Lawson Software

Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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AC540 - Transaction Interface

Use AC540 (Transaction Import) to convert old activity or project
transactions to the Lawson Activity Management system. You can also use it to
import any transactions or those that come from the Desktop Time Entry
application. You can import the billable amount and billable units for
imported transactions. If the Amount field values are not zeros, the billable
amount and units imported will override the billable amounts calculated by
AC190 (Activity Posting) in the Activity Management system.

You can define Activity Management-only transactions or Activity Management
and General Ledger transactions. (This option posts transactions to both
Activity Management and the General Ledger system.) The AC and GL option
requires debits and credits to balance. AC-only does not need to balance.

The import program checks to see if the tran amount exceeds the budget if the
AC Bud Flag option is set to Yes for system AC in GL01.4 (System Codes).

Updated Files

    ACMXVAL    - Creates records for transaction attributes and values.

    ACTRANS    - Primary file maintained by this program. Creates records in
                 this file using records from the Transaction Relationship file


    ACTRANSREL - This file is used to build activity transactions. Transactions
                 are deleted from this file when they are created in the
                 Activity Transaction file.

    CKPOINT    - Used for restart capability.

    SYSTEMCODE - This file is used by a common routine that is used by this

Referenced Files

    ACACCTCAT  - References this file to validate the account category.

    ACACCTCATX - References this file to validate that the account category is
                 assigned to the activity group or activity.



    ACACTGRP   - References this file to validate the activity group.

    ACACTIVITY - References this file to validate the activity and retrieve the
                 activity information.

    ACACTREL   - References this file to validate the activity relationship.

    ACASSIGN   - References this file to validate the manager resource assigned
                 to the activity. Used with activity lists.

    ACBILL     - References this file to determine if time and materials are
                 billable. This program requires a labor attribute to access the
                 billing rate schedule if an hours transaction is entered.

    ACBILLX    - References this file to determine if time and materials are
                 billable. This program requires a labor attribute to access the
                 billing rate schedule if an hours transaction is entered.

    ACBLRATE   - References this file to determine if time and materials are
                 billable and to determine if a billing rate exists for the
                 labor attribute entered.

    ACBLRATEX  - References this file to determine if time and materials are
                 billable and to determine if a billing rate exists for the
                 labor attribute entered.



    ACIFACTV   -

    ACLEVEL    - References this file to determine if the activity is summary
                 level or posting.

    ACRESCLASS - References this file to determine the standard rate default.

    ACRESOURCE - References this file to determine the resource name.

    ACRESRT    -

    ACRESRTX   -

    ACSTATUS   - References this file to validate activity status codes.

    ACUOM      - References this file to validate the unit of measure code.

    CUCONV     - This file is used by a common routine that is used by this

    CURELAT    -

    GLADDRESS  - This file is used by a common routine that is used by this

    GLCHART    - This file is used by a common routine that is used by this

    GLCODES    - References this file to validate sources codes and system
                 control edits.

    GLSRCCODE  - This file is used by a common routine that is used by this

    GLSYSTEM   - This file is used by a common routine that is used by this

    MXOBJCAT   - This file is used by a common routine that is used by this

    MXVALIDATE - This file is used by a common routine that is used by this

    WFSETUP    -

INVOKED Programs
