AR290 - Customer Statistic Report
**Form Purpose
Run Customer Statistic Report (AR290) to print a report of transaction recaps
for customers within a company. You can select a credit analyst, major
customer class, or customer to further define the listing. The report sorts in
company and customer order and page breaks between customers.
The report includes the average number of days beyond the due date for an
invoice to be paid in full (Days Beyond Terms) for the current period,
previous eleven periods, and year-to-date, and the average number of days
beyond the invoice date for an invoice to be paid in full (Invoice Payment
Average) for the current period, previous eleven periods, year-to-date, and
last year.
Updated Files
Referenced Files
ARCOMP - Accesses company information.
ARCUSTGRP - Validates customer group.
ARCUSTOMER - Validates customer.
ARCUSTPER - Obtains customer period totals.
CRANALYST - Selects customers by credit analyst.
CUSTDESC - Obtains customer name.
GLADDRESS - Validates part of company information.
GLCHART - Validates general ledger company chart information.
GLSYSTEM - Validates part of company information.
MAJCUSTCL - Selects customers by major class.
INVOKED Programs