Forum: Lawson S3 HR/Payroll/Benefits

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Email an Open Enrollment Confirmation Statement to the employee    

Started By  agersh
As part of our open enrollment process this year we would like to send confirmation statements to employees via email prior to when they become effective. We also would like to provide the functionality where by selecting a bookmark link the employee could request a confirmation statement be sent to then via email during open enrollment. Has anyone developed the functionality of sending confirmation statements via email during or after open enrollment that they would like to share
23 10302 4
by  LisaNJump to last post
3/4/2013 9:07 PM

ESS Annual Enrollment    

Started By  PTank
Hi there!  I really need some help. I'm having an issue with Annual Enrollment blocking enrollment for one of the 1/1/13 flex reimbursment account plans.  ESS will not allow Flex Savings Account enrollment for 1/1/2013. A Mid year popup messgase comes up that says you can not enroll mid-year.  When you close the window the plan is marked as 'not available' and the only thing you can elect is waive. I have completed all the 1/1/2013 plan set ups and enrollment on the BN32 screens is wo...
6696 1
by  MaryTJump to last post
3/20/2013 8:48 PM

W2 - Reporting DD Employer-sponsored Health Benefits    

Started By  ekbelt
Could anyone help me out on reporting Employer-sponsored health benefits I have a CSV file of employer sponsored benfits based on employee number. What steps are necessary to get this setup so it reports them on W2's. Reading documentation it apprears you need to setup the deduction in PR02.2 and then also use PR27.1. What needs to be setup, and where does the data need to be imported to Thanks, Erik
4 4555 3
by  JasonEJump to last post
1/25/2013 4:06 PM

Telephone number field format    

Started By  Mary Porter
Is there any way to force the format of the telephone fields for employee self service Or the SSN fields on HR11 or HR13 Our interfaces depend on these fields being formatted a certain way and the maintenance is timeconsuming after employees have entered whatever they feel like entering as opposed to what we want them to enter.
1 2737 0
by  Vijay SJump to last post
1/21/2013 4:05 PM

Direct Deposit Total by Employee    

Started By  TRACY
what file could be queried to total all deposits that have been deposited to a particular bank account for an employee  Thanks so much.
2 2308 1
by  TRACYJump to last post
1/21/2013 6:52 PM


Started By  slm4
I need to report ytd hours and dollars where and how do I get those
3 2721 0
by  slm4Jump to last post
1/22/2013 3:08 PM

Benefit Enrollment Rules    

Started By  scuba80
When I look at the various plan rules configuration for the eligible Employee Group, I have the following results: BS01: No enrollment rules BS03.1: No enrollment rules BS03.2: No enrollment rules BS03.3: Enrollment rules for all plans Is there any significance in the discrepancy of results.  I would beleive the enrollemnt rules need to be configured for each area, new hire, life event, and open enrollment.  Any feedback is appreciated.
0 3793 0
1/22/2013 8:08 PM

PA52.4 no Data Items    

Started By  YvonneJ
I'm trying to hire an applicant in PA52.4.  I enter the header information, including the HIRE action, click inquire, and no Data Items appear on the Selected Items tabs.  I can go to PA52.1 and inquire using the same HIRE action, and the Data Items do appear.  Something seems to be wrong with the PA52.4 form, or the way I'm using it.  Can anyone help  Thanks!
3 3103 1
by  YvonneJJump to last post
1/23/2013 4:47 PM

401k Match Contribution Limits Across Plans    

Started By  Michael Grace
We are actively trying to configure our 401k plans where we had a standard plan with a 4 employer match limit.  Now we are adding a Roth 401k, where we would like the limit to be 4 between plans.  So if I was an employee making $100,000 and decided to contribute 4 to my standard 401k and 3 to my ROTH 401k, the system would limit the match to 4.  We use Wells if that is any difference for our 401k elections. We are scratching our heads a bit staring at the BN15....any thoughts are appreci...
1 3044 0
by  Margie GyurisinJump to last post
2/1/2013 3:59 PM

403b match based upon of Total Salary    

Started By  Mary Porter
Does anyone have a match set up as a of ET - Employee Total Salary We have a small number of employees that are eligible for a 457f plan and contribute 10 of their Total salary and receive a 10 match. They can also contribute to a 403b plan which has a match, but they can't get a match based on their Total Salary, it has to be Total Salary less the 10 that has already been matched by the company. If anyone has any ideas I would love to hear them - even if it means a custom calculation.
0 2825 0
2/11/2013 8:29 PM

mid pay period changes    

Started By  Mary Porter
we are step and grade and allow employees to change positions in between pay periods, and we have a two week pay cycle. So let's say the employee worked for the first week in old position 1 at old position 1's pay rate, and worked the second week in new position 1 with new position 1's pay rate. When we change the employee's position record effective the second week, any time records that come in regardless of position code default to the new position 1 pay rate. So we have been creating a secon...
6 3244 0
by  Mary PorterJump to last post
2/13/2013 3:22 PM

New Hire Enrollment    

Started By  scuba80
In our ess portal, new hires are only allowed to go through enrollment once.  Once they have completed the enrollment, any change has to be made manually by the benefits staff.  With a 30 day window to enroll, is there functionality to allow employees unlimited opportunties to enroll and re-enroll during the 30 days
2 3007 0
by  scuba80Jump to last post
2/18/2013 8:11 PM


Started By  KJK
Has anyone used LP51 MSAddins in conjunction with Payroll  I'm looking for a creative way to map types of leaves to payroll classes or codes.  Any ideas are appreciated.  Thanks!
0 3137 1
2/18/2013 6:44 PM

HELP! New Mexico Workers Comp Tax    

Started By  Mary Porter
Does anyone have New Mexico EE & ER Workers Comp tax set up on PR05 We have one employee that just moved there and we can't get through PR113 unless we set the deductions up for these deductions on PR05 - we just don't know what parameters to use to set it up. Any help is greatly appreciated.
0 2883 0
2/18/2013 9:52 PM

Year end patch -prtaxlevy.csv changes    

Started By  Chesca
Hello, I am applying year end patch PATCH92333. Could somebody please let me know if this would require downtime or if I have to backup, dump the prtaxlevy What considerations would I have to take when applying this patch Thanks in advance for your help!
2845 0
by  ChescaJump to last post
3/5/2013 3:19 PM

PR292 and IL    

Started By  Greg Moeller
Anyone running PR292 for IL (Monthly)  We can only get IL run monthly by process level.  We'd like to run it at the company level...(since you can't run it for RE=ALL) but we don't get any data - so we don't have to combine all 17 process levels for every month. Any suggestions Help
3 2991 0
by  Greg MoellerJump to last post
3/1/2013 9:19 PM

Third Party sick Pay vendor    

Started By  Frankie Hennessey
Is anyone familiar with the Payroll process using Third party sick Pay vendor  If so, e-mail me at
0 2978 0
2/28/2013 8:52 PM

PA100 Error Message    

Started By  JeniferP
We are getting the following error when running the PA100 –“Salary Class new value is the same as previous value” and we have been told we should change our settings on HR10 to a 1 or 2 “no default” or “default;override” for salary class, department, and pay frequency but we are wondering if there are any negative implications of making the change. We do not use position defaulting.
1 2638 0
by  Dave CurtisJump to last post
3/5/2013 8:31 AM

Third party reporting for medicare surcharge    

Started By  aphillips
We use a third party for our tax filing and reporting. They are asking for a separate tax code and wages for the additional medicare surcharge of .9 for wage earners above $200,000. Has anyone else dealt with this Could you share how you have it set up
5 2923 0
by  Mary PorterJump to last post
3/5/2013 7:50 PM

LP Plan Issue    

Started By  pmeckes
We have an issue with getting an LP plan working. It's a personal plan that gives an employee a one time allotment of 24 hours after 6 months, then starts accruals on 1/1 and annually there after. The allotment works fine, but the accruals will not happen on 1/1, they keep going to the anniversary date. If I manually populate the last accrual date with 1/1 of the previous year, it works   All employees that already had an accrual date of the previous 1/1 continue to work fine, it's just n...
0 2921 1
3/6/2013 2:31 PM

Maintaining both Work and Personal Email    

Started By  Shane Jones
Hello all: Anyone collecting maintaining both a work email and personal email address in Lawson    We are looking at some options but I am surprised that more clients are not collecting this information and maintaining it in Lawson... Thanks
7 3410 3
by  Margie GyurisinJump to last post
3/21/2013 11:10 AM

General Inforum    

Started By  Margie Gyurisin
For those who may be attending Inforum but not be connected to a user group, I thought I would pass this information on to those following this forum.  Please spread the word. Subject: Inforum Registration - Need you Help!!!       Hello.  We are finding that our Lawson Customers who have registered for Inforum are not selecting the correct products in their Inforum Registration.  This will impact budget numbers for things like number of sessions/resources etc., next year.  So it would be ...
6 3022 0
by  Margie GyurisinJump to last post
3/7/2013 6:07 PM

Arrears Re-Order    

Started By  Deleted User
Has anyone reversed the order that payment arrears deductions are taken  Currently, if an employee has multiple common deductions (i.e. 4 health deductions because they were on LOA), the application takes the newest one first.  Because we are a monthly payroll  this often crosses years and as a result, different premium amounts, our users want the oldest dated arrears to come out first.  Just wondering what sort of level of effort this may be  Thanks - Stephanie
0 2818 0
3/12/2013 5:34 PM

PA10 Service Date    

Started By  Rirruto
Good Afternoon, I am trying to get the date in which an employee entered their current position, whether it be through a transfer or if they were hired into the position. The date can be seen in PA10.1 Length of Service and is called Service Date. I cannot click on it to find out what table and field I can find it in through Crystal. Can anyone help
3 2950 1
by  RirrutoJump to last post
3/15/2013 5:26 PM

Conversion for PA52.4?    

Started By  AnyaVA
Hi! I was wondering if there is a program to convert 'Hire an Applicant' data from non-Lawson system into PA52.4 Similar to what  PA531 does for PA31.1. Thank you! Anya
2 2540 0
by  Dave CurtisJump to last post
3/20/2013 12:08 PM
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