Forum: Lawson S3 Supply Chain

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Purchase Order Import Template .csv / 850 File      

Started By  fourtower
We have been asked to create a .csv import template for Lawson from our project data set.  I have searched but cannot a template that we could use to create the .csv file. Is there a standard import template for the Infor Cloud Solution     Does Infor Cloud Solution accept the  X12850 inbound PO format    Thanks for the help.
0 4214 0

Punch Out - Office Supplies      

Started By  Shannon S
We are in the process of implementing our office supply vendor through Infor Punch Out. We are about 90 implemented but ran into an issue with the desktop delivery piece. Our vendor needs the requester ID/name in order to know where to deliver the supplies, however the Punch Out functionality does not send this through the cXML file.  In order to go live, we need this information sent to the vendor.  We are looking into EDI as an option but I do not believe the requester information is sent i...
7 36491 7
by Sherry S.

Using Punchout and need to map to RLN-ITEM-TYPE      

Started By  ALB
We will be using one Punchout vendor. Our tester said everything was returning as an X type. I was told we need the appropriate value in RLN-ITEM-TYPE. The vendor is passing over a field called ItemType with the value of S or X. How do I get the ItemType from our vendor into RLN-ITEM-TYPE
1 32625 0
by RRogers

IC12 - Average Cost      

Started By  Bev Edwards
Where is the average cost in IC12 pulled from I have several items where the price in PO25.6 does not match the IC12 Average cost figure. When the item is ordered (LUM) the average cost from IC12 is being pulled into the PO instead of the price from the Vendor Agreement. As a result, we are receiving price discrepancies. Bev
13 39688 1
by Kat V

Item/Contract Match in Lawson      

Started By  Lee Ferketic
We are merging our SC departments and the parent organization does not allow the use of Access for when we migrate to their platform, we are looking at ways that we can do mass matches of item files for contracting and other purposes from a third-party file to Lawson. Today, we take the third-party file and use an Access database that will do the matching. The only thing we need to do is format the spreadsheet, ensure the column we want to match to is named correctly and make sure the sheet we a...
1 32341 0
by Kat V

Prioritizing Rush/Hot/Stat Requisitions (RQC)      

Started By  LawsonNeophyte
Hello,   We are looking to prioritize Rush/Hot/Stat orders for our requestors using RQC to place orders. Our requestors are just getting familiar with RQC and fax in manual orders to communicate Hot orders currently. However, one department has been using the comment field to communicate urgency. Ideally, we would like to have a more formal way to prioritize these orders in Lawson.
5 33802 1
by Kat V

MSCM Delivery Document via PO30      

Started By  Me
Is it possible to print the MSCM delivery document when receiving in PO30  There are times where PO30 is needed to receive instead of using MSCM and staff would like the normal MSCM delivery document with barcode to print.
4 36100 2
by Leslie

Centralized Receiving Process Flow      

Started By  Ike_Duran
Looking to implement centralized receiving for our IDN and would like to see how others have gone about. Right now we are discussing having all ground PO's default (automatically) to our central warehouse with Priority PO's heading directly to the sites (Manual process).  Would like any insight on pro's and con's and any mapping you could share would be great!!
0 4838 0

Surgery Perpetual Inventory      

Started By  lkassel
Since we have been on Lawson our Surgery department has not been on a perpetual inventory. Once we inquired Cerner as our ERM system, we purchased the interface which Lawson would send the item file to Cerner and Cerner would send usage back to decrement inventory in Lawson. We have set up a SURG location in IC12 of items that are going to Cerner, this list of items include consignment items, bill only items and supplies which totals to over 3,000 items. We were wondering if any other hospital h...
9 35329 1
by Casy

ER for Account Number on PO      

Started By  Kat V
Just created an enhancement request to make ED40 readable to other issue methods. At Inforum they mentioned they were having difficulty coming up with a solution that would fit everyone and it occurred to me that we have already all figured out a way to map the PO header to an account for EDI.  If instead of TPID_O the POs issued to Paper/Fax/Email looked for PO_O records we would be fine. At any rate, I'm going to see if I can bribe my IT to at least put it on the wish list for IPAs. :)
4 33704 1
by Kat V

Unable to change Manuf Code in IC11 using addin      

Started By  Bev Edwards
I am trying to change the manufacturer code on 47 items in IC11 from KHC to COVD. The COVD code is in IC14. It has a description, but no division value. I'm using an addin for IC11, but getting the following error: Invalid manufacturer code/division I don't understand why I'm getting this error when COVD exists in the IC14. Any ideas
13 35190 1
by TerriC

Lawson excel addins V9 vs V10      

Started By  Janet Malavet
We are going through an upgrade from V9 to V10. The queries I have saved seems not to work to be used with version 10. Does anyone knows a trick to make my saved queries work on version 10  or Do I need to set new ones for the new V10  Any input I will really appreciate it.
3 32642 0
by Janet Malavet
2 33800 1
by Red

Lawson excel addins V9 vs V10      

Started By  Janet Malavet
We are going through an upgrade from V9 to V10. The queries I have saved seems not to work to be used with version 10. Does anyone knows a trick to make my saved queries work on version 10  or Do I need to set new ones for the new V10  Any input I will really appreciate it.
0 4332 0

Lawson IC with Cerner Surgi-Net      

Started By  Jim9
Is anyone interfacing with Cerner Surgi-Net to manage OR inventory
27 46204 1
by Kat V

Delivery Dates      

Started By  LilNell Herz
In Lawson Version 10, how do you set the delivery dates from a vendor so that they default to only weekdays (M-F) and excludes weekends
1 32371 1
by Michelle Wetzel

Inventory Accuracy      

Started By  The Alchemist
Hello Fellow Members,   I was looking to get an idea of what the average inventory accuracy is out there Running IC286 really only gives you an absolute picture but its a start. A bit off the Lawson path,  I was also wondering if anyone has a picking policy they would be willing to share. We are battling inventory accuracy that seems to be rooted in pulling errors.
2 32422 0
by The Alchemist

Image Now or Infor Cloudsuite internal method?      

Started By  Erik G.
Good Afternoon,   I will apologize now if this is not the right section of the forum to ask this but I was wondering what system you are using to manage invoice,packing slips, other documents related to purchasing if you are on Infor's  cloud-suite     We are currently on V10 and use Image Now but we had a demo of cloud-suite and we are considering if we want to start storing them in Lawson and get rid of image now when we upgrade.  I am just curious if anyone has ever looked at it and what...
3 33100 2
by Erik G.

Item Adds/Changes Best Practice      

Started By  awalters
Hi all, I'm new to Lawson Guru, so any help at all is appreciated! Who out there is in charge of maintaining their company's item master, or is familiar with their company's process We're always looking at ways to streamline our methods, and it would be nice to know any tips or tricks we can use. If you respond, please answer the following questions: 1) What is your process for adding new items 2) What is your process for item revisions/changes 3) How much time do you spend doing b...
53 60204 10
by Mary Poffenbarger

MSCM Dock Logging - Freight Deliveries      

Started By  Den
Hi All... MSCM does a great job working with UPS/FedEx when capturing the tracking numbers and keeping count of how many were scanned. I would love to use this same functionality with vendors delivering directly to the hospital or things being delivered by freight companies. Does anyone have any practices that allow these types of deliveries be captured with dock logging when tracking number or bar codes are not provided Then, if something is dock logged, it can most likely be miscellaneous ...
0 5389 0

IC140 w-Cost?      

Started By  brupp
Is it possible to modify IC140 so the output shows average cost  Materials would like to review cost prior to PO100.   Or is there a different place other than PO100 or PO254 to see the cost by item for inventory PO's by date range   Thanks.
2 33069 0
by Kat V

Calculating Inventory Turns      

Started By  Debbie McCullen
Hello, My health system is using V10 of Lawson and cannot find a report that would show us Inventory Turns. Would anyone be willing to share your formula for this important calculation From what I have been told, we never could calculate Inventory Turns from Lawson. Coming from the manufacturing world I find it a little difficult to believe a procurement software does not have this capability. Any help you an give me would be greatly appreciated.   Thank you for your time.
10 36939 4
by nataliem

PO20 Dists Out of Balance      

Started By  SCMaster-jk2
Hi everyone - we're getting a weird error here. We issued a PO a few days ago but we have to update the quantity. After we made the change, the buyer tried to release it but we're getting 'Cannot release. Line dists out of balance'   I've never seen this before, does anyone have insight
6 37478 1
by Michelle Junk

PICIS -MM HL7 Interface      

Started By  Chesca
How complex would it be to write our own IC527 out side of Lawson like a PHP program to create the interface to PICIS Has anyone not use IC527 and used something else instead
12 36382 2
by Leslie

EDI Remit To Substitutions      

Started By  Matt_B
Hey All,    I was wondering if any of you are using the Remit to substitution function and hopefully someone could explain to me exactly where it's grabbing the Lawson Value.    Trading Partner specific remit to code   Field Value Comments/Examples List name _I_REMITTO Your value ...
4 33245 1
by Kat V
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