AR505 - Customer Balance Conversion
**Form Purpose
Run Customer Balance Conversion (AR505) to update customer, customer group,
and national account balances for all open items. AR505 zeros out customer
balances and re-calculate them at the customer, customer group, and national
account levels.
You can run AR505 at any time after conversion if a customer's balances and
open transactions are not equal.
Updated Files
ARCUSTOMER - Customer balance updated.
CKPOINT - Used for restart purposes.
CUSTDESC - Customer description balance updated.
NATBALANCE - National account balance updated.
Referenced Files
ARAPPLIED - Used to calculate open amount.
ARCOMP - Validates Accounts Receivable company file.
ARCUSTGRP - Use as part of company validation.
ARDRAFTS - Used to calculate Bills of Exchange balance.
AROIHDR - Used to access open items.
AROITEMS - Used to obtain transaction amounts.
ARPAYMENT - Used to obtain transaction amounts.
NATACCT - Used to validate national account customer relationship.