AR292 - Customer Inactivity Report
**Form Purpose
Run Customer Inactivity Report (AR292) to print a report of inactive
customers for a customer group or company.
The report lists customers that have not had a payment or invoice transaction
since the payment or invoice date you select. If you run the report for a
customer group, the report sorts in customer group, company, and customer
order. If you run the report for a company, the report sorts in company,
Report Option, and customer order and page breaks between credit analysts or
sales representatives, depending on the Report Option you select.
Updated Files
Referenced Files
ARCOMP - Accesses company information.
ARCUSTGRP - Selects customers for a customer group.
ARCUSTOMER - Obtains customer information.
CRANALYST - Sequences report by credit analyst.
CUSTDESC - Obtains customer name.
MAJCUSTCL - Selects customers by major class.
MINCUSTCL - Selects customers by minor class.
SALESREP - Sequences report by sales representative.