AR258 - Cash Forecasting Report
Run AR258 (Cash Forecasting Report) to create a cash forecasting report used
to project incoming cash based on the outstanding open items for a company.
Two methods are available for forecasting. One method assumes the open item
due date is the date cash will be received. The other method uses the
customer's payment history, the Invoice Payment Average (IPA), to determine
the date cash will be received. The IPA is the average number of days a
customer's invoices are outstanding. The IPA is added to the invoice date to
determine the date cash will be received.
The IPA is calculated as follows: 1) Calculate the days outstanding by
subtracting the invoice date from the date of payment deposit. 2) Calculate
the flow of funds days by multiplying the days outstanding by the payment
amount. 3) Add the payment amount for all invoices. 4) Add the flow of funds
days for all invoices. 5) Dividing the total flow of funds days by the total
payment amount.
Company totals are included for past due open items, unapplied payments and
credit memos, net past due amount (past due open items less unapplied payments
and credits), and incoming cash projections by date. Past due is defined as an
open item due date on or before the system date. Cash projection is determined
by the Totaling Days and Future Cutoff Days you define. The date cash will be
received for an open item must be on or before the system date plus the Future
Cutoff Days to be included in the cash forecast. Projection totals are
included for each multiple of the Totaling Days up to the Future Cutoff Days.
You can select a process level or currency and define aging periods and
percents to further define the listing.
Updated Files
CKPOINT - Used for restart purposes.
TERMS - Accesses terms information.
Referenced Files
ARCOMP - Validates company.
ARCUSTOMER - Accesses customer information.
ARDRAFTS - Accesses bill of exchange information.
AROIHDR - Accesses open item header information.
AROITEMS - Accesses open item information.
ARPAYMENT - Accesses payment information.
ARPROCLEVL - Validates process level.
INVOKED Programs