Lawson Software

Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms


AC400 - Activity Group Analysis Report

**Form Purpose
Run Activity Group Analysis Report (AC400) to analyze and report on activity
group information as defined and maintained in AC00.1 (Activity Group).

Use this report to view to-date amounts for an activity group. Formatted much
like a spreadsheet, this summary breaks out amounts by activity and account
category, providing a detailed picture of the activity group for the specified
period and year.

Updated Files

    CKPOINT    -



Referenced Files

    ACACCTCAT  - References this file to validate the account category and
                 retrieve the account category description.

    ACACCTCATX - References this file to validate that the account category is
                 assigned to the activity group or activity.

    ACACCTCLSS - References this file to validate the account category class
                 and retrieve the description.

    ACACTGRP   - References this file to validate the activity group.

    ACACTIVITY - References this file to validate the activity.


    ACAMCODE   -

    ACASSIGN   -

    ACCATGRP   -

    ACCOLGRP   -


    ACCONSOL   -


    ACCUAMT    -

    ACCUAMTX   -

    ACLEVEL    -

    ACMASTER   - References this file to retrieve year-to-date actual amounts
                 and calculate life-to-date actual amounts for posting-level
                 activities in activity group currency.

    ACMASTERX  - References this file to retrieve period-to-date actual amounts
                 for posting-level activities in activity group currency.

    ACSTATUS   - Uses this file to access the user status description.

    MXCATDEF   -



    MXOBJCAT   -

    WFSETUP    -

INVOKED Programs
