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AM320 - Depreciation History Rebuild

**Form Purpose
Run Depreciation History Rebuild (AM320) to rebuild the AMBKHIST and
AMBKHISTX files from the amounts found in the AMBKTRANS file (for non-posting
books) or in the AMTRANS file (for posting books).

**More Information
If you enter a book, you cannot enter a book group. You can leave both Book
and Book Group fields blank, but you can enter a value in only one of these

If you leave both the Book and Book Group field blank, the rebuild includes
all assets assigned to all books associated with the company or company group.

If you leave the Year field blank, the rebuild includes all years. If you
enter a value in the Year field, the rebuild starts with the year you enter.

If you enter a value in the Period Closing field, you must also enter a value
in the Year field. The rebuild will start with that period and year.

If you leave both the Asset and List field blank, the rebuild will include
all assets assigned to the specified book or book group (or all books) in the
company or company group.

If you enter an asset, the rebuild will include only that asset. The List
field must be blank.

If you enter an asset attribute list in the List field, the rebuild will
include only the assets that are members of the list. The Asset field must be

To view a report of the potential impact of the rebuild, you should first run
AM320 with the Report Option field set to R (Report Only) and the Report
Option field set to either S (Summary) or D (Detail). This is a highly
recommended step.

To update the history files records, run AM320 with the Rebuild Option field
set to U (Update). You can also produce a summary or detailed report, or you
can select N (No Report) in the Report Option field to produce no report.

The detail report (Report Option = D) provides old and new period amounts and
old and new year-to-date and life-to-date amounts

The summary report (Report Option = S) provides only old and new year-to-date
and life-to-date amounts.

Updated Files

    AMBKHIST   -


    CKPOINT    -



Referenced Files

    AMASSET    -






    AMBOOK     -




    AMTRANS    -


    GLCGCPY    -

    GLCHART    -

    GLSYSTEM   -

    MXCATDEF   -



    MXOBJCAT   -

INVOKED Programs
