AR287 - Customer Account Balance
Run AR287 (Customer Account Balance) to generate a summary report of customer
balances by account for a fiscal period. For each account and customer, the
report lists the credit and debit balances posted to the fiscal period, the
year-to-date credit and debit totals, and the year-to-date balances (credit or
debit). The report starts a new page with each account.
Updated Files
Referenced Files
ARADJUST - Used to retrieve adjustment information.
ARAPPLIED - Used to retrieve cash application information.
ARCODE - Used to validate the GL codes to be used in AR.
ARCOMP - Used to validate AR company information.
ARDISTRIB - Used to retrieve distribution information.
ARDRAFTS - Used to retrieve bill of exchange information.
AROIHDR - Used to retrieve open transaction header information.
AROITEMS - Used to retrieve open transaction detail information.
ARPAYMENT - Used to retrieve batch payment detail information.
ARPYMNTHDR - Used to retrieve batch payment header information.
ARRTM - Used to retrieve return-to-maker information.
CUSTDESC - Used to retrieve the customer address information.
GLCHARTDTL - Used to validate chart of account information.
GLSYSTEM - Used to validate GL company information.