Forum: S3 Systems Administration

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Started By  wintergreen
We didn't change the SSOCONFIG password, but when we enter the password, it says : this is not a valid password.  If using SSOCONFIG -r, it should send out the recovery email to a specific person, but the email never send out.  Does anyone have idea how to resolve this THank you!
8 72490 0
by Kwane McNeal

Technology batch bundle error      

Started By  Deleted User
ran updates from env to - did env then portal. working fine.   tried the new bundle patch ( - errors out Error: failed to load inst-gendir-coreadmin/bin/launtdll.dll to E:\lawtest\gen\bin\launtdll.dll - delete failed   The uninstall also failed, any ideas how to get this bundle patch installed - must I do a uninstall first, redeploy or can I try to restat back to   windows 2003, sql 2005   i also have print screen of error, if needed.
2 65481 0
by edison

Lawson Performance Poor after upgrade      

Started By  slavo
Does anyone have any suggestions on improving perfromace on Lawson system  We upgraded a few months ago and performance is really poor.  We are using S3, version on Aix 6.1 with Oracle 11g, IIS and AD LDS.  Jobs like PR260 or AM275 are running twice as slow now.  I checked and tuned WebSphere.  Oracle DBA cannot find any issues on DB server either.  Any thoughts and suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
9 61547 0
by Wade

setting up deljobhst as recurring job      

Started By  DougAB
The Lawson Jobs & Reports manual states, 'You can also define deljobhst as a user form ID and run it as a recurring job.' I'm not sure I follow this.  I'm trying to set up the deljobhst to run every night but don't see how I can set it up as a Lawson job. Any assistance is appreciated. Thanks.
8 69214 1
by Greg Moeller


Started By  Brett
What tables are used to get the data for the listusermap command
4 66703 1
by Randy

Masking sensitive employee data in the database      

Started By  pbelsky
Our network security group wants to mask or scramble certain employee information such as SSN. DOB, salary, bank acct, in our Lawson test environment database. Our group (Lawson support) is concerned about how this could affect the usability of benefits/position maintenance, personnel actions, etc - our HR users use our test system to do 'dry runs' of these types of processes on an almost daily basis. Does anyone know if there are any 3rd parties who have developed a masking/scrambling utility f...
9 66691 2
by Orlando Gray

Scripting in Infor10...      

Started By  Greg Moeller
Trying to create a custom program in our Infor10 Windows environment. This worked well in calling Unix shell scripts in our 9.0.1 environment... I can get the token to work through LID, but I cannot get it to show up in Ming.le unless I change it to a pgmdef program (like it used to be in Unix)... but I can't figure out what to put in to get it to call the shell script.   I've tried:  D:/lsfprod/law/prod/script/apcredit.cmd   (this works through tokendef and LID -- even in v10) I'll upload ...
8 67139 0
by Greg Moeller

Add In PR05.6 and/or PA52      

Started By  Cheri Azereix
In two weeks, we are adding new process levels, departments, and accounting units for 2019. I am seeking an Add In for PR05.6 so that we can update in bulk Two process levels that we have currently will remain, but we need to add 2 new process levels with associated accounting units for a whole host of deduction codes (both benefit and payroll tax deduction codes).   Add in for PA52 would help us align employees with new departments. We're hoping to use *blank in the template for accounting ...
0 4019 1

ADFS requirements      

Started By  Greg Moeller
Is anyone else having a difficult time making the ADFS  requirement(s) by April of next year We are a pretty technically advanced company, and with everything coming at us, I think we are going to be hard-pressed to make the date. Yes, I realize, that the date is just a 'we aren't going to support it anymore' date, but if the webinar was correct in saying that any updates that you take could potentially break your system after that date...    if we need an update, and it includes a security...
20 126651 4
by Alex Tsekhansky

error retrieving database records      

Started By  Mick
It seems after a reboot of the three servers ,lsf, IPA and MSCM. within a couple of hours receive 'error retrieving database records' Infor suggest it is a 'defect' but no solution. The work around is to stop the offending websphere server (yes we are clustered) run srgen then start that server. This is not resolving the issue only a work around. Any thoughts would be appreciated. windows 2012, lsf 10.09, msp 7 websphere
8 64961 0
by Alex Tsekhansky

Strange job scheduler issue      

Started By  LauraPat
Had an issue last night that in 25 years working with Lawson I've never seen.  I had a batch job (that's been running for 3 years without issue), that has 66 steps.  On step 26 it failed and went into needs recovery.  Only error msg as 'Stopped on Exit 1'. Any attempt to recover the job resulted it in going back into needs recovery immediately.  Tried putting a trace on the program to see where it was failing and it wasn't getting into the program.  Appears to be a hiccup in the job scheduler an...
2 64107 1
by LauraPat

Error in LID when doing an LAPM      

Started By  SueS
Brought over a new custom program from test to prod.  Added the program to security. Compiled the program cleanly.  Tried to do an LAPM to set up the job (LAPM productline PROGNAME).  Filled in the criteria on the various tabs for the form.  When clicking on the add button get the error - 'error not found (PROGNAME.101).   We are at a loss as to what is causing this and what to do to resolve it.  Did try deleting it and bringing back over from test to prod again but that did not help.   Tried ...
2 64333 1
by Jason Beard

Hours Based Accrual Table LP      

Started By  Denise
Hello!  Help Please! We are opening a new Crayola Experience in Arizona and due to the Proposition 206, the Fair Wages and Healthy Families Act, we need to allow part-time employees to accrue 1 hour for every 30 hours worked.  And new for us, print accrual and available balances on the pay check for PT and FT EES.  We bought LP on the fly and  I have everything working EXCEPT the hours accrual of 1 hour per 30. I have tried dozens of ways to accomplish this with rules, calculations and/or formu...
1 63133 0
by Denise


Started By  Brian
I want to download the data file text for all system codes in our V10 system.  Using dbdoc only allows me to do one system code at a time (that I can see anyway).  Does anyone know of a way to do this  Thanks!
4 65503 1
by Brian

importdb works in one product line but not another      

Started By  TBonney
I am trying to use the importdb utility to load data to CBPMTLOAD. Using the exact same file for both, the file loads fine when I run it into one of our test product lines. However, when I try to run that same file into our production product line, it hangs after the header record and never actually loads the data. I have tried it manually in both LID and a cmd window (we are Windows environment), with the same results in both. I also tried rebooting the application server to no avail. Has anyo...
3 64482 1
by TBonney

AP10 Security      

Started By  Srini Rao
We have a situation with Ap10 Security.  We have two vendor groups and multiple vendor classes. Issue: We need to create the security class with following requirements…. For new vendor creation, If user creates a new vendor, we like them to create vendor in inactive status.  Using security we like to display only STATUS “I”. For Vendor Maintenance, user can update any field on AP10 except status.
1 60557 1
by Ragu Raghavan

Automated Job Recovery      

Started By  GWilkins
Currently Lawson 10 - Windows/SQL My site currently has a VB Script monitoring the job queue using jqstatus -hrw The current monitor works, but we are hoping to get some additional functionality out of it and IPA/ProcessFlow is where we have decided to house the new setup.    I am trying to build a branch for any job in a 34-Needs Recovery status, which will then automatically recover that job. Thankfully the volume here is infriquent for recovery jobs and is typically an ED502 or RQ500 th...
6 67083 2
by GWilkins

SQL Server 2014      

Started By  Greg Moeller
Would really like to get our 2014 SQL Server on a more current SP.  I've already opened a call with Infor and they have told me that the only supported SP is 1.  Does anyone have any experience beyond SP1
3 64840 0
by Alex Tsekhansky

SQL Re-indexing      

Started By  Greg Moeller
Kind of a strange one here: Our DBA reports he sees no re-indexing going on for our Lawson database. Looking for recommendations on 1.  Should we  2.  If so, how frequently. Any input is appreciated. -Greg
7 64146 1
by Alex Tsekhansky

ADFS Upgrade - Vendors?      

Started By  Milo Tsukroff
We put off the ADFS upgrade, but come to find out that LSF updates will require ADFS.  So it's time.  We’re a former Ciber customer, now researching new vendors.  We’re running core financials with approximately 30 users and want to hear about other people’s consulting engagement experiences.  Especially in the areas of:  o technical consulting (patches upgrades) o project management o functional consulting (module specific, security design, etc.) o negotiated hourly rates Who have you us...
9 66309 1
by Brian Allen

PR160 Retrieval with MHC in single tenant/MT hybrid      

Started By  Jennifer H
I am in the process of re-implementing MHC Document Express.   We are currently single-tenant V9 without any issues.   We are moving to multi-tenant for HCM and FSM, and payroll is moving to V10 single-tenant.  Today, I have access to the v9 output (PR160, AP161, etc) but in v10 we can no longer do that.   I'm running into issues with PR160 v10, we have written an IPA to run the job and move the output to a local share so that MHC can pick it up but we haven't been successful yet.   What...
0 4015 1

ISA security Roles & Groups - sometimes not Added      

Started By  Scooter
Here's the issue.... We have an ' infrequent issue' occurring with a Webrun node.  Sometimes flow successfully 'adds' an employee's security setup via Webrun node.  Another employee's security is not 'added' by same Webrun node. There is a different workunit for each employee.  Roles & Groups (other fields) are NOT added.    No errors found in Workunit log files.  Shows Webrun completed successfully. Identities are always added by different Webrun node. We cannot determine what is causin...
5 63274 1
by JimY

Create a listing of all Lawson jobs      

Started By  GCAMM84
We run on an IBMi V7R2. We are attempting to clean out our scheduled/recurring jobs and change any that are set up to be run by user's profile name to a generic profile name so that when an employee leaves we don't have to fix these before we can delete the user profile. Is there a way to get a listing of all of the scheduled/recurring jobs along with their parameters as well as who runs the job   Thanks!
6 65695 1
by JimY

Lawson not running (help)      

Started By  Mike
I have Lawson runing on AIX 7.1. I'm not a Lawson admin. I have no documentation and am trying to get things running. This application was shutdown in the old data center, hardware taken apart, moved to the new data center and put together. The servers didn't run. With help from a consultant the OS works (I think fine). Today I got past LASE errors and appear now to be stuck with a SSO module not initializing.  What logs do I look out for an actual error How do I fix this (assuming there is ...
4 61318 0
by Kwane McNeal

Infor OS as STS Authentication (InforSTS)      

Started By  Steve Bremer
Has anyone implemented (or in the process of implementing) Infor OS as STS for authentication in production  I'd like to hear about your experience with it if you have. Thanks!
0 4619 0
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RE: Lawson report
by John Henley
6/5/2023 9:26 PM