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AP02.1 - Reportable Income Group

**Form Purpose
Use Reportable Income Group (AP02.1) to define and maintain reportable income
groups. A reportable income group is used to group companies or process levels
within a vendor group for the sole purpose of creating reportable income forms
and tapes.

**More Information
You must define a code name for the reportable income group, select a vendor
group, and provide the tax identification number for the vendor group. The
address fields are not required, but address information should be defined
because it will be included in any 1099 forms or tapes you create.

Because you will generate 1099 forms and tapes by reportable income group,
you should define at least one group for each tax identification or
registration number that you will need to report on. The reportable income
group name and address is used on the reportable income forms and tapes.

Use the Contact tab to define contact and telephone information. Use the 1099
tab to define additional information used for creating 1099 reportable income
forms or tapes.

To assign accounts payable companies and process levels to the reportable
income group, choose the Entities button to open the Reportable Income Group
Entities subform.

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AP02.2 - Reportable Income Group Entities

**Form Purpose
Use Reportable Income Group Entities (AP02.2) to assign accounts payable
companies and process levels to the reportable income group. This is a
required step in setting up Accounts Payable for reportable income reporting.
The company and reportable income group must have the same vendor group.

**Process at a Glance

1. Use Income Code (AP05.5) to define the income codes you want to use to
track a vendor's reportable income.

2. Use Reportable Income Group (AP02.1) to define a group that associates a
vendor group and tax identification number.

3. Choose the Entities button on AP02.1 to access Reportable Income Group
Entities (AP02.2). Use this subform to assign accounts payable companies and
process levels to the reportable income group.

4. Assign a reportable income code to a vendor class, to a vendor, or to a
reportable income invoice to track reportable income.

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    APTAXENT   -

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AP02.3 - Process Groups

**Form Purpose
Use Process Groups (AP02.3) to define a process group. A process group is an
optional cash payment processing entity that lets you break a payment cycle
into concurrent runs. Each process group represents one or more vendors.
Without process groups, you need to complete payment and posting of the
invoices you select for a pay run before you can select another set of
invoices using different criteria. The overall effect of concurrent processing
is reduced run time. Large organizations with high volume pay cycles will see
the most benefit from process groups.

**Process at a Glance

1. Use Process Group (AP02.3) to define a process group and code.

2. Assign vendors to a process group as you define them using Vendor (AP10.1)
or assign a group of vendors to the process group using Process Group Update

**More Information
You can also use Process Group (AP02.3) to view the vendors that are assigned
to a specific process group. To list process groups and assigned vendors that
do not have a process group assigned, run Process Group Listing (AP202).

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