Forum: S3 Systems Administration

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Last Login details for Lawson UserIds      

Started By  Venkatarajamani Raman
My client is on Lawson Environment 8.0.3 and Application 8.0.3 MSP10. There are about 150 users created in Lawson. I want to know out of 150 users, how many of them have logged on to Lawson in the last 90 days.  Is there a way to find this out in Lawson   The client is using Portal and RD30 records exist for the users.  I tried accesing SIRDIDHDR table in LOGAN productline. This gives me the userid and date /time of creation of the user id. I am interested in the last login details of the us...
5 13283 0
by Vijay S

Command Line Access in Lawson LID      

Started By  GCAMM84
I am new to Lawson software and know very little about how to maneuver within the product.  I need instructions on how to access the command line within Lawson LID. We are on version  Thank you.
22 26074 0
by JimY


Started By  Brett
I am trying to dump data, in a .csv file for a single customer out of ARCUSTOMER and ARCOMMENTS. What is the correct syntax if the dataid is prod9 and the key fields are company=1 and customer=4059 So far I can get it on screen but I need it in a .csv file. I have rngdbdump -c arcustomer -v company=1 customer=4059. Where do I put the name of the file I want to dump to Thanks in advance for any help.
11 12942 1
by Greg Moeller

Is Perl Free software ?      

Started By  Vijay S
All,   As a part of our migration activities, we will be re-installing Lawson S3 & Landmark on new servers.   Perl is a pre-requisitive software which has to be installed before we start wilt LCT.   Please advise if Perl (active Perl) is a free software OR do we need to purchase licenses.   Rgds,   Vijay
9 6010 0
by Jimmy Chiu

Converting a report to CSV      

Started By  pops
I am running Lawson 10 and running a GL240.  Once the report is completed, I convert it to a CSV file through the print manager and when I open the CSV file, about a third of the way down, the files seems to get corrupted.  Data is missing, shifted, etc.  There are about 6000 rows returned so I know I'm not reaching the row limit of Excel 2010.  Is there another simple way to convert it to a csv without it getting corrupted or is this a bug   Thank you in advance!! Pops
5 7184 1
by Greg Moeller

LID with Lawson 10 - User Group Definition      

Started By  pops
I am running Lawson 10.  When I go into LID and enter usergrpdef to enter a User Group Definition, I add the group to the first screen successfully and then assign myself to that group.  Now I need to add the same group to a group name called ALL (All Lawson Users).  I go to the very bottom of the screen and enter the name of the group (the same name I entered in the previous screen) but I get the following error:  User Group Is Recursive Within Another Assigned User Group This use to work fin...
0 4987 1

Error trying to delete user from Rich Client      

Started By  pops
We are running Lawson 10.  I have a task to delete a user from the Rich Client.  When I do, I receive the following error:   Cannot Delete: At Least One Associated Metrics Exists   I am assuming that there is a work unit that is waiting to be approved by this user but I cannot seem to be able to find it.  Is there a way to find out what's tied to the user so I can delete that and then the user from the Rich Client  Maybe someone can supply me a workflow or sql code to do this.  This is goin...
2 6344 1
by Jeff Shumate

Lawson V10 HR/Payroll Demo      

Started By  Rachel
We are in the beginning stages of upgrading to Lawson V10. Does anyone have or know of a demo site for Lawson HR/Payroll and/or ESS/MSS. I am looking for a generic demo site to give users an idea of what V10 will look like.
0 4645 0

Globally setting workfile csv attributes      

Started By  Margie Gyurisin
In the past we have set our PRTRCSV globally set the attributes for the PRTRCSV file so that job will recognize the file to have no headers and a ccyymmdd date format.  Can someone point us in the right direction  We can't remember how to do it.   Thanks.
3 5485 0
by John Henley

Hot backup of lawson system      

Started By  Aihui
I am looking for ideas on creating hot backup of lawson system. We are on LSF 901, AIX 6.1. For database we are doing hot backup using RMAN. But we still have to shut down application and database each night to get a clean backup of application. Now we are seeking new backup strategy in the hope of implementing hot backup of the entiire lawson system without shutting down on a daily basis. It would be highly appreciated if you could share your experience and knowledge on this. Thank you!
2 4947 2
by Aihui

Double Sided printing using Laprint      

Started By  edgare008
We recently moved to the cloud and went from unix server to now windows server hosted by infor. Our old print commands used to work with lp but now we can only use laprint and limited to 50 character print commands. I'm not interested in writing a batch but I am curious how others are printing double sided using the laprint command. KB1194913 shows the command but it doesn't work for us in LID. If you are currently printing double sided using Lawson quick print (and on Windows platform) can you...
0 4302 0

Help with Lawson 7.2.1 On IBM I AS/400 - Where to go for help      

Started By  grubster
Hi, I am in a bit of predicament and am unsure where to go for help.  My company uses Lawson 7.2.1 on an IBM I AS/400. Our users connect via a Windows Desktop App Called Lawson Insight 7.2.1.  We are being pushed to get rid of the Citrix server hosting the desktop app as it's out of support with Microsoft, but Lawson is not compatible with Windows 7 or Higher.  What I found was the users could do most functions directly on the Green Screens, but we could not execute some commands, so they wer...
4 7237 0
by Kwane McNeal

Security Administrator Windows 7 Compatibility      

Started By  vs
Infor's response: “Enterprise is not a supported operating system for Security Administrator. You need to use Windows 7 Professional or Ultimate Edition 32-bit or64-bit” Any clues if this is true I can't imagine it to be. Thanks in advance.
6 4986 1
by vs

LID Character set      

Started By  Lance Jurgensen
I have done this in the past, but can not remember how. How do I change the character set for LID to clean up the boxes and screens
3 5494 0
by Lance Jurgensen

Req Approval Type in RQ04      

Started By  FireGeek21
Can someone tell me more information on  the Requisition Approval Type in RQ04 - Requester form  Specifically, the values in the drop down list are as follows: - Default to Req Location 0 - Header using Approval Codes 1 - Header using Process Flow 2 - Line using Process Flow 3 - No approvals required If 3 is chosen, does this mean this Requester's Reqs will move through without approvals  Or, does 3 mean requisitions will by pass this person - they do not need to approve - 'No approvals ...
6 6813 0
by FireGeek21

Print directory getting changed automatically      

Started By  Sridhar Sedamkar
We are in iSeries platform and in version 10. One of our Lawson custom 4GL program went into Needs Recovery. When we checked the job log, we found that the print directory was automatically changed and the job went into error saying 'Pointer not set for location referenced'. The job log shows that the print directory was changed from '/LAW10P/law/print/VALLEIG/rs217/1/408938' to '/LAW10P/law/print/VALLEIG/ztrbcy/1/408938'. Also ZTRBCY (RW100 form) was a job that was run by the same user previou...
0 3576 0

Hosted Servers Best Practices      

Started By  Steve Allen
Looking to establish a discussion related to best practices related to a hosted Microsoft server configuration. Examples:  - Additional SQL server special jobs for performance. - Additional SQL Indexes added  - Rebooting Complete Lawson environment on a regular schedule. - Ticks or Trips related to CTP patching.
1 5797 1
by Milo Tsukroff

need refresher. Lawson Security LID vs Lawson Security Application      

Started By  Ronnie
Ok,  Its been a while since I used Lawson 10. I am not at a company who is going to 10 from 9, and use LAUA security for many users still, and some LS.   In 10, when I turn on Lawson security in the LS application, I can go to LID as the Lawson admin login and do a lawsec status and I get a security violation.   if I turn off Lawson security in the LS application, I can then go to LID and do lawsec status and it says 'Lawson security is on'   How is this so I show it as off in the applica...
1 6101 0
by Jimmy Chiu

JT Install      

Started By  MBCI
I need to install JT-869845 contained in KB 1877962.  There is only a ZIP file containing one JAR file. Can someone point me to a document detailing how to do this.
1 6350 0
by JimY

Move Custom COBOLs to Custom Systemcode      

Started By  ALB
We have 19 custom COBOLs in the delivered system codes.  As part of the upgrade to the Cloud, we have to create a custom system code and put our custom COBOLs into that custom system code.  I have only done this once with one COBOL.  With 19 COBOLs, I was trying to find a better way to do this.  Does someone have a method which worked well
0 3434 1

Job Scheduler and Infor10 Portal      

Started By  Greg Moeller
In Infor10, how do I make the job scheduler display all users    Wanting to simulate LID's F7 (Show) then All User Names.
2 5284 0
by Greg Moeller

NT Username to Real Username      

Started By  pops
We are running Lawson 10.0.7.  I am working on a SQL query to identify some journal entries out of the GLTRANS table and I need to be able to show the real username instead of the operator that begins with NT00....  I cannot seem to find any SQL table that I can join to in order to provide this information in the results of the query.  Does anybody have any idea   Thank you in advance and Happy New Year!!   Allen
6 12227 3
by Brian Allen

Websphere 7.0 console won't launch      

Started By  Roger French
I'm working on a previously installed Websphere 7.0.x instance on a Win2008R2 box. The Websphere was installed by another party years ago for LBI. It was working until servers were moved to another center. Server/computer/FQDN was not changed. IP address was changed but that should not affect anything since WAS was installed using the servername/computer name, not the IP address. WAS was installed as a stand alone installation which means there isn't a Dmgr profile.  Websphere admin console and...
2 5068 0
by Roger French

Anyone using Sql Server 2014      

Started By  JimY
We are starting the process of upgrading to Windows Server 2012 and in looking at the Compatibility Matrix Sql 2014 is supported for the applications that we have.  Is anyone using it and if so did you encounter any problems.  We currently use Sql server 2008.  Thank you.
2 5112 0
by Greg Moeller

Multi Factor Authentication OKTA and Lawson      

Started By  bprouty
We are looking into using MFA / OKTA with Lawson S3 AP/GL.  Has anyone done that  Comments and suggestions would be appreciated.  Thanks,
0 4739 1
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RE: Lawson report
by John Henley
6/5/2023 9:26 PM