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                             REQHEADER FILE

                           Requisition Header

This file contains the header information for each requisition.


CXCP.1    IC243     POCP.1    POIJ.1    RQ39.1    RQ39.2
RQ39.3    RQ42.1    RQCP.1    WH110     WH120     WH130
WH21.1    WH21.2    WH21.3    WH21.4    WH210     WH22.1
WH33.1    WH33.2    WH33.3    WH33.4    WH33.5    WH33.6
WH33.8    WH33.9    WH34.1    WH34.2    WH34.3    WH34.4


DR100     IC141     IC142     IC83.1    POID.1    RQ11.1
RQ111     RQ12.1    RQ13.1    RQ140     RQ300     RQ40.1
RQ41.1    RQ44.1    RQ44.2


RQH-COMPANY          Numeric 4                                   DR100   IC141
Company              Enter the company number established in     IC142   IC83.1
                     IC01.1 (Company) or MA00.1 (Company).       RQ11.1

RQH-REQ-NUMBER       Numeric 7                                   DR100   IC141
Requisition Number   Requisition numbers are automatically       IC142   IC83.1
                     assigned if the company is set up for       RQ11.1
                     automatic numbering in IC01.1 (Company)
                     or MA00.1 (Company). Otherwise,
                     requisition numbers are user defined.

                     Automatically assigned requisition
                     numbers are incremented by one from the
                     last number used, as defined in IC01.1
                     or MA00.1.

RQH-REQUESTER        Alpha 10  (Lower Case)                      DR100   IC141
Requester            This is the person, department, or area     IC142   IC83.1
                     requesting items. Requesters are defined    RQ11.1
                     in RQ04.1 (Requesters).

RQH-REQ-LOCATION     Alpha 5                                     DR100   IC141
To Location          This is the location requesting items.      IC142   IC83.1
                     This location can be an inventory           RQ11.1
                     location defined in IC02.1 (Location) or
                     a noninventory location. All requesting
                     locations must be defined in RQ01.1
                     (Requesting Locations). Requesting
                     locations may be assigned to the
                     requester in the RQ04.1 (Requesters)
                     Main tab. The requesting location
                     defaults to the requisition based on the
                     requester. You can override this with
                     each requisition.

RQH-REQ-DEL-DATE     Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       DR100   IC141
Requested Delivery   This is the requested delivery date.        IC142   IC83.1
Date                                                             RQ11.1
                     If left blank, this field defaults to
                     the system date. The requested delivery
                     date is used to schedule backorder
                     allocations (that is, requisitions with
                     the oldest requisition delivery date
                     having backorders are filled before
                     later dated requisitions for the same
                     item). You can override this date.

RQH-CREATION-DATE    Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       DR100   IC141
Creation Date        This is the date that this line was         IC142   IC83.1
                     added to the requisition.                   RQ11.1

RQH-REFERENCE-NO     Alpha 10  (Right Justified)
Reference No

RQH-REQ-DESC         Alpha 30  (Lower Case)
Req Desc

RQH-FROM-COMPANY     Numeric 4                                   DR100   IC141
From Company         This is the company that is the source      IC142   IC83.1
                     of the items.                               RQ11.1

RQH-FROM-LOCATION    Alpha 5                                     DR100   IC141
From Location        This is the inventory location that         IC142   IC83.1
                     supplies the items or it is the purchase    RQ11.1
                     order ship to location that receives the

RQH-DELIVER-TO       Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                      DR100   IC141
Deliver To Name      This is additional information              IC142   IC83.1
                     regarding where the requested items are     RQ11.1
                     to be delivered. This is a user-defined
                     field that displays online and on the
                     delivery ticket printed by RQ120
                     (Delivery Ticket).

RQH-BUYER-CODE       Alpha 3                                     DR100   IC141
Buyer Code           The user defined buyer code defined in      IC142   IC83.1
                     MA04.1 (Buyer).                             RQ11.1

RQH-VENDOR           Alpha 9  (Right Justified)                  DR100   IC141
Vendor ID            Enter the suggested vendor code for the     IC142   IC83.1
                     requisition. The vendor code defaults to    RQ11.1
                     all subsequent requisition lines. The
                     suggested vendor prints on the
                     requisition when you run RQ111 (Print
                     Requisitions).The vendor can be changed
                     when a purchase order is created.  The
                     vendor must be defined in the Accounts
                     Payable (AP) Vendor form.

RQH-PURCH-FR-LOC     Alpha 4                                     DR100   IC141
Purchase From        Enter the suggested purchase from           IC142   IC83.1
Location Code        location for the entered vendor. Vendors    RQ11.1
                     can have multiple purchase from
                     locations. The purchase from location
                     code prints on the requisition when you
                     run RQ111 (Print Requisitions). As with
                     the vendor code, the purchase from
                     location can be changed when a purchase
                     order is created for the requisition.
                     The purchase from location code must be
                     defined in the Accounts Payable (AP)
                     Alternate Location form.

RQH-VENDOR-NAME      Alpha 30                                    DR100   IC141
Vendor Name          Enter the recommended vendor's name for     IC142   IC83.1
                     the requisition. If left blank, this        RQ11.1
                     defaults to the vendor's name defined in
                     the Accounts Payable (AP) Vendor form.

RQH-PRINT-REQ-FL     Alpha 1                                     DR100   IC141
Print Requisition    This flag indicates whether you want to     IC142   IC83.1
Flag                 print the requisition in RQ111 (Print       RQ11.1  RQ111
                     Requisitions). This flag defaults based
                     on the approval assigned to the
                     requester. It can be overridden when the
                     requisition is created.

                     Once the requisition has been printed,
                     this flag is changed to No, do not print
                     the requisition. You can print the
                     requisition after it has been printed by
                     specifying the requisition in RQ111
                     (Print Requisitions).
                     N = No
                     Y = Yes

RQH-LAST-LINE-NBR    Numeric 6                                   DR100   IC141
Last Line Number     The number of the last line item added      IC142   IC83.1
                     to the requisition. This number             RQ11.1
                     determines what  the next line number is
                     when you add  another item.

RQH-LAST-DEL-SEQ     Numeric 3                                   DR100   IC141
Last Del Seq         This is the last delivery sequence          IC142   IC83.1
                     number. This number is incremented every    RQ11.1
                     time a delivery is processed for a
                     requisition. This number is used to keep
                     Requisition Transaction records unique
                     if one line has multiple deliveries.

RQH-RETURN-SEQ       Numeric 3                                   DR100   IC141
Return Seq           This number indicates the number of         IC142   IC83.1
                     times a return has been made against a      RQ11.1

RQH-STATUS           Numeric 1                                   DR100   IC141
Status               This is the processing status of the        IC142   IC83.1
                     requisition as described below.             RQ11.1  RQ12.1
                     Released = Requisition has been
                     released in RQ10.1 (Requisition).

                     Unreleased = Requisition added but not
                     released in RQ10.1 (Requisition).

                     Closed = Every requisition line is
                     fully delivered or backorders are

                     Rejected = The approver has rejected
                     the requisition. This closes the
                     requisition, which cannot be reopened.
                     0 = Unreleased
                     1 = Released
                     9 = Processed
                     8 = Rejected

RQH-PO-USER-FLD-1    Alpha 1                                     DR100   IC141
Purchase Order User  Purchase Order header user field one.       IC142   IC83.1
Field 1                                                          RQ11.1

RQH-PO-USER-FLD-3    Alpha 10  (Lower Case)                      DR100   IC141
Purchase Order User  Purchase Order header user field three.     IC142   IC83.1
Field 3                                                          RQ11.1

RQH-PO-USER-FLD-5    Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                      DR100   IC141
Purchase Order User  Purchase Order header user field five.      IC142   IC83.1
Field 5                                                          RQ11.1

RQH-USER-DATE-1      Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       DR100   IC141
User Date 1                                                      IC142   IC83.1

RQH-USER-DATE-2      Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       DR100   IC141
User Date 2                                                      IC142   IC83.1

RQH-LAST-APRV-DT     Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       DR100   IC141
Last Approval Date   This is the last approval date for the      IC142   IC83.1
                     requisition. Requisitions are approved      RQ11.1  RQ12.1
                     in RQ12.1 (Approval Review).                RQ13.1

RQH-APPROVED-FL      Alpha 1                                     DR100   IC141
Approved Flag        This flag indicates that this               IC142   IC83.1
                     requisition has been approved at all        RQ11.1  RQ12.1
                     required approval levels. Required          RQ13.1
                     approval levels are defined by amount in
                     RQ02.1 (Approval Codes).
                     N = No
                     Y = Yes

RQH-ATTAIN-LEVEL     Numeric 1                                   DR100   IC141
Approval Levels to   This is the highest approval level          IC142   IC83.1
Attain               required for the requisition. The           RQ11.1  RQ12.1
                     requisition must be approved at this        RQ13.1
                     level for further processing.

RQH-APRV-LEVEL       Numeric 1                                   DR100   IC141
Approval Level       This is the approval level that this        IC142   IC83.1
                     requisition has attained so far in          RQ11.1  RQ12.1
                     RQ12.1 (Approval Review).                   RQ13.1

RQH-NBR-LINES        Numeric 6
Number of Lines      This is the number of detail lines.

RQH-CLOSED-LINES     Numeric 6
Closed Lines         This is the number of closed detail
                     lines on the requisition. When the
                     number of closed lines equals the number
                     of lines, the requisition status is set
                     to closed in RQ120 (Delivery Ticket).

RQH-CLOSED-FL        Alpha 1                                     DR100   IC141
Closed Flag          The Closed Flag.                            IC142   IC83.1
                     Y = Yes                                     RQ11.1  RQ140
                     N = No                                      RQ300   RQ40.1
                                                                 RQ41.1  RQ44.1

RQH-I-TOTAL          Signed 15.4                                 DR100   IC141
I Total              Total amount (quantity times unit cost)     IC142   IC83.1
                     of all inventory items on the               RQ11.1

RQH-N-TOTAL          Signed 15.4                                 DR100   IC141
N Total              Total amount (quantity times unit cost)     IC142   IC83.1
                     of all non stock items on the               RQ11.1

RQH-X-S-TOTAL        Signed 15.4                                 DR100   IC141
X S Total            Total amount (quantity times unit cost)     IC142   IC83.1
                     of all special and service items on the     RQ11.1

RQH-PRINTED-FL       Alpha 1                                     DR100   IC141
Printed Flag         This flag indicates whether the             IC142   IC83.1
                     requisition has been printed in RQ111       RQ11.1  RQ111
                     (Print Requisitions).

RQH-ALLOC-PRI        Numeric 2                                   DR100   IC141
Alloc Pri            This is the allocation priority for         IC142   IC83.1
                     this requisition. Valid values are from     RQ11.1
                     0 to 99, with 99 being the highest. This
                     field defaults to 50.  This field is
                     used in the Warehouse module to
                     determine the order in which inventory
                     demand gets allocated.

RQH-QUOTE-FL         Alpha 1                                     DR100   IC141
Quote Flag           This flag indicates if the buyer should     IC142   IC83.1
                     get quotes for this requisition before      RQ11.1
                     it is turned into a purchase order.

RQH-RETURN-NOTE      Alpha 12                                    DR100   IC141
Requisition Return   This is a user defined field available      IC142   IC83.1
Note                 for data entry in RQ35.1 (Requisition       RQ11.1

RQH-RETURN-DATE      Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       DR100   IC141
Date Returned        This is the return transaction date for     IC142   IC83.1
                     a requisition item processed in RQ35.1      RQ11.1
                     (Requisition Returns).

RQH-ACTIVITY         Alpha 15                                    DR100   IC141
Activity             Activities are the processes or             IC142   IC83.1
                     procedures that produce work. Cost          RQ11.1
                     objects (products, services, customers,
                     and so on) are the reasons for
                     performing the activity.

RQH-ACCT-CATEGORY    Alpha 5                                     DR100   IC141
Account Category     Account categories are groupings of         IC142   IC83.1
                     costs, revenues, or a combination of        RQ11.1
                     both used for reporting and inquiries
                     for activities in the Activity
                     Management system. All transactions are
                     posted to an account category within an
                     activity. You can assign a specific
                     General Ledger account or range of
                     accounts (company, accounting unit,
                     account, and subaccount) that make up
                     the transactions posted to an account
                     category using AC07.1 (Account

                     Period-to-date, year-to-date, and
                     life-to-date balances are maintained by
                     account category for activities. Account
                     categories must be assigned to
                     activities before you do any budgeting
                     or transaction processing.

RQH-ACCT-UNIT        Alpha 15                                    DR100   IC141
Accounting Unit      The accounting unit is a shorthand          IC142   IC83.1
                     notation representing the variable level    RQ11.1
                     number. When used in the General Ledger
                     Account Master file, the accounting unit
                     must be defined in the General Ledger
                     Names file as a posting accounting unit.

RQH-ACCOUNT          Numeric 6                                   DR100   IC141
Account              This field along with the accounting        IC142   IC83.1
                     unit and subaccount make up the location    RQ11.1
                     (account) where amounts and other
                     account information is stored.

RQH-SUB-ACCT         Numeric 4                                   DR100   IC141
Subaccount           This field contains the subaccount from     IC142   IC83.1
                     your general ledger chart of accounts       RQ11.1
                     that was charged with the amount carried
                     on this record.

RQH-PURCH-TAX-CD     Alpha 10                                    DR100   IC141
Purchasing Tax       This code is used to determine if this      IC142   IC83.1
Table Code           item is taxable when purchased at this      RQ11.1
                     location and to extract the tax data
                     from the Tax file based on this tax

RQH-PURCH-TAX-FL     Alpha 1                                     DR100   IC141
Purchasing Tax Flag  This field indicates if this item is        IC142   IC83.1
                     taxable when it is purchased for this       RQ11.1
                     location. Valid values are:
                     N = Nontaxable.  Default value.
                     Y = Taxable.

RQH-OPERATOR-ID      Alpha 10                                    DR100   IC141
Operator             This is the terminal signon identifier      IC142   IC83.1
Identification Code  when this requisition was added to the      RQ11.1

RQH-DROPSHIP-FL      Alpha 1                                     DR100   IC141
Dropship Flag        This flag indicates whether goods being     IC142   IC83.1
                     shipped by the vendor directly to a non     RQ11.1
                     standard location need to have the
                     receiving process performed.
                     Y = Yes
                     N = No

RQH-DROPSH-REQ-LOC   Alpha 1                                     DR100   IC141
Dropsh Req Loc       Y = Yes                                     IC142   IC83.1
                     N = No                                      RQ11.1

RQH-SH-NAME          Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                      DR100   IC141
Ship To Name         This is the ship to name for a non          IC142   IC83.1
                     standard ship to address.                   RQ11.1

RQH-SH-ADDR1         Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                      DR100   IC141
Ship To Address      This is the ship to address line one.       IC142   IC83.1
Line 1                                                           RQ11.1

RQH-SH-ADDR2         Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                      DR100   IC141
Ship To Address      This is the ship to address line two.       IC142   IC83.1
Line 2                                                           RQ11.1

RQH-SH-ADDR3         Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                      DR100   IC141
Ship To Address      This is the ship to address line            IC142   IC83.1
Line 3               three.                                      RQ11.1

RQH-SH-ADDR4         Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                      DR100   IC141
Ship To Address      This is the ship to address line four.      IC142   IC83.1
Line 4                                                           RQ11.1

RQH-SH-CITY-ADDR5    Alpha 18  (Lower Case)                      DR100   IC141
Ship To City or      This is the ship to city or the             IC142   IC83.1
Address Line 5       ship to address line five.                  RQ11.1

RQH-SH-STATE-PROV    Alpha 2                                     DR100   IC141
Ship To State or     This is the ship to state or the            IC142   IC83.1
Province             ship to province.                           RQ11.1

RQH-SH-POST-CODE     Alpha 10  (Lower Case)                      DR100   IC141
Ship To Postal Code  This is the ship to mail code.              IC142   IC83.1

RQH-SH-COUNTRY       Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                      DR100   IC141
Ship To Country      Ship to country.                            IC142   IC83.1

RQH-SH-COUNTY        Alpha 25  (Lower Case)                      DR100   IC141
Sh County                                                        IC142   IC83.1

RQH-SH-PHONE-PREF    Alpha 6                                     DR100   IC141
Ship To Telephone    This is the ship to phone number            IC142   IC83.1
Country Code         prefix.                                     RQ11.1

RQH-SH-PHONE         Alpha 15                                    DR100   IC141
Ship To Telephone    This is the ship to phone number.           IC142   IC83.1
Number                                                           RQ11.1

RQH-SH-PHONE-EXT     Alpha 5                                     DR100   IC141
Ship To Telephone                                                IC142   IC83.1
Extension                                                        RQ11.1

RQH-SH-CONTACT       Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                      DR100   IC141
Ship To Contact      Ship to contact.                            IC142   IC83.1

Approval Val         This field is a sum of the three item
                     total fields (I Total, N Total, and S X
                     Total amount fields).  This value is the
                     total value of the requisition.  It is
                     used for approval processing.

RQH-WF-CO-REQ-NBR    Derived
Wf Co Req Nbr        Used for Enterprise Workflow drill

                         REQHEADER FILE INDEX


RQHSET1   COMPANY       This index is used to access             CXCP.1  DR100
          REQ-NUMBER    requisition header records for a         IC141   IC142
                        specific company  and requisition        IC243   IC83.1
                        number.                                  POCP.1  POID.1
                                                                 POIJ.1  RQ11.1
                                                                 RQ111   RQ12.1
                                                                 RQ13.1  RQ140
                                                                 RQ300   RQ39.1
                                                                 RQ39.2  RQ39.3
                                                                 RQ40.1  RQ41.1
                                                                 RQ42.1  RQ44.1
                                                                 RQ44.2  RQCP.1
                                                                 WH110   WH120
                                                                 WH130   WH21.1
                                                                 WH21.2  WH21.3

RQHSET2   COMPANY       This index is used to access             DR100   IC141
          REQ-LOCATION  requisition header records by            RQ140   RQ40.1
          REQUESTER     requisition number for a requester at a
          REQ-NUMBER    specific company and requesting

RQHSET3   REQUESTER     Used for SEA database lookups

RQHSET4   FROM-COMPANY  This index is used to access             RQ41.1
          FROM-LOCATION requisition header records that have a
          STATUS        specific requisition number, status,
          REQ-NUMBER    from company, and from location.

RQHSET7   REQUESTER     This index is used to access a           IC83.1  RQ04.1
          REQ-NUMBER    requisition header record for a specific RQCP.1
          COMPANY       company, requester, and requisition

                         REQHEADER FILE RELATIONS



Approve Code   RQAPPCODE    Required

                            RQH-COMPANY          -> RAC-COMPANY
                            REQ-APPROVE-CD       -> RAC-APPROVE-CD

From Location  ICLOCATION   Required

                            RQH-FROM-COMPANY     -> ICL-COMPANY
                            RQH-FROM-LOCATION    -> ICL-LOCATION

Ic Company     ICCOMPANY    Required

                            RQH-FROM-COMPANY     -> ICC-COMPANY

Mmuaval        MMUAVAL      Required

                            RQH-COMPANY          -> MUA-COMPANY
                            "RQ"                 -> MUA-SYSTEM-CD
                            RQH-FROM-LOCATION    -> MUA-LOCATION
                            "RQ"                 -> MUA-DOC-TYPE
                            Spaces               -> MUA-DOC-NUMBER
                            RQH-REQ-NUMBER       -> MUA-DOC-NBR-NUM
                            Spaces               -> MUA-PO-CODE
                            Zeroes               -> MUA-LINE-NBR
                            Zeroes               -> MUA-API-OBJ-ID
                            Zeroes               -> MUA-SEQ-NBR

Req Location   RQLOC        Required

                            RQH-COMPANY          -> RQL-COMPANY
                            RQH-REQ-LOCATION     -> RQL-REQ-LOCATION

Requester      REQUESTER    Required

                            RQH-REQUESTER        -> REQ-REQUESTER

                         REQHEADER FILE RELATIONS



Approvals      RQAPPROVE    Delete Cascades

                            RQH-COMPANY          -> RAP-COMPANY
                            RQH-REQ-NUMBER       -> RAP-REQ-NUMBER

Req Lines      REQLINE      Delete Cascades

                            RQH-COMPANY          -> RLN-COMPANY
                            RQH-REQ-NUMBER       -> RLN-REQ-NUMBER