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ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms


AM280 - Current Year Depreciation Report

**Form Purpose
Run Current Year Depreciation Report (AM280) to print a report of current
year asset book information by book. The report includes the asset basis,
asset book value, year-to-date depreciation, and depreciation, and
life-to-date depreciation by book. he report format is similar to that of the
U.S. tax form 4562. You can include disposed assets.

**More Information
If you accept all the defaults, the report will be a report of year-to-date
and life-to-date depreciation on all books and purchased assets assigned to
the selected company or company group, including disposed assets.

Use the optional fields on the Selection Options form tab to limit the scope
of the report. You can select any or all of the following limitations for the
report: just one book, a range of transaction dates, a range of in-service
dates, a division, a location, an asset type, a property code, or a category.
You can include assets of all classifications, of one classification, or of a
combination of classifications. And you include, exclude, or include only
disposed items. If you choose Y (Yes) in the Preliminary Close field, the
report will reflect they amounts that would appear after you close the period.

Use the Additional Options form tab to select more unusual report options.
You can select any or all of the following limitations: either an asset, an
asset lease, or a leased asset; a depreciation method; an asset life (in
years); an asset tag; or an asset group. You can also include, exclude, or
include only simulated assets, tax exempt assets, or used assets.

Use the Output Options form tab to determine which totals to print and
whether to further sub-sort the report by in-service year, life, life in
years, convention, and method. You can print totals for any combination of the
following reporting entities: lease, location, division, type, asset group,
asset, category, and property code. You can also select up to three attributes
whose values will print in the detail lines of the report.

Updated Files


    CKPOINT    - Used for restart purposes.

    MXLISTHDR  - Used to validate attribute list header information.

    MXLISTMBR  - Used to validate and retrieve attribute list information.

Referenced Files

    AMASSET    - Used to retrieve and validate asset information. Used to store
                 asset records. This file also contains many of the selection
                 and sorting fields that are used for reporting.


    AMASTBOOK  - Used to retrieve and validate asset book information. Used to
                 store the asset book records that are used to depreciate

    AMASTMXVAL - Used to retrieve asset attribute values.

    AMASTTYPE  - Used to validate asset type information.


    AMBOOK     - Used to retrieve and validate book information. Used to store
                 the books that assets use for reporting and for calculating
                 depreciation, replacement cost, and insurance values.

    AMCALENDAR - Used to find the year-end date for the book.


    AMCONTROL  - Used to verify whether a company is used in the Asset
                 Management system.

    AMDIVISION - Used to validate division information.

    AMLOCATION - Used to validate location information.

    AMMETHOD   - Used to retrieve and validate methods.

    AMPUCODE   -

    AMPUHIS    -


    AMUOPPDS   -


    GLADDRESS  - Used by a common library; not used by this program.

    GLCGCPY    - Used to validate the company group.

    GLCHART    - Used by a common library; not used by this program.

    GLNAMES    -

    GLSYSTEM   - Used to validate the company.

    LMLEASE    -


    MXCATDEF   - Used to retrieve attribute definition information.

    MXELEMENT  - Used to retrieve attribute element information.

    MXLISTDTL  - Used to retrieve attribute list detail information.

    MXOBJCAT   - Used to validate and retrieve attributes.


    WFSETUP    -

INVOKED Programs
