Lawson Software

Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms


WH22.1 - Kit Options

Use this subform to select options for make-to-order kit components.  Choose
Select to find the optional components in the Opt Seq field.  Mark the option
needed and the system replaces the component displayed on the form.

Updated Files

    CKPOINT    - Not used.

    COCOMP     - Used to store component information when the demand line is
                 for a make-to-order kit item.

    COLINE     -

    ICCOMPANY  - Used to validate the Inventory Control company.

    ITEMLOC    - Used to verify the Inventory Control item location.  Also used
                 to store available, allocated, in process quantities for an
                 item location combination.

    WHDEMAND   - Used to store customer order and requisitions quantities
                 ordered by item and location and expected ship date.  Contains
                 quantities to be allocated or backordered.

    WHDEMNDHDR - Contains header information for the demand line.

Referenced Files

    COMPONENT  - Used to obtain Inventory Control definition of the components
                 for a make-to-order kit item.


    GLCODES    - Used in the General Ledger edit routines.

    ICBIN      - Used to obtain Inventory Control bin information.

    ICCATEGORY - Used to validate Inventory Control general ledger categories.


    ITEMMAST   - Used to validate the Inventory Control item.

    KITITEM    - Used to validate kit items.




    WFSETUP    -

    WHPROCTYPE - Used to validate the process type.