Forum: Lawson Portal

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converting lawson 8.0 menu into portal bookmarks??    

Started By  Barry Ghotra
Hi all, We never used IOS or portal in version 7.x or 8.x. We are now migrating to 9.0.x apps/env. Wanted to know if theres' any way to migrate the custom menu that the users are currently using to convert into a portal bookmark. I've used the load menu function etc. but even after running lo920, I dont' see the forms/reports in the portal bookmarks. The default bookmark does not have any children underneath Am I missing something   Thanks.
2 21033 2
by  techguruJump to last post
5/9/2012 10:02 PM

Run Perl scripts from Portal LSF9    

Started By  KathyB
We created perl scripts in Lawson 8.0 for Employee SelfService. I am trying to run a perl script thur LSF9 portal. Having a problem executing the perl Modules. Plus I need to capture the employee ID  from Lawson Security in my script. The script runs fine from the server. Not able to run from portal as a bookmark.
5 22273 1
by  Greg MoellerJump to last post
10/14/2011 2:29 PM

Who is using Lawson Portal    

Started By  jcorbin
I need to find out who is logging into my lawson portal, is there a logfile that I can check to see this activity. Our is there any lawson script that I can run to extract this information
5 25152 1
by  Greg MoellerJump to last post
1/30/2012 3:55 PM

Websphere Upgrade from 6.1 to 7.0    

Started By  RickyY
Like a few others out there we have to upgrade Websphere in a hurry in order to get the new Req Center installed. Does anyone have the process documented or even know where we can find this document. Even the IBM website is unclear.  We are going from 6.1 to 7.0 Any help would be greatly appreciated.
15 18455 1
by  IBMJohnWJump to last post
9/21/2011 5:25 PM

Hot Key Shift-Control-K not working using IE8    

Started By  Saurabh
Hi All We have recently updagraded our test environmnt to LS9.0.0.0 and are in the process of testing it with IE8. We have found that some of the hot keys like (Ctrl-Sfift-K and Ctrl-Shift-O) does not seem to be working. How have others resolved this in their environment. Any tips Thanks Saurabh
2 17140 1
by  SaurabhJump to last post
7/1/2011 12:21 PM

User Login Reports    

Started By  Ryan
Not sure if this is the correct forum. If not please move to correct forum. Is there a way to track who and what time a user logs into Lawson 9.0.1 I know you can see how many are logged on, but I need to see who is logged on and at what time. Is this possible Thanks in advance for any assistance. Ryan
2 14588 1
by  John HenleyJump to last post
7/25/2011 1:53 PM

Inquire when Hidden Key does NOT contain all necessary values    

Started By  Craig Derksen
A couple of years ago, I had the task of setting up some shortcuts that inquired on the HR11 while passing default values. These queries worked just fine and were variations of this: domain/lawson/portal/index.htm_PDL=SYSINT2&_TKN=HR11.1&_HK=4321000001000 Now, fast forward a couple of years and the requirements have changed slightly to include additional forms. The first one on my list has set the tone for all the rest... The LP51. In examining the field definitions on this portal form, ...
4 22053 1
by  John HenleyJump to last post
10/3/2011 1:14 PM

Performing Calculations within PFI    

Started By  Bob
I do not know if this is the proper forum to post this question. If not, would the admins please move this question to the proper forum I am attempting to use PFI to simulate generation of reports.  The query that PFI accepts is: SELECT UCCUNO, UCORNO, UCIVQT, UCCUAM FROM *LIBL.OSBSTD WHERE UCORTP IN ('CUS','EMC') AND UCIVDT BETWEEN 20100201 AND 20100228.  However, the actual SQL statement I want to apply to PFI is: SELECT UCCUNO, UCORNO, SUM(UCIVQT), SUM(UCCUAM) FROM *LIBL.OSBSTD ...
0 5188 0
10/20/2011 6:47 PM

Print Manager is missing the txt file    

Started By  JohnDurbin
I'm a new Lawson user and my problem has to do with running a report. In the Print Manager I have the prt file but I'm missing the txt file which I need in order to create a pdf of the report. When I run the same report on the test box both the prt and the txt file appear in Print Manager. Suggestions
2 20044 0
by  John HenleyJump to last post
11/8/2011 6:19 PM

Determining user currently loged in - Custom Integration    

Started By  Sanford Barton
I've got a requirement to present an electronic form inside the portal.  I'd like to execute the form (developed in .Net) and pass it the login ID of person logged into portal so I can pre-populate some information for them.  Any Ideas
1 19385 0
by  JonathanJump to last post
1/27/2012 2:13 PM

Domain account locked out when using Lawson Portal    

Started By  Nate R
Hello, We have been troubleshooting an issue where user accounts (Windows domain accounts/NT accounts) are getting locked periodically when using the Lawson Portal. I have very limited understanding of this system, and the event logs on the workstations aren't very helpful (there is no mention of Lawson at all).  However, with a little Google-ing I think it might be a situation that could only be caused by our Lawson Portal being configured to use an LDAP query. Could anyone kindly rein...
4 21719 1
by  Jimmy ChiuJump to last post
12/7/2011 8:08 PM

Portal / EMSS splash screen    

Started By  Joe O'Toole
I need to put a custom text message in the middle of the screen that users will see >after< they log in to EMSS. We’ve tried altering index.htm but changes to the code that controls the from displayed in the center of the screen don’t seem to be responding very well. Our EMSS users do not have the admin options in the middle of the screen so it's just blank real estate. Has anyone done this
1 21898 0
by  Joe O'TooleJump to last post
12/15/2011 2:57 PM

Portal login takes several attempts    

Started By  MattB
We are moving users to portal from LID and have found an issue. Several users are expriencing they have to log in several times before they are allowed access.  Sometimes as much at 6-8 times, sometimes it goes in on the first try. They are not making password mistakes There is no consistency to when or who logs in LDAP bound to AD Any insight would be appreciated. Matt
2 20396 1
by  MattBJump to last post
1/6/2012 6:34 PM

how to retrieve NAME from LSF9 Resource Mgmt with ID    

Started By  Scooter
With Design Studio javascript, how do you retrieve NAME from LSF9 Resource Mgmt with the UserID
0 4480 0
1/10/2012 8:43 PM

Drop-Down List using IE 8    

Started By  Jay2
I have some users who just upgraded from IE 7 to IE 8 and the drop down lists boxes are no longer working. can not find a settings that fixes this. example: if user goes into print manager and click on search..  user gets a popup window that has a drop down list(find field) and a text box (find value). user can click into the list box for (Find Field) and scroll through the list with the up and down keys but user can not click little arrow next to box to see full list
6 19984 2
by  KerryJump to last post
2/8/2012 5:20 PM

MSS: Display Req after new Job Req created?    

Started By  Jonathan
On the MSS New Job Requisition page in LSF9, I've been asked to display the requisition number in a pop up window once a new job requisition has been entered.  I've looked through the JS files in /xhrnet/JobRequisitions/RequisitionSummary but don't see where the req number is retrieved once the PA42 is created.  Any help would be appreciated.
0 4558 1
1/27/2012 2:26 PM

Form help in task bar    

Started By  hsuhsen
Hi All,  I'm running IE8 on a Windows7 machine. When I try to view form help in the portal for any form, the form help window goes to the taskbar instead of popping up on screen. The only way I can get it to display full size is to mouse over the task on the task bar, right click on the thumbnail and then click 'maximize'.  It has to be a browser setting because when I VPN in from  home and access the form from my home computer, it pops up as expected.  Do any of you 'gurus' have any ...
0 4588 0
3/13/2012 9:39 PM

Change Lawson Portal URL Name    

Started By  RickyY
Have anyone try changing the Lawson portal name/url to something else so that it won't show the server's information but it'll still point to the same portal place Thanks Ricky
2 21390 0
by  RickyYJump to last post
3/23/2012 1:58 PM


Started By  Deleted User
We are currently on LSF and are getting ready to upgrade our desktop image to use IE9 (from IE7).  We don't have any Landmark applications.  Has anyone experienced issues with IE9  We're developing a test plan and including any known issues would certanly help! Thanks!
10 26497 2
by  Mark F. HardyJump to last post
5/3/2012 4:09 PM

Hiding line items on RQ10    

Started By  Scooter
I have a custom RQ10 for processflow approvals.  Is there a way to code javascript in the custom RQ10 to hide some req lines We want to display only req lines where Activity field value matches ProcessFlow category values.
1 20046 0
by  techguruJump to last post
5/9/2012 6:44 PM


Started By  ekbelt
Running Lawson v9.06 and I'm having an intermittent issue on a custom form that randomly throws an XML_PARSE_ERROR. I'm having trouble tracking anything down. The exception is thrown in com.lawson.ios.agent.AgentException: XML_PARSE_ERROR. The crazy thing is it will work one minute, and the next time I click on the bookmark it comes up fine. I don't think its a data issue or it would seem it should come up every time Anyone ever have something similar Thanks, Erik
1 20764 1
by  techguruJump to last post
5/10/2012 7:12 PM

Error on bookmark: The Object is not available.    

Started By  TBonney
I have a user who gets an 'The Object is not available.' error when attempting to access a particular bookmark. Comparing her security profile to the LBI security in place, she is in the group which is listed on the LBI dashboard, module and link as having access to the task. Since I know by default our bookmarks are set to 'Deny', I went into bookmark manager thinking perhaps the group did not have access there. However, one of the groups she is a member of does in fact have access set to 'A...
0 4257 1
7/9/2012 2:10 PM

PO corrections and encumbrances    

Started By  Elena
I have two questions. Why are funds still encumbered after a PO has been closed How do I correct a PO that has already been paid-not just the funding There are three errors I have come accross that need to be corrected. In one instance, the incorrect PO was paid, so it will involve correcting two POs. Secondly, an expense line was paid instead of a PO, so I would like to correct the PO to reflect payment from it. Last, a payment was made from a PO, but it should have been an expense line. than...
0 5271 0
7/10/2012 8:54 PM

How to Access Metadata Publisher    

Started By  Rick
Hello! I am a consultant working with a Movex/Lawson client who is requesting that I build some custom applications for them based off of their Movex/Lawson tables. The trouble is they do not know where the data resides on the database, they just know which Lawson screens they use to enter the data. I have been researching and found that Lawson's Metadata Publisher (MDP) might provide me with the information that I need. I have access to the MyLawson portal, but when I try to access the MD...
0 9824 1
7/12/2012 6:14 PM

.xml recognition    

Started By  Les Wilson
I make changes in DS to a Lawson form (GL90). I save the changes as GL90.1_CUSTOM. I make the custom form the default presentation. I bring up Lawson Portal and the GL90....and my changes aren't showing. I know I'm missing something basic, but I can't figure it out.
1 19632 1
by  John HenleyJump to last post
7/24/2012 8:33 PM
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