

Started By  Randall
Hi all, In August 2012, we upgrade to Apps and Environment  During testing, we noticed our PR140 run time went from around 45 minutes before the upgrade, to 2.5 hours.  We opened a ticket with Lawson and they suggested re-indexing the PAYDEDUCTN table.  We did that in testing and it seemed to work, bringing our run time down to 35 minutes. Since then, we've noticed the same spike in time sporadically.  Our PR140 will run around 35-40 minutes without re-indexing each bi-wee...
4 2850 3
by  ShaunJump to last post
7/9/2013 11:51 AM

ESS: Display more than 12 months of paychecks    

Started By  Mary Porter
I did dig around first and didn't see this answered - is it possible to set up the ESS Pay/Pay Checks history to display more than 12 months of paychecks without making them go to the Year to Date and selecting the year I'm thinking I'll just reconfigure the bookmarks and the instructions if the 12 months can't be reprogrammed so they can get to paycheck history a little easier. And if it can't be reprogrammed then it gives us more ammo for getting MHC installed.
9 3525 0
by  Mary PorterJump to last post
7/5/2013 11:35 PM

PR20.x table names?    

Started By  clb393
Hello! i would like to add-ins query the PR20.x forms but doing ctrl-shift-o only gives me the field names and not the 3 digit table code. Am i looking in the wrong area Many thanks, Chris
1 2798 0
by  Greg MoellerJump to last post
6/19/2013 2:26 PM

Employement Verifications and Unemployment Wage Requests    

Started By  Deleted User
Our current processes are painfully manual for employment verifications and responses to unemployment claims - would anyone be willing to share how you may have automated even pieces of these types of requests for data Thanks in advance!
1 2554 0
by  Mary PorterJump to last post
6/24/2013 4:06 PM

Position History    

Started By  jph826
I need to write a Crystal report that shows each job an employee has ever had, the start date, and the amount of years/mths in that position.  The PAEMPPOS table is difficult to report off of, as there is a position record for every raise, pl/dept or super change.  The HRHISTORY table, FLD NBR 19 has the data, but I'm not sure how to calculate the amount of time in the position.  For example, employee 1000: Beg Date 10/18/2004, Position 0194 Beg Date 10/21/2007, Position 0171 Beg Date 10/21/2...
10 5952 3
by  Dave CurtisJump to last post
7/22/2013 2:20 PM

ESS: How to change field description    

Started By  Tak
We store employee's personal email in Address 4.  How to change the field descripton on ESS from Address 4 to Personal Email
2 3010 0
by  TakJump to last post
6/26/2013 12:19 PM

PR132 System Created OT    

Started By  Mary Porter
The totals for System Created OT on PR132 NEVER match the differences in the 3 paycodes that get modified when PR132 runs. For instance, this payroll our System Created OT was $2,794.28 and the difference between OT before PR132 and after PR132 ran is $2,807.97. Does anyone ever get this to balance
0 2993 0
6/25/2013 5:32 PM

ESS: Upload users in    

Started By  Tak
My company uses ADAM LDAP to authenticate all functional users.  I need to upload approximately 1500 ESS users.  I looked at loadusers import utility but it doesn't allow me to configure domain user settings.  Also I think the users need to be a member of a Lawson group in order for this to work but I don't know which one as there are couple.  Does anyone know how to go about doing this  Thanks in advance.
1 2682 1
by  John HenleyJump to last post
6/26/2013 4:40 PM

Voluntary Benefits    

Started By  BradF
We have about 5 coluntary benefits that we only take decudtions for, but don't have coverage.  Do any companies add them to BN15  How else can we track them. Thanks,
1 2186 0
by  BradFJump to last post
7/1/2013 5:41 PM

Canda Pension Adjustment for T4 (Box 52)    

Started By  Carol Crist
I am trying to find a simple method to calculate box 52 on our T4s. The CODA table is accurate for our hourly employees but for those participating in a DB pension plan we have to go through a series of steps to calculate the Pension Adjustment. Would anyone care to share how they are performing this calculation Thank you!
0 4166 1
7/8/2013 2:56 PM

Add payments to PR85    

Started By  Mary Porter
When anl ACH bounces back our payroll department writes a handwritten check for the amount that has bounced. Our accounting unit wants to be able to add those handwritten checks to PR85 so that they can reconcile, and they also want to be able to reference the original payment number somewhere. Before we dig into finding a way to make this happen (which doesn't seem like it can be on PR85) I wanted to find out what other companies do to pay the employee if an ACH has bounce back because an...
3 3198 0
by  Margie GyurisinJump to last post
7/18/2013 11:09 AM

Executive Benefits    

Started By  donnaM
Does anyone have any recommendations for tracking individual life policies for execs/partners  We set the policies up with the vendor on the partners' behalf, and pay the premiums.  We are currently tracking the policy numbers, coverage amounts and premiums for each partner outside of Lawson (Excel). We are looking to move this data into Lawson without having to set up separate BN15 plans (sometimes as many as three per partner) for our 400 partner population.   All suggestions welcome!
2765 0
7/18/2013 8:25 PM

One Time Deduction Audit Report    

Started By  Jim Serafino
Is there anywhere in a Lawson table that stores who created a one-time deduction entered in on PR39, AFTER it has been processed  I see that the ONETMDED table has create date, time and user fields, but I don't see that information being passed/stored in any of the 'DED' tables (i.e. PRDISTRIB, PAYDEDUCTN, etc) after the deduction has been processed and closed. Please advise and thanks.
2 3596 0
by  Dave CurtisJump to last post
7/22/2013 12:58 PM

Term status and final pay    

Started By  scuba80
Our system is set up so that once an employee is terminated, you can no longer process their pay.  Because of that, employees are termed after their final pay and not when the term notice is delivered to HR.  I would like to term employees right away and not hold the termination process until after the employee is paid.  Holding the term process causes some downstream benefit deduction issues as some benefits end on the last day worked and are incorrectly taken out of final pay.  Is there a flag...
10 5681 0
by  Mary PorterJump to last post
7/22/2013 6:15 PM


Started By  LHS VG
I'm doing an asset tranfer via AM30.1 upload and get a message of: (*) Memo records exist, accept entries to add.  How do I integrate the add function into the upload Thanks
1 3660 0
by  Bob CanhamJump to last post
7/22/2013 7:09 PM

New Hire Self Service not working    

Started By  EBassett
I think I have this all set up correct (or maybe not, since it isn't working) but I may be missing a step. I set up a group for self service, I set BS01, BS03.3, BS05. I even set BN16 and added my group and used the same values I used on the BS screens. The employee is in the group I set up, but when I look at her in BS09 for the N type, there are no eligibility dates. Is there a job that needs to be run to update them I also added the new hire enrollment bookmark on the portal. When I l...
0 3023 0
7/23/2013 2:42 PM

why is PA102 adding a BN35 record?    

Started By  Mary Porter
I'm trying to understand why PA02/PA102 is adding a BN35 record. I don't see anywhere that I can tell PA102 not to update benefits. We have the default for 'Update Benefits' set to N on the action that we are using on the PA102. Is there anywhere else that this is set  I don't see anything on PA06 or HR10.2. Does anyone know why this is happening
4 3099 0
by  Mary PorterJump to last post
7/24/2013 5:18 PM

Social Security Required Field Not Working    

Started By  Claire
We have the social security number set up to be a required field in Lawson.  Somehow, one of our managers was able to add an employee without a social security number.  Has this happened to anyone else  I'm kind of hoping there's a patch out there or something to fix this.  Thanks.
0 2772 0
7/24/2013 11:40 AM

ABS management accrual limits    

Started By  Chesca
Hello, We are going from TA to LP and have had issues with running LP140 for which accruals are given, usage is subtracted/applied, and limits are applied all in the same run. I found an article KB 1192820 which basically states that all 3 of these things cannot be accomplished in the same run of LP140. Is this correct Do you have any other information on the processing order if we wanted to give the bi-weekly accrual, subtract the usage, and then apply the limit
0 2622 0
7/24/2013 7:27 PM

LT101 - StoreDBRec not preceded by find    

Started By  Chesca
We have been trying to run LT101 and keep going into 'needs recovery'. Does anybody have any ideas on how to fix this or seem the following erro   ** Creating .prt and .dtl files                  Processing LT101 (Employee Master Update)                                     File TEST9A/EMPLOYEE.                  tsStoreDBRec error is StoreDBRec not preceded by a successful find (116).
7378 0
by  ChescaJump to last post
7/25/2013 4:45 PM

Benefits Immediate vs Pending during open enrollment    

Started By  CJDickey
We are currently debating whether to do immediate or pending benefits with our open enrollment. Employees will be enrolling though ESS. Last year we processed as immediate and ran into some issues where they ended up on the BS31 because of incorrectly tabbing on their browser. So, we are wondering if we should send all to the BS31 so that all are there instead of researching the ones that end up there in error. Does anyone have any advice or feedback on what your organization is doing
1 4540 1
by  Mary PorterJump to last post
7/29/2013 4:30 PM
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