AM222 - Asset Book Listing
**Form Purpose
Run Asset Book Listing (AM222) to print a list of all the information
regarding an asset book in asset order. The listing prints by book for the
date range entered. Disposal assets can be included.
Updated Files
CKPOINT - Accessed by common library; not used by this program.
MXLISTHDR - Accessed by common library. Used to retrieve the attribute
list description.
MXLISTMBR - Used to validate that assets exist in the attribute list.
Referenced Files
AMASSET - Used to retrieve asset information for a specified book. Used
to store asset records. This file also contains many of the
selection and sorting fields that are used for reporting.
AMASTBOOK - Used to retrieve asset book information. Used to store the
asset book records that are used to depreciate assets.
AMASTMXVAL - Accessed by common library. Used to retrieve any or all of the
three attribute values.
AMASTTYPE - Used to validate the asset type.
AMBOOK - Used to validate book information. Used to store the asset
book records that are used to depreciate assets.
AMCALENDAR - Used to retrieve calendar information. Used to store calendar
records that asset books use for calculating depreciation,
replacement cost, and insurance values, and for reporting date
AMCONTROL - Used to verify that the company is used by the Asset
Management system.
AMDIVISION - Used to validate the division.
AMLOCATION - Used to validate the location.
GLADDRESS - Used by a common library, not by this program.
GLCGCPY - Used to validate the company group.
GLCHART - Used by a common library, not by this program.
GLSYSTEM - Used to validate the company.
MXCATDEF - Accessed by common library; not used by this program.
MXELEMENT - Accessed by common library; not used by this program.
MXLISTDTL - Accessed by common library; not used by this program.
MXOBJCAT - Used to validate that all required attributes have values.
INVOKED Programs