BN17.1 - Coverage Options by Plan
Use BN17.1 (Coverage Options By Plan) to define coverage options for a
benefit plan and to indicate whether dependents are eligible for coverage
under each option. You can define coverage options for employees, COBRA
participants, and retirees.
An example of a plan with coverage options is a health plan offering the
coverage options Single, Family, and Employee + 1. Even if different groups of
employees can elect different coverage options, define all the possible
options for the plan on this form. You can define an unlimited number of
coverage options for a benefit plan.
After you add the plan's coverage options in this form, the system takes you
to BN17.2 (Coverage Option Defaults).
Use this form only if the Coverage Type field is Coverage Options in BN15.1
(Benefit Plan) for the plan.
Tip: The easiest way to access this form is by displaying the plan you want
in BN15.1 (Benefit Plan) and choosing the Coverage button. The system
transfers you to this form and displays the appropriate plan.
Updated Files
BNCOVDFT - The Benefit Coverage Default file is updated with the status
and the default flag.
BNCOVOPT - The Benefit Coverage Options file is updated with the student
age and coverage options.
BNPRMOPT - The Benefit Premium Options file is updated with the options
Referenced Files
BENEFIT - The Employee Benefit file contains employee benefit records
for all benefit types.
The Benefits file is accessed to ensure options are not
deleted if benefits exist.
HRDEPBEN - The Dependent Benefits file is accessed by this program.
PARTBEN - The COBRA Participant Benefits file ensures records are not
deleted if COBRA participant benefits exist.
PLAN - The Benefits Plan is accessed to retrieve the coverage type
and flex plan. In addition, the file verifies the plan.
PREMIUM - The Benefits Premium file is accessed to retrieve the coverage
type, start date, and group name.
PRSYSTEM - The HR Company and Process Levels file verifies the company.
BN17.2 - Coverage Option Defaults
Use BN17.2 (Coverage Option Defaults) to indicate who is eligible for
coverage options and, if applicable, the default coverage option. This form
must be completed before employees can enroll in the plan.
If every coverage option can be elected by all employees eligible for the
plan, you only need to complete this form once for the plan by leaving the
Employee Group field blank. If the coverage options employees can elect differ
by employee group, complete this form for each employee group for which
coverage is unique. When you define the form for a plan leaving the Employee
Group field blank, the system uses the coverage table for employees who do not
meet the criteria for a specific employee group coverage record.
If you define a default coverage option, benefit entry forms enroll eligible
employees with the default coverage option if no coverage option is selected;
if benefit update reports automatically enroll an employee in the plan, the
employee is enrolled with the default coverage option.
If coverage options represent currency amounts, they should match the
currency associated with the plan on BN15.1 (Benefit Plan).
When you transfer to this form from BN17.1 (Coverage Options), the system
displays the coverage options defined in that form. If you transfer to this
form from a form other than BN17.1, inquire on the plan for which you want to
define coverage option defaults. The system displays coverage options for the
plan from BN17.1.
Updated Files
BNCOVDFT - The Benefit Coverage Defaults file is the primary file
maintained by this program.
Referenced Files
BENEFIT - The Employee Benefit file contains employee benefit records
for all benefit types.
BNCOVOPT - The Benefit Coverage Options file retrieves the covered
options and descriptions.
BNPRMOPT - The Benefit Premium Options file is accessed to retrieve the
options flag.
PARTBEN - The COBRA Participant Benefits file ensures records are not
deleted if COBRA participant benefits exist.
PERSGROUP - The Employee Group Header file validates the employee group
and group name. The file also validates the Benefits flag to
ensure the group can be used for benefits.
PLAN - The Benefit Plan file retrieves the plan description.
PRSYSTEM - The HR Company and Process Levels file verifies company
BN17.3 - Coverage Amounts
Use BN17.3 (Coverage Amounts) to define the method for determining coverage
amounts, coverage limits, and coverage defaults.
Examples of coverage amounts include a life insurance plan offering coverage
as a multiple of employee salary, flat amount, or supplemental; or a
disability plan that is a percent of an employee's salary.
If the plan does not offer coverage that is unique to particular employee
groups, you only need to complete this form once for the plan by leaving the
Employee Group field blank. If the plan offers different coverage amounts for
different groups of employees, complete this form for each employee group for
which coverage is unique. When you define the form for a plan leaving the
Employee Group field blank, the system uses the coverage table for employees
who do not meet the criteria for a specific employee group coverage record.
Any amount fields use the currency associated with the plan on BN15.1
(Benefit Plan).
Use this form only if the Coverage Type field is Coverage Amounts in BN15.1
(Benefit Plan) for the plan.
Tip: The easiest way to access this form is by displaying the plan you want
in BN15.1 (Benefit Plan) and choosing the Coverage button. The system
transfers you to this form and displays the appropriate plan.
Updated Files
BNCOVERAGE - The Benefit Coverage file is the primary file maintained by
this program. The file is also accessed to verify benefit
coverage and retrieve coverage information.
Referenced Files
BENEFIT - The Employee Benefit file contains employee benefit records
for all benefit types.
The Employee Benefit file is accessed to ensure coverage
options are is not deleted if a benefits plan exists.
HRDEPBEN - The Dependent Benefits file is accessed by this program.
PARTBEN - The COBRA Participant Benefits file ensures records are not
deleted if COBRA participant benefits exist.
PERSGROUP - The Employee Group Header file validates the employee group
and group name. The file also validates the Benefits flag to
ensure the group can be used for benefits.
PLAN - The Benefits Plan file checks to ensure the coverage type is
not equal to 2 (can only have coverage amounts).
PRSYSTEM - The HR Company and Process Levels file verifies company
RATETBLDTL - The Rate Table Detail file contains coverage reduction
information which is stored by age.
RATETBLHDR - The Rate Table Header file is used to verify rate table codes.
INVOKED Programs