Forum: Smart Notification

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Smart Notification - Schedule Administration      

Started By  Suresh
Hi, Recently my LBI database has been migrated from one server to another. And DBA's have copied SN database to target server. As earlier I had scheduled jobs for few infosets, but now everything seems to be disappeared, In 'Schedule Administration' screen I couldn't view any single scheduled jobs. And also, I tried by creating new Schedule job for the infoset but it seems like it is not been created / saving new scheduling job. Please find the attached screen sh...
6 97956 0
by Suresh

Difference in data between the mail notification and Preview      

Started By  Vishnu Priya
Hi All, I have a task to send Email notification to supervisors about the Company properties a person holds when the Employee changes the department . I have used the has new items comdition. When I make the updates and do the previoew of the notification, it shows all the values selected with the query rather than showing only the new items added. But when I send the Email notification , in the notification I am able to see only the new row that was updated. I am not sure why there is...
0 3629 0

Sending notification with the old values in table      

Started By  Vishnu Priya
Hi, I am new to Lawson Smart notes. Currently I have a task in which if the supervisor of an employee is changed we need to send a notification to the old supervisor of the employee. Here I need the values of the old table after that table has been updated. So please let me know how can we retrieve the old value and use it
0 3586 0

Bursting on email addresses pulled from Lawson      

Started By  Lacey
I have created a JDBC query which pull the email of each employee's supervisor for the last column. In the query preview the addresses pull wonderfully. However, once the infoset is complete the actual infoset pulls nulls for the emaill address column. I have tried with the type for the column as 'email' and as 'string', neither have worked. I would like to burst this notification out by these addresses. Any ideas why they will not pull through
1 6403 0
by Matthew Nye

Attach a static PDF to a Smart Note email      

Started By  Rick McCahan
I have a notification that is sent to new hires as an email. The notification is working correctly with a custom HTML template. Now I'd like to add a static PDF to the email as an attachment, not a link. Being new to Smart Notes, I'm unclear on whether this is possible and how to implement. Emails are read in Outlook or Outlook Web Access. Any hints Step-by-step or an example would be great! Thanks.
1 6988 0
by John Henley

smart Notes      

Started By  Roger2010
In smart notifications (9.0) I'm trying to figure out how to trigger a notification based on a field value changing from A to B. Basically it is a killed items smart note, when the requisition kill quantity changes from 0 to a number an email should be sent to the requester to inform about the kill quantity. Thanks!
2 7576 0
by Roger2010

infoset error      

Started By  AJ
I am trying to build an infoset that touches multiple tables. I can preview the data of the infoset on the InfoSet Wizard and successfully produce data when going after 1 table and can even preview the data with selection criteria from 2 tables. The following query allows me to preview data: FILE=MAINVDTL&INDEX=MADSET1&FIELD=COMPANY;PO2DNUMBER;PO2DCODE;LINE2DNBR;VENDOR;INVOICE;STATUS;ENTERED2DQTY;MAAOCDTL2EAOC2DCODE;APINVOICE2EINV2DSTATUS;APINVOICE2EDUE2DDATE;POLINE2ECXL2DQTY;PO...
0 4810 0

Smart Notification - "Admin" button NOT AVAILABLE      

Started By  Suresh
Hi, Recently my LBI database has been migrated from one server to another. And DBA's have copied SN database to target server. While logging into LBI with admin access rights user, I'm not able to view ADMIN button in Smart notification home page and this applies to not only to one user, it applicable for all the users in LBI. Without ADMIN access, we were not able to modify / create any new notification. As my users are getting affected, Could you please help me to solve this issue ...
9 7647 0
by Matthew Nye

Some smart notes no longer working correctly      

Started By  SueS
We moved a new smart note into production and appear to have broken somethng for 5 other smart notes. When the new smart note went into production, these 5 smart notes stopped working correctly. They are huge and looks like it is just dumping the entire infoset without checking if the keys have changed. I can see in the schedule administration that it runs everyday and it is doing an update/process everyday. These 5 smart notes share the same infoset and no other smart notes use this par...
3 7011 0
by Matthew Nye

SN no sending mail anymore      

Started By  Ellen Bats
We works with the user lawson in Smart Notes. All the settings are down for this user. Device type is activated and works great. Today we want to change the mailaddress by the Device Type by this uers. We get the confirmationcode in the mailbox of the user and we confirm the code. We get the message that the confirmation was succesed. We process one INFOSET to look of the new mailaddress was working. However nothing happend. We change the mailadres back to the original one and confirmed this. Pr...
3 5434 0
by Ellen Bats

Smart Notification - Admin Page access      

Started By  Suresh
Hi, For the last 3weeks Smart Notification doesn't showing up 'Admin' button to access admin page and earlier it was working. And also it doesn't applicable for specific users, for all the users (WHO HAS ADMIN RIGHTS) doesn't able to view admin button. Could you please help me to resolve this Smart Notification issue Appreciating quick replies !!! Thanks Suresh
2 5336 0
by Suresh

Req to PO Smart Note      

Started By  ErikaS
Has anyone written a Smart Note that sends an email to the requester once their requisition has been turned into a PO Secondly, has anyone written a Smart Note where the query is based off of an application form instead of a database table I'm having a hard time finding the Req, PO, Requester and Requesters Email on one form or table. Thanks! Erika
0 5140 0

Burst same row from single infoset to multiple email recipients      

Started By  JoeS
Does anyone know of a way to burst the same row from an InfoSet to multiple email recipients  Thanks, Joe
3 4364 0
by Matthew Nye

Problem w/ Application Link      

Started By  Robby
Hi-- Very odd issue here - when I preview the notification (by clicking on the notification title while in the system) I see the link and it functions properly. However, when the notification is delivered, the link name is gone and the 'Details' link is in its place. This issue came up only with a new notification being built. When I process the only other notification with a link (this is a new setup), that link appears OK. What do you think
0 4210 0

FORUMTOPIC:SUBJECTLINK|Lawson Query Builder - OleDB      

Started By  JonathanGS
Hi Everyone, I am trying to write a query for a SmartNote. I have done successfully what I am about to describe. I am composing a query with 2 filters. Each work separately just fine. When I combine them, neither work. Here they are: Date Hired: FILE=EMPLOYEE&FIELD=EMPLOYEE;FULL-NAME;EMAIL-ADDRESS;DATE- HIRED;POSITION.DESCRIPTION;POSITION.BARGAIN- UNIT;DEPARTMENT.NAME&SELECT=DATE-HIRED3E3D[date=-DS7 fmt=yyyyMMdd] Bargaining-Unit: FILE=EMPLOYEE&FIELD=EMPLOYEE;DATE-HIRED;FULL...
0 7096 0

masking a ss# on a smart note      

Started By  SueS
I have a smart note that HR wants to see the 'before' and 'after' of various fields that may get changed on a dependent's record. One of thee fields is the ss. Is there a way to mask the ss so it shows as ***-**-6789 Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
6 5169 0
by SueS

Using 'Message Box' as delivery device.....      

Started By  Robby
The Smart Notifications User Guide is not very explicit on how to use this, and/or how it works (unless I'm missing something). Is anyone using it How does it actually work What advantages/uses do you utilize it for Thanks in advance... -Robby
0 4438 0

Scheduling SN report      

Started By  Greg Moeller
Schedule report showing last run time, next run time, scheduled run time and name of infoset Would really like to be able to associate this with the notifications as well, but would take the infoset scheduling as a start. Anyone have a working example that they'd be willing to share
9 5289 0
by Greg Moeller

Smart Notification GUID      

Started By  Dennis Amory
What's the best way of knowing exactly which Smart Notification (SN) is tied to a dashboard link In other words, If I edit the dashboard link, when I go to the URL text box (under the Main tab), I can see a value like this: FSRemotefsid=SN:SN-Smart Notification:12992&guid=z64db9132:12c9753609c:-7fd3:18a97. How do I reference this GUID back to an actual SN to determine which SN is actually being run when I click on that dashboard link
3 5362 0
by Dennis Amory

Is it possible Word doc linked to a SN?      

Started By  Greg Moeller
Been tasked with linking a word doc to a smart notification. I don't even know if that is possible. Anyone have any pointers Cook-book style instructions
8 5386 0
by Robby

Smart Notification Stored Procedure      

Started By  Layne
I am using a stored procedure, which has a declared variable, which is being contrained on in the where clause of the stored proc. Here is a crude example. Select * from title where token = token I want Smart Notification to prompt me to enter a valid string for this variable. Can I do that with SmartNotes.
3 5293 0
by Matthew Nye

App Link to Smart Office Forms      

Started By  KJBULLS
Does anyone know how to create an Application link to Smart Office forms I know how to do this to go to portal and inquire a specific record for a specific form but I cant get it to work in Smart Office. Can anyone please post an example Thanks for your help KJ
11 6803 0
by mark.cook

Smart Notifications Data Source Setup Recommendations      

Started By  Michelle Sundermann
We are in the process of rolling out Smart Notifications and have a question regarding setting standards for creating infosets. Our question for everyone has to do with the multiple types of data sources you can use within LBI and specifically Smart Notifications. That said, the one that is delivered when LBI is installed is the DME Query which the syntax is quite cumbersome we have found. However , one of the other options that we have been using is JDBC as our data source (which is essential...
7 7106 0
by Ruma Malhotra

Share a challenging or interesting Smart Note      

Started By  Robby
I've built many Smart Notes, primarily for data integrity checks for HR, payroll and benefits. Everything from one as simple as finding all employees who have not taken mandatory training classes, to a notification to the payroll rep that an employee has not yet cashed a paycheck that is approaching 60 days old. What I am asking for in this forum is for my fellow posters to offer-up one or two of their most challenging/interesting Smart Notes. Share the business need that prompted the request...
5 8813 0
by Ruma Malhotra

Smart Notes      

Started By  Deleted User
I'm not sure why the smart note notifaction isn't sending e-mails to the owner. Does anyone has any solutions I can try
2 6228 0
by Ruma Malhotra
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