Forum: Lawson S3 Supply Chain

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Cycle counting    

Started By  Mark Pruente
This is the error 'Cannot Adj SOH - QTY is allocated or Picked - Above Rec Not Processed Current Lot/sublot/bin soh'.  How to reslove
3 6928 1
by  JonAJump to last post
9/14/2015 6:13 PM

Adjust on hand inventory to negative    

Started By  Johnmac
Hello,   I am cleaning up the RNI report (PO135). Most of the report consists of inventory items that were received in the system but not actually received from our vendors. In order to reverse these transactions, I adjust the line in PO33. I am running into situations where the RNI quantity I need to adjust is more than the available on hand quantity. Lawson will not allow me to adjust the on hand quantity to a negative number. Is there an option to change this rule I want to be able to a...
0 3361 0
9/21/2015 1:58 PM

Adjust on hand inventory to negative    

Started By  Johnmac
Hello,   I am cleaning up the RNI report (PO135). Most of the report consists of inventory items that were received in the system but not actually received from our vendors. In order to reverse these transactions, I adjust the line in PO33. I am running into situations where the RNI quantity I need to adjust is more than the available on hand quantity. Lawson will not allow me to adjust the on hand quantity to a negative number. Is there an option to change this rule I want to be able to a...
12 4738 0
by  JonAJump to last post
9/23/2015 7:21 PM

Inv item showing as nonstock    

Started By  pmeckes
We are entering an order in oe10.3 for an inventoried item and the line type is showing as non-stock. When we try to change it to an I, the line type reverts back to non-stock. What could be causing this
0 3277 0
9/22/2015 6:26 PM

Slow response with Cloud version of MSCM    

Started By  Judi Sims
Has anyone experienced increased slowness since moving the Cloud environment  If so, do you know the cause and how to improve response time  We have experienced intermittent slowness when switching forms since our transition.  Infor had us install Fiddler to capture the information, but they tell us that the Fiddler files have not shown them the necessary information.       We moved to the cloud five weeks ago.  We upgraded to v10 at the same time as the cloud move because our existing server...
1 3469 0
by  RobertJump to last post
10/21/2015 11:31 PM

Cost not populating from Template    

Started By  Bev Edwards
I have an item that populates to the Shopping Cart in RQC fine when ordered via Express Order, however, I have a user that is trying to order it from a Template. When she selects the item and adds it to her shopping cart, it will not pull the pricing and produces an error. Other items on that same template pull the pricing in when selected. Seems to just be a problem with this particular one.   Anyone ever seen that happen before
4 3078 2
by  JonAJump to last post
10/1/2015 5:09 PM

Cost Default Vendor field    

Started By  Bev Edwards
When specials are ordered, the user has to fill in the Cost Default Vendor field. What Lawson table is this field fed to
2 3796 0
by  Mike BernhardJump to last post
10/5/2015 3:07 PM

Par location distributed to multiple cost centers    

Started By  Deleted User
Is there a way to adjust a Par to distribute the cost to multiple cost centers without having to adjust the requisition manually everytime
2 3134 1
by  Deleted UserJump to last post
10/8/2015 5:27 PM

MSCM - Can it capture info and store to a file?    

Started By  Bev Edwards
We are beginning to weigh our linen carts now. Instead of having staff to manually record the data and then log it into a computer, my director wants to know if we can use the MSCM hand helds and the application capture that data. He wants to scan bar codes to record numbers for the weight, then scan the bar code on the Mayflower Linen sheet, and then transmit all of the bar code data captured to an electronic file that we would then maintain. Does anyone use MSCM for that purpose Is any...
2 3278 2
by  JonAJump to last post
10/9/2015 1:44 PM

IC11 change UOM: Error - Cannot change UOM info; PO interface records exist    

Started By  Johnmac
I am trying to add EA as the lowest UOM in IC11. I’ve followed these steps: 1.    IC11 UOM tab – add EA UOM with all priorities to 2 and click change 2.    PO115 – change UOM for CA to EA – run in update mode 3.    IC11 main tab – change stock UOM from CA to EA and click change 4.    IC11 UOM tab – change conversion factor and click change: error: 'Cannot change UOM info; PO interface records exist'. Any help is greatly appreciated.
3 3762 1
by  Kat VJump to last post
10/22/2015 2:11 PM

IC11 change UOM: Error - Cannot change UOM info; PO interface records exist    

Started By  Johnmac
I am trying to add EA as the lowest UOM in IC11. I’ve followed these steps: 1.    IC11 UOM tab – add EA UOM with all priorities to 2 and click change 2.    PO115 – change UOM for CA to EA – run in update mode 3.    IC11 main tab – change stock UOM from CA to EA and click change 4.    IC11 UOM tab – change conversion factor and click change: error: 'Cannot change UOM info; PO interface records exist'. Any help is greatly appreciated.
3 5905 0
by  JonAJump to last post
10/9/2015 12:47 PM

PO223.csv output flip flops    

Started By  Mark
Has anyone noticed on PO223 that columns DD and DE swap places randomly We seem to have them swap every 2-3 months.
2 3334 0
by  MarkJump to last post
10/13/2015 8:48 PM

PO225 Misaligned report rows    

Started By  Mark
Is anyone else noticing a misaligned report when running, and exporting, PO225 On my report, all the data drops one row at column CR. tracts
0 3365 0
10/13/2015 3:38 PM

Standing inventory issue/order    

Started By  Sheri
Is there anyway to create a standing inventory issue   We have a department that wants to receive 4 cases of paper every week without having to create a requisition weekly. This paper is a stock item in our warehouse.
9 4465 1
by  SarahJump to last post
11/2/2015 6:23 PM

Cost Locked:YES    

Started By  Bev Edwards
I have an item set up in Lawson with the correct pricing, however when the user submitted the order, it went to Owens & Minor with a different price. When I drilled on the req, I saw the incorrect price that was submitted and there was also a field called Cost Locked:YES. Is this a field value I can change to prevent this from happening again and on perhaps other items I'm unable to upload the screen shot.   Bev
8 4129 2
by  Bev EdwardsJump to last post
10/21/2015 8:47 PM

So I just accidentally deleted an IC81...    

Started By  SCMaster-jk2
Does anyone know how I can restore it
2 4053 0
by  SCMaster-jk2Jump to last post
10/22/2015 3:27 PM

Vaccines and Excise Tax    

Started By  Michelle Wetzel
Hi all – looking for some feedback on what you do with your vaccine purchases.  Do you include the excise tax on the PO line with the cost of the item to be matched or is it applied separately as an add-on tax by Accounts Payable  We have some vaccines being treated one way and some the other way and are looking to standardize into whatever is best practice. Thanks, Michelle
1 3361 0
by  JonAJump to last post
10/20/2015 10:31 AM

Email Order Confirmations to Requesters    

Started By  JonA
Looking for a way to let requesters know where their supplies are coming from- vendor or warehouse- upon ordering. And if warehouse, whether the supplies were backordered or will ship.  Anybody doing something like this with PF or maybe Infor 10 has some functionality like this
5 3562 0
by  Michelle WetzelJump to last post
10/22/2015 2:55 PM

WH130 Print Times    

Started By  Patricia Mane
Good morning!! I am with Medical Center Navicent Health (formerly, Medical Center of Central Georgia) and we have been on Lawson since January 5, 2015, it has been along 10 months, but things are finally settling down.  With that I have a question.. We currently have two WH130 jobs for our main WHS.  Supply Chain has decide that they don't want the WH130 to print from 230pm-530am, print again at 600am and last print to be 230pm. As well, not to print on the weekend.  What they are attempting t...
4 3740 0
by  Patricia ManeJump to last post
10/23/2015 1:31 PM

Bill To address on PO    

Started By  Sheri
We are being asked by vendors for our Bill To address. As far as I know Lawson PO Header does not support this. Does anyone have the their Bill To added to Purchase orders Or how are you handling this request
4 4849 1
by  JonAJump to last post
10/29/2015 2:40 PM

IC11 - possible to have stock UOM that is not lowest UOM?    

Started By  Johnmac
Lawson S3 version 10.0.3. Is it possible to have the stock UOM not be the lowest UOM in IC11 For example: if an item has 2 UOM: EA and CA, can CA be assigned as the stock UOM without removing the EA UOM The reason behind this logic is we issue the item by the CA from inventory, but our par locations will order (direct from the vendor) by the EA.
0 3653 0
10/30/2015 6:07 PM

Need to update expiration date in PO25.    

Started By  Bev Edwards
When trying to update the expiration date in PO25.6, I'm getting a message saying : Cannot change expiration date. Lines exixt with invalid Buy uom.   Is there a way around this
1 4545 0
by  bruppJump to last post
11/6/2015 1:55 PM

Inventory Reports    

Started By  Patti D
Unfortunately we do not have a storeroom supervisor at this time. I am the Material Analyst.   I think I know inventory well enough to keep us out of trouble.   But my question is –           I currently run daily IC233, IC222, PO230, Wh222 step 1 to 5, and IC243.   Are there any other reports I should run – daily, weekly, monthly I I do use Microsoft Add-ins and Crystal.   Do you have any tips or tricks   Also, is there a report to help set min and max reorder points in IC12 I ...
5 5919 1
by  SCMaster-jk2Jump to last post
11/6/2015 6:31 PM

Low Unit of Measure Not Pulling in Pricing    

Started By  SCMaster-jk2
Hi everyone,   I have an item that one of our hospitals orders as a low unit of measure. Because it's a lower unit of measure, it has a different catalog number. So in my PO13, I have two catalog numbers, for example:   Lawson number = 107949 Vendor Catalog numbers: 10000,refers to the case UOM in PO25.6 (this catalog number is set to default) 10000z, refers to the box UOM also in PO25.6   When I set the default source UOM to BX in IC12, pricing doesn't get pulling in and Lawson asks fo...
8 5052 0
by  SCMaster-jk2Jump to last post
11/16/2015 8:15 PM

How do I set active status in IC81 via add ins?    

Started By  SCMaster-jk2
Hi everyone, I have almost 200 items that need to be inactivated in IC81. I'm not allowed to delete them off the par, only inactivate. I've attached a picture of my uwf that's not working, can anyone help
1 3409 0
by  SCMaster-jk2Jump to last post
11/4/2015 2:56 PM
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