Lawson Software

Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms


AR233 - Unposted Application Report

**Form Purpose
Run Unposted Application Report (AR233) to print a report of all unposted
applications by customer for an individual company. Applications are not
posted until you run AR190 (Application Closing). You can select a process
level, operator, or customer to further define the report. The report lists
unposted applications in transaction number order for each customer and
includes both customer and report totals.

The application company and customer print only if they are different from
the open item company and customer.

Updated Files


    CKPOINT    -

Referenced Files

    ARADJUST   - Accesses information about adjustments to an open item.

    ARAPPLIED  - Accesses information about applications to an open item.

    ARCOMP     - Accesses company information.

    ARCUSTGRP  - Validates part of company information.

    ARCUSTOMER - Validates customer.

    AROIHDR    - Used to obtain open item header information.

    AROITEMS   - Accesses open item information.

    AROPTR     - Validates operator.

    ARPAYMENT  - Accesses payment information.

    ARPROCLEVL - Validates process level.

    ARREASON   - Used to print adjustment reason code.

    CUSTDESC   - Accesses customer name.

INVOKED Programs
