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Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms


AR02.1 - Process Level

**Form Purpose
Use Process Level (AR02.1) to define and maintain process levels. A process
level represents any breakdown within a company, such as a division or a
department. You can assign unique general ledger account defaults to process
levels. Process levels also give you flexible reporting and inquiry
capabilities. Define at least one process level for each company.

**More Information
When you add a process level, you can enter a unique name and  address or
leave the name or address fields blank to default the company name  or
address. You can assign unique general ledger codes to each process level  or
leave the general ledger code fields blank to default the codes defined  for
the company. The general ledger codes you assign to a process level must  be
valid in AR15.7 (GL Code). The cash code must be valid for the company in the
Lawson Cash Ledger system.

You can assign an accounting unit to a process level to avoid the need to
define similar adjustment reason codes for each process level in AR15.1
(Reason). If entered, this accounting unit, via the process level of the
invoice, overrides the accounting unit assigned to the reason code when you
create adjustments for the invoice.

If you selected Yes in the Bills of Exchange field in AR00.1 (Customer Group)
for the customer group assigned to the company, choose the BOE button to
access a subform to define bills of exchange processing options for the
process level. If you selected No in the Bills of Exchange field, the BOE
button does not appear because the form is not required for your process level

After you define process levels, access AR03.1 (Process Level Group) to
define process level groups used for reporting purposes.

Updated Files

    ARCODE     - Validates AR, RNA and finance code. Updates used flag.

    ARPROCLEVL - Process levels added, changed and deleted.

    CBCPYCASH  - Updates used flag.

Referenced Files

    ARCOMP     - Validates company.

    ARCUSTGRP  - Used in company validation.

    ARSUMMARY  - Process level cannot be deleted if summary records exist.

    CBCASHCODE - Verifies cash code.


    INSTREGN   -

INVOKED Programs
