Lawson Software

Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms


AR191 - Chargeback Creation

**Form Purpose
Run Chargeback Creation (AR191) to create notice work records for printing
chargebacks in AR155 (Payment Request Notice Print) for customers that have
Yes selected in the Print Chargebacks field in the Defaults One form tab in
AR10.1 (Customer).

AR191 creates a report by customer and chargeback number and includes the
company total. An asterisk (*) prints in the "TC" (transaction currency)
column for chargebacks with a transaction currency different from the company
base currency.

Updated Files

    ARADJUST   - Updates open item notice flag.

    AROIHDR    - Accesses chargeback records.

    CKPOINT    - Use in program re-start logic.

    NOTICEWRK  - Creates notice work records for printing purposes.

Referenced Files

    ARAPPLIED  - Obtains applied information.


    ARCOMP     - Obtains company information.

    ARCUSTOMER - Obtains customer information.

    AROITEMS   - Updates open item notice flag.

    ARPAYMENT  - Obtains payment information.

    ARREASON   - Used to validated reason code.

    CUCONV     -

    CURELAT    -

    CUSTDESC   - Obtains customer description information.

    GLSYSTEM   -

INVOKED Programs
