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ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms

                             PREMPGARN FILE

Used to store information to identify a particular garnishment per employee
per company. Information in this file is used to determine the priority,
calculation, limits, balances, and fees for this garnishment, as well as
information to be passed to AP for paying the garnishment and printing the
check stub.


PR05.1    PR226     PR247     PR277     PR560     BN66.1
PR139     PR141     PR195     PR198     PR275     PR39.3
PR89.1    PR115


PR26.1    PR26.2    PR47.1    PR47.2    PR514


PEG-COMPANY          Numeric 4                                   PR26.1  PR47.1
Company              The company number represents an            PR514
                     established company and is entered on
                     all function codes.

PEG-EMPLOYEE         Numeric 9                                   PR26.1  PR47.1
Employee             Contains the employee number. Each          PR514
                     person employed by the company is
                     assigned a unique number. The system
                     uses the employee number to correlate
                     all of the information related to that

PEG-CASE-NUMBER      Alpha 20                                    PR26.1  PR47.1
Case Number          Identifies the particular garnishment.      PR514
                     A unique ID is required for each
                     garnishment. (For example, case number
                     in child support case, social security
                     number for the IRS.)

PEG-FILE-NUMBER      Alpha 15                                    PR26.1  PR47.1
File Number          Used with the case number to identify       PR514
                     the garnishment. Used to break out
                     different orders with same case number.

PEG-DESC             Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                      PR26.1  PR47.1
Description          Contains a detail description of the        PR514
                     garnishment. Used in reporting.

PEG-TAX-ID-CODE      Alpha 10                                    PR26.1  PR47.1
Tax Id Code          Contains the state, county, or province     PR514
                     that governs the attachment. Determines
                     the rules that apply to this

PEG-TYPE             Alpha 2                                     PR26.1  PR47.1
Type                 Defines the garnishment and determines      PR514
                     which set of rules apply from the
                     Garnishment table.

PEG-GARN-OBJ-ID      Numeric 12                                  PR26.1  PR47.1
Garn Obj Id          Assigned when an employee garnishment       PR514
                     table (PREMPGARN) is added and
                     deductions are created. This ID links
                     the employee deductions to this
                     garnishment (case number/file number).
                     If the same deduction is created for
                     this employee, this ID along with the
                     sequence number keeps the record unique.

PEG-DED-CODE         Alpha 4                                     PR26.1  PR47.1
Deduction Code       Defines which deduction will be used in     PR514
                     withholding the garnishment amount.

PEG-SEQ-NBR          Numeric 4                                   PR26.1  PR47.1
Sequence Number      An automatically assigned sequence          PR514

PEG-VENDOR           Alpha 9  (Right Justified)                  PR26.1  PR47.1
Vendor ID            Contains the vendor for AP invoices         PR514
                     created for the amount to be withheld.

PEG-ORIG-BALANCE     Signed 13.2                                 PR26.1  PR47.1
Orig Balance         Contains the beginning balance for          PR514
                     garnishments that are for a total amount
                     to be paid in installments. This is the
                     maximum amount that can be deducted.

PEG-EXEM-FORM        Alpha 2                                     PR26.1  PR47.1
Exem Form            Defines how exempt earnings (protected      PR514
                     income) is calculated. If entered, this
                     overrides the rules table.

PEG-RATE-X-FED-MIN   Numeric 3                                   PR26.1  PR47.1
Rate X Fed Min       This number is multiplied by the            PR514
                     federal minimum wage to determine exempt
                     wages. If entered, this number overrides
                     the rules table.

PEG-FACTOR-1         Signed 7.2                                  PR26.1  PR47.1
Factor 1             Parameter used to calculate exempt          PR514
                     wages. If entered, this number overrides
                     the rules table.

PEG-FACTOR-2         Signed 7.2                                  PR26.1  PR47.1
Factor 2             Parameter used to calculate the exempt      PR514
                     wages. If entered, this number overrides
                     the rules table.

PEG-FACTOR-3         Signed 7.2                                  PR26.1  PR47.1
Factor 3             Parameter used to calculate exempt          PR514
                     wages. If entered, this number overrides
                     the rules table.

PEG-FACTOR-4         Signed 7.2                                  PR26.1  PR47.1
Factor 4             Parameter used to calculate exempt          PR514
                     wages. If entered, this number overrides
                     the rules table.

PEG-SND-FAM-YES      Signed 5.2                                  PR26.1  PR47.1
Snd Fam Yes          Contains the percent to be deducted for     PR514
                     employee with a second family. If
                     entered, this number  overrides the
                     rules table.

PEG-SND-FAM-NO       Signed 5.2                                  PR26.1  PR47.1
Snd Fam No           Contains the percent deducted if the        PR514
                     employee does not have a second family.
                     If entered, this number overrides the
                     rules table.

PEG-ARR-ADD-PCT      Signed 5.2                                  PR26.1  PR47.1
Arr Add Pct          Contains the additional percent if          PR514
                     outstanding arrears are more than 12
                     weeks old. This is used with child
                     support or alimony garnishments. If
                     entered, this number overrides the rules

PEG-PCT-PER-DEP      Signed 7.2                                  PR26.1  PR47.1
Pct Per Dep          Defines the amount or percent per           PR514
                     dependent used to calculate exempt
                     earnings. If entered, this number
                     overrides the rules table.

PEG-CALC-TYPE        Alpha 1                                     PR26.1  PR47.1
Calculation Type     Determines if the value in the Per          PR514
                     Dependent field is an amount or a
                     percent. If entered, this value
                     overrides the rules table.
                     A = Amount
                     P = Percent

PEG-NUM-OF-DEP       Numeric 2                                   PR26.1  PR47.1
Num Of Dep           Contains the number of dependents. This     PR514
                     can be used to calculate the wage
                     exception rule.

PEG-SND-FAMILY       Alpha 1                                     PR26.1  PR47.1
Snd Family           Indicates whether the employee has a        PR514
                     second family. This can be used to
                     calculate the wage exemption rule.

PEG-HEAD-OF-FAM      Alpha 1                                     PR26.1  PR47.1
Head Of Fam          Indicates whether employee is the head      PR514
                     of the family. This can be used to
                     calculate the wage exemption rule.
                     Y = Yes
                     N = No

PEG-ARR-DED-CODE     Alpha 4                                     PR26.1  PR47.1
Arr Ded Code         Contains the deduction code that will       PR514
                     be used to track arrears withheld for
                     this order.

PEG-ARR-SEQ-NBR      Numeric 4                                   PR26.1  PR47.1
Arr Seq Nbr          An automatically assigned sequence          PR514

PEG-ARR-ORIG-BAL     Signed 13.2                                 PR26.1  PR47.1
Arr Orig Bal         Contains the beginning balance for the      PR514
                     arrears that are for a total given
                     amount to be paid in installments. This
                     is the maximum amount that can be

PEG-OVER-12-WEEKS    Alpha 1                                     PR26.1  PR47.1
Over 12 Weeks        Indicates whether the arrears are in        PR514
                     arrears more than 12 weeks. If so, a
                     different formula is used.

                     This is used in calculating the exempt
                     wage formula.
                     Y = Yes
                     N = No

PEG-FEES-DED-CODE    Alpha 4                                     PR26.1  PR47.1
Fees Ded Code        Displays the deduction description from     PR514
                     the DEDCODE file for the fees deduction
                     if entered on Garnishment Rules.

PEG-FEES-SEQ-NBR     Numeric 4                                   PR26.1  PR47.1
Fees Seq Nbr         An automatically assigned sequence          PR514

PEG-FEES-OVERRIDE    Alpha 1                                     PR26.1  PR47.1
Fees Override        Indicates whether the fees in the XXX       PR514
                     field override the Rules table.

PEG-EXCL-PAY-CODE    Alpha 4 Occurs 30 Times                     PR26.1  PR47.1
Excl Pay Code        Excludes certain pay in calculating         PR514
                     disposable income. If anything is
                     entered, it will override the rules

PEG-EXCL-DED-CODE    Alpha 4 Occurs 30 Times                     PR26.1  PR47.1
Excl Ded Code        Excludes certain deductions in              PR514
                     calculating disposable income. If
                     anything is entered, it will override
                     the rules table.

PEG-COUNTRY-CODE     Alpha 2                                     PR26.1  PR47.1
Country Code         Distinguishes the records by country        PR514

PEG-EFF-DATE-ORDER   Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       PR26.1  PR47.1
Eff Date Order       Contains the effective date of the          PR514
                     order. Used as an informational field
                     for the user.

PEG-TAX-DED-ORDER    Alpha 1                                     PR26.1  PR47.1
Tax Ded Order        Defines whether or not the order is to      PR514
                     be a tax deductible order. Used to
                     validate tax  status on deduction code.

PEG-CA-GRN-MARITAL   Alpha 2                                     PR26.1  PR47.1
Ca Grn Marital       Contains the Canadian marital statuses      PR514
                     for purpose of calculating wages exempt
                     from seizure.

PEG-BASIC-EXEMPT     Signed 7.2                                  PR26.1  PR47.1
Basic Exempt         Contains the value that represents the      PR514
                     basic exempt amount or percent of the
                     employee wages that is exempt from

PEG-BASIC-CALC-TYP   Numeric 1                                   PR26.1  PR47.1
Basic Calc Typ       Contains the value that determines if       PR514
                     the basic exempt factor is a percent or

PEG-WAGE-LEVEL       Numeric 7                                   PR26.1  PR47.1
Wage Level           Contains the starting value of a range      PR514
                     of the employee wages that an
                     additional exempt amount is calculated

PEG-ADDL-EXEMPT      Signed 7.2                                  PR26.1  PR47.1
Addl Exempt          Contains the value that represents the      PR514
                     additional exempt amount or percent of
                     the employee wages that is exempt from

PEG-ADDL-CALC-TYPE   Numeric 1                                   PR26.1  PR47.1
Addl Calc Type       Contains the value that determines if       PR514
                     the additional exempt factor is a
                     percent or amount.

PEG-MIN-EXEMPT       Signed 7.2                                  PR26.1  PR47.1
Min Exempt           Contains the value that represents the      PR514
                     minimum exempt amount or percent of the
                     employee wages that is exempt from

PEG-MIN-CALC-TYPE    Numeric 1                                   PR26.1  PR47.1
Min Calc Type        Contains the value that determines if       PR514
                     the minimum exempt factor is a percent
                     or amount.

PEG-MAX-EXEMPT       Signed 7.2                                  PR26.1  PR47.1
Max Exempt           Contains the value that represents the      PR514
                     maximum exempt amount or percent of the
                     employee wages that is exempt from

PEG-MAX-CALC-TYPE    Numeric 1                                   PR26.1  PR47.1
Max Calc Type        Contains the value that determines if       PR514
                     the maximum exempt factor is a percent
                     or amount.

PEG-INCL-ADD-NET     Alpha 4 Occurs 10 Times                     PR26.1  PR47.1
Incl Add Net         Contains the deduction code for the add     PR514
                     to net deductions that should be
                     included in calculating the wages
                     available for garnishment.

PEG-CA-OVR-MARITAL   Alpha 2                                     PR26.1  PR47.1
Ca Ovr Marital       C1 = Single                                 PR514
                     C2 = Married
                     C3 = Married w/spouse
                     C4 = Family
                     C5 = Widow
                     C6 = Widower
                     C7 = Divorced
                     C8 = Unmarried

PEG-DEP-CALC-TYPE    Numeric 1                                   PR26.1  PR47.1
Dep Calc Type        Contains the value that determines          PR514
                     whether the value in PEG-DEP-AMOUNT is
                     an amount or percent.
                     1 = Amount
                     2 = Percent

PEG-COURT-FEE        Signed 11.2                                 PR26.1  PR47.1
Court Fee            Contains the value which determines the     PR514
                     amount  that should be deducted from the
                     employee for a court ordered fee. This
                     amount is added to the garnishment
                     deduction amount and is remitted to the
                     court. This fee is court ordered vs an
                     employer fee deducted to cover the
                     administrative costs.

PEG-CRT-CALC-TYPE    Numeric 1                                   PR26.1  PR47.1
Crt Calc Type        Contains the value that determines          PR514
                     whether the value in PEG-COURT-FEE is an
                     amount or percent and whether it is a
                     continuous or one time fee.
                     1 = Continuous Flat Amount
                     2 = Continuous Percent of Garn Ded
                     3 = One Time Flat Amount
                     4 = One Time Percent of Garn Ded

PEG-COURT-ARR-FEE    Signed 11.2                                 PR26.1  PR47.1
Court Arr Fee        Contains the value to determine the         PR514
                     amount  that should be deducted from the
                     employee for an arrears court ordered
                     fee. This amount is added to the arrears
                     deduction amount and is remitted to the
                     court. This fee is court ordered vs an
                     employer fee deducted to cover the
                     administrative costs.

PEG-ARR-CALC-TYPE    Numeric 1                                   PR26.1  PR47.1
Arr Calc Type        Contains the value that determines          PR514
                     whether the value in PEG-COURT-ARR-FEE
                     is an amount or percent and whether it
                     is a continuous or one time fee.
                     1 = Continuous Flat Amount
                     2 = Continuous Pct of Arr Ded
                     3 = One Time Flat Amount
                     4 = One Time Pct of Arr Deduction

Currency Code        This field contains the company base
                     currency code established in Company
                     (GL10.1 ).

PEG-CURR-ND          Numeric 1
Currency Number of   Represents the number of decimals
Decimals             defined for the currency of the object.

                         PREMPGARN FILE INDEX


PEGSET1   COMPANY                                                PR05.1  PR226
          EMPLOYEE                                               PR247   PR26.1
          CASE-NUMBER                                            PR26.2  PR277
          FILE-NUMBER                                            PR47.1  PR47.2
                                                                 PR514   PR560

PEGSET2   GARN-OBJ-ID                                            BN66.1  PR139
                                                                 PR141   PR195
                                                                 PR198   PR275
                                                                 PR277   PR39.3

PEGSET4   COMPANY                                                PR115

                         PREMPGARN FILE RELATIONS



Arr Ded        DEDCODE      Required

                            PEG-COMPANY          -> DDC-COMPANY
                            PEG-ARR-DED-CODE     -> DDC-DED-CODE

Arr Emded      EMDEDMASTR   Required

                            PEG-COMPANY          -> EDM-COMPANY
                            PEG-EMPLOYEE         -> EDM-EMPLOYEE
                            PEG-ARR-DED-CODE     -> EDM-DED-CODE
                            PEG-ARR-SEQ-NBR      -> EDM-SEQ-NBR

Employee       EMPLOYEE     Required

                            PEG-COMPANY          -> EMP-COMPANY
                            PEG-EMPLOYEE         -> EMP-EMPLOYEE

Fees Ded       DEDCODE      Required

                            PEG-COMPANY          -> DDC-COMPANY
                            PEG-FEES-DED-CODE    -> DDC-DED-CODE

Fees Emded     EMDEDMASTR   Required

                            PEG-COMPANY          -> EDM-COMPANY
                            PEG-EMPLOYEE         -> EDM-EMPLOYEE
                            PEG-FEES-DED-CODE    -> EDM-DED-CODE
                            PEG-FEES-SEQ-NBR     -> EDM-SEQ-NBR

Garn Ded       DEDCODE      Required

                            PEG-COMPANY          -> DDC-COMPANY
                            PEG-DED-CODE         -> DDC-DED-CODE

Garn Emded     EMDEDMASTR   Required

                            PEG-COMPANY          -> EDM-COMPANY
                            PEG-EMPLOYEE         -> EDM-EMPLOYEE
                            PEG-DED-CODE         -> EDM-DED-CODE
                            PEG-SEQ-NBR          -> EDM-SEQ-NBR

Garn Rule      PRGARNRULE   Required

                            PEG-COMPANY          -> PGR-COMPANY
                            PEG-COUNTRY-CODE     -> PGR-COUNTRY-CODE
                            PEG-TAX-ID-CODE      -> PGR-TAX-ID-CODE
                            GRT-GARN-CAT         -> PGR-GARN-CAT
                            PEG-TYPE             -> PGR-TYPE

Prgarntype     PRGARNTYPE   Required

                            PEG-COUNTRY-CODE     -> GRT-COUNTRY-CODE
                            PEG-TYPE             -> GRT-TYPE

Prsystem       PRSYSTEM     Required

                            PEG-COMPANY          -> PRS-COMPANY
                            Spaces               -> PRS-PROCESS-LEVEL

Prtaxauth      PRTAXAUTH    Required

                            PEG-TAX-ID-CODE      -> PRX-TAX-ID-CODE

                         PREMPGARN FILE RELATIONS




                            PEG-COMPANY          -> GRH-COMPANY
                            PEG-EMPLOYEE         -> GRH-EMPLOYEE
                            PEG-GARN-OBJ-ID      -> GRH-GARN-OBJ-ID