Forum: Lawson S3 Supply Chain

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Location Dependent Replenishment      

Started By  brupp
Hello - probably an easy question - Say you stock a box of gloves in your main perpetual inventory.  You want the OR's to replenish from inventory, but Ambulatory Clinics to replenish direct from vendor in LUM.  Is this all driven by IC12  Today, Ambulatory replenishes from inventory, so that's the piece we want to change.  I assume this means all of those sites would require IC12.1 & IC12.2 screens Secondly, if this is correct, what is best practice - create IC12 for ALL item master items or...
8 34317 1
by Kat V

Cycle Count Accuracy      

Started By  Me
We're looking to create a custom report for cycle count accuracy.  I know there's an ICACCURACY table but we're wanting to get down into the items themselves.  Do historical item counts get stored somewhere  I cant seem to find that table.
4 33540 1
by Kat V

Making Deliveries across various buildings      

Started By  Den
Hello All!!  Hoping someone has some advise and experience for me... Current process:  Item comes in through UPS/FedEx, delivered to building 1.  Using RAD, we perform a miscellaneous receipt.  This item needs to be delivered to building 2.  In handing the item to our mailroom, they 'deliver' the item in MSCM.  They then keep manual records of where the item is delivered.  Once it is 'delivered', you cannot perform any other transactions, loosing a lot of information. Question....  Can MSCM re...
3 32687 1
by Den

importdb messages to a file      

Started By  Scott Santee
Is there a way to write the messages generated by importdb to a file importdb -a $pline APCINVOICE $FILEDIR$INVIMPORTU      importdb -a $pline APCATTACH $FILEDIR$ATTACHIMPORTU
1 33206 0
by JimY

Negative Allocations      

Started By  JonA
Has anyone found negative allocations for items in inventory  Every so often we find these and I can't find a reason for it.  I've compared all requisitions for the item to shipments and found that either the full amount was shipped, or there was a partial shipment, or killed/voided- all quantities are accounted for.
9 37025 4
by Janet Malavet

Using PO Codes on PO20      

Started By  Ellen T
We have been using PO Codes on purchase orders for some time now (i.e., service, capital, etc), but due to new managers in AP and PO, we are having the discussion of whether they provide benefit.  Of course those of us who have used them think they do. Does anyone else use them and what are your thoughts about them  Do you use them for vendors that are faxed or go out EDI  Do you have problems in that area.  Would you recommend them to others All answers, pro or con, would be helpful. ...
7 37892 0
by Kat V

Infor Inventory Intelligence for Healthcare      

Started By  JonA
Who is using  What's involved in the implementation process  How long was the implementation  Does it integrate well with v10  What benefits have been realized What application shortcomings have been identified (what doesn't it do that you hoped it would)
2 32909 1
by Red

Data Cleanup Process      

Started By  Shannon S
We are in the process of trying to get our system and data cleaned up but are unsure what jobs can 'archive' the data. For example, we have several open lines that were not received from almost 3 years ago so at this point, we just need to cancel and clean up the data so the PO can be closed.  Can anyone share their best practices for how they keep their system clean - what jobs they run, who runs them and how often  We are on v10, just migrated to 2012 servers and are hosted by Infor (AMS). ...
2 32631 0
by Bill Ianni

Detail Adjustments      

Started By  Shannon S
We are new to creating reason codes for adjustments in IC24 but are getting an error. Here is how we are doing the process:   IC24.1: - Enter Company and Location - Select Add to create document - Add line (FC, Item and Quantity - negative number to depict an adjustment out of inventory) - Select change - Go to IC24.2 > FC = C, add reason code and select change However, when we select change, it gives an error stating that we cannot default issue cost on an adjustment out But the weird ...
3 32700 0
by JonA

PO31 - Vendor Returns      

Started By  Shannon S
We are new to generating vendor returns out of Infor and was hoping someone could share their process with us.  Is your buyer/purchasing team responsible for creating the vendor return If so, do they also 'ship' it out or is that part on the receiving team  If anyone has any documentation they could share regarding their process, that would be extremely helpful!   Thanks, Shannon
3 32877 2
by Stephanie

MSCM - Mobile Device Connection Error      

Started By  Brian Gould
We are moving to V10 MSCM and are trying to reconfigure handhelds to connect to our new MSCM system. CAB files are applied and we start the login process.  Dashes move across the screen but after multiple attempts, we get 'Authentication Failed. Please contact your administrator'. Users can login to V10 MSCM Server from their desktops. Our device is a Motorola MC55.
6 33163 2
by JonA

PO Numbering      

Started By  Bev Edwards
Is it possible, feasible or even wise to start the PO numbering over We are currently at 7 digits (I'm aware we can go up to 14). We did receive some feedback via our IT department that stated the following: Auto numbering is defined in PO01.1 (where the last PO number used is reflected as well).  Per Lawson, once the po's are there they stay there (we questioned with a purge, ie. running all purge programs in sequence which would include a PO300 and involve/require RQ, IC, PO and AP coo...
3 31746 0
by JonA

Inventory Adjustment Reason Codes      

Started By  Shannon S
Can anyone share their reason codes on IC21.2 (Inventory Adjustments)
1 30620 0
by JonA

IC500 - Please HELP if you can!      

Started By  TBonney
I have reviewed the file layout document for IC500, along with any KB articles I cold find and been going back and forth on an incident on Infor Xtreme. However, I can not get the IC500 job to process an inbound file properly without errorring out.   I believe it is strictly the result of the headers being improperly named because the file layout document indicates the field names to contain spaces, hyphens, mixed case fields, upper case fields, etc., which I have never seen before and do not ...
11 31360 2
by Ragu Raghavan

Item Master Sync      

Started By  Me
Hi All,   Looking to see what anyone knows about Item Master Sync that's available in 10.0.6 and beyond.  From what I'm seeing it helps with ensuring your item master data is synced throughout the various screens.  IC11, IC12, PO13, IC82, PO25.  Of course we're on 10.0.5 so we don't have access to it but would like to know exactly how it works and if it works.  We could definitely use some help with keeping our data synced.
11 32948 3
by Sharon Kalister

Shortpay/price discrepancies      

Started By  AndreaS4
How is everyone handling shortages and price discrepancies We would like to start creating chargebacks in PO31 for shortages and working with AP for price discrepancies using MA64. Does the reason code for the short pay/chargeback appear on the check remittance If not, how do you let the vendor know why you are short paying an invoice Thank you, Andrea
1 24102 1
by Dan Z

Custom packs bill of materials      

Started By  AndreaS4
Does anyone know of an area in Lawson where we can add a bill of materials for items in a custom pack. We are looking to see if we can add the Lawson numbers and prices for all the individual components of the custom packs.
0 3858 0

Credits and Rebills      

Started By  lkassel
When we are billed incorrectly on an invoice and the vendor sends us a credit then rebills us, what is the best way to show that on the PO. Our Accounting team is wanting a return generated in PO31.1 so that they can tie that credit to the return. Then the buyer has to add a line to the PO for the rebill. Is this best practice
1 20168 1
by David Williams

Vendor Returns and Open to Match      

Started By  Jeremy
If we do a vendor return for a PO Line, will that not reduce to open-to-match quantity  I would think that since we returned the items, the open-to-match should go down.   Example: Order 10, receive 15, return 5, invoiced (matched and paid) 10.  PO64 shows open-to-match is 5.  How do we reduce that  Since we returned 5, shouldn't we now have none left to match
9 24304 2
by Jeremy

Epic/Lawson Data      

Started By  JonA
Anyone pulling data out of Epic and marrying it to Lawson supply cost data to create dashboards  We've been looking for a way to do this even pre-Epic when we had Cerner.  We want to be able to see supply cost per procedure per physician with outcomes (length of stay, re-admissions, complications) and bring in patient demographics.  Can you use Epic's data warehouse, Caboodle to do this We are already interfacing supply data from Lawson to Epic daily so I would think Epic would have all the d...
12 25590 5
by Erik G.

Sending Bin Location Data to Epic      

Started By  JonA
Our Epic team wants Lawson to be the source of truth for their bin locations.  I would rather they manage that within Epic instead of mucking up our bin location fields.  Most of their locations are just identifying a room or closet so they have multiple items with the same bin. Anyone else doing this
7 18513 2
by Denise E.J.

Identifying supply areas for Epic OpTime      

Started By  JonA
I'm currently working with our Epic implementation team to create the supply file for the interface to OpTime, Cupid and Radiant. One of the requirements is that the area in which the supply is used is identified in the file. Our IC12 records are primarily specific to the medical centers. For instance, at our Midland location, supplies used in the OR and Diagnostic Radiology are all in the MID location. At our Alma location, supplies used in the OR and Diagnostic Radiology and Cath Lab are all i...
20 35271 3
by Denise E.J.

Cannot Change Tracking Flag; Quantities Exist In This UOM Error      

Started By  Chris S
Hello All, I'm receiving an error message in IC11 when attempting to change the default / tracking UOM's of an item that has no open PO's or Requisitions. All transaction UOM's for Locations within the Company have been blanked out and has worked for me several times before while manipulating UOM's. All locations have been double-checked for open documents with no success.  The error message is 'cannot change tracking flg; qtys/activities exist in this UOM' and I have attached a screen shot. ...
2 17821 2
by ArdyWolf

EDI Notifications Email Addresses      

Started By  Jeremy
I can't remember where to edit the list of email recipients that EDI Notifications are sent to.  Can someone please remind me  Version 9.0.1.x.
2 14443 1
by Jeremy

Extract New Items      

Started By  FrozenIT
I'm interested in creating a flat-file that contains items and item information for items that were created in the last 1 or 2 weeks.  We currently handle charge codes through a third-party application, and depend on manual data entry for all new items, which takes a lot of time. If I can extract the item information, I can build an import task on the other application to automatically run, create those items, and generate charge codes.  I can export all items, but I'm really looking for just th...
3 13627 0
by FrozenIT
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