FB120 - Intracompany Mass Budgeting
**Form Purpose
Run Intracompany Mass Budgeting (FB120) to copy, change, or delete multiple
budgets within a specific company. You can also create hundreds of budget
records in one run, save posted balances in a budget, and attach a compute
Variable levels are copied from one budget to another one at a time.
Updated Files
CKPOINT - Used for restart capability.
FBDETAIL - This file stores the copied budget balances.
FBHEADER - This file stores the copied budget information.
GLCONSOL - This file is updated with consolidated budget balances.
Referenced Files
CMPUTE - Used to access the compute name.
GLADDRESS - This file is accessed by a common routine used by this
program. This file is not used by this program.
GLAMOUNTS - Used to access posting account period balances.
GLCHART - This file is accessed by a common routine used by this
program. This file is not used by this program.
GLMASTER - Used to validate the existence of a posting account.
GLNAMES - Used to validate the existence of an accounting unit.
GLSYSTEM - Used to validate the existence of a company.
GLUNITS - Used to access posting account period unit balances.
RWUSER - Used to validate authorized users.
INVOKED Programs