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Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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GL00.1 - Chart of Accounts

Use GL00.1 (Chart of Accounts) to define and maintain your account structure.
Defining the chart of accounts is the first step in defining information in
the General Ledger system.

There are three methods to create your chart of accounts. You can define a new
chart using this program, copy an existing chart, or use Chart Interface
Maintenance (GL60.1) to convert a chart of accounts from a non-Lawson
environment, such as a spreadsheet, to the Lawson General Ledger system.

The chart of accounts is not company specific. You can use the same chart of
accounts for multiple companies, but each company can use only one chart.

Each chart of accounts must contain both Balance Sheet and Income Statement
accounts. For a complete chart of accounts, you define summary, detail, and
system accounts. Summary accounts are used as headings and determines how
accounts are totaled or rolled up. A summary account contains detail accounts,
which are used to post journal entries and store general ledger information. A
system account are detail accounts that are used  to post retained earnings,
undistributed retained earnings, error suspense, and translation gain and loss

1. Define the chart of accounts.
2. Define your company structure using GL10.1 (Company).
3. Define your accounting unit structure using GL20.1 (Accounting Unit -

The following is a sample chart of accounts.

Summary Accounts

Detail Accounts/Account - Subaccount Numbers
Interzone Receivable/12000-0000
Accounts Receivable/13000-0000
Fixed Assets/17999-0000
Accounts Payable/21200-0000
Interzone Payable/22000-0000
Error Suspense/38000-0000

When you define a new chart of accounts, you must assign a name, select the
type or chart (balance sheet and income statement), define summary accounts,
select totaling depts, and define detail and system accounts.

This program contains the following buttons to define your chart structure.

New Chart - Choose the New Chart button to define a name that identifies the
chart, a description of the chart, and optionally, assign a user analysis

Preview - Choose the Preview button to view the entire chart of accounts

Sys Accts - Choose the Sys Accts button to select the detail accounts you want
to post retained earnings, undistributed retained earnings, error suspense,
and translation gain and loss transactions to.

Accounts - Choose the Accounts button to define detail accounts for each
summary account.

More - Choose the More button to define additional options for each summary

Att - Choose the Att button to assign attribute values to summary and detail

Run GL200 (Chart of Accounts Listing) to list the chart of accounts structure.
Use this report to verify your information and that the structure is correct
before processing or defining additional information.

Updated Files

    GLCHART    - Used to update the last sequence number assigned to the
                 chart's summary accounts.

    GLCHARTSUM - Used to store the summary account definition maintained by
                 this program.

Referenced Files

    ACACCTCAT  - Used to validate the account category assigned to a summary


    GLACCTVLD  - Used to validate the existence of a system code restriction.

    GLCHARTDTL - Used to validate the existence of a summary account's detail

    MLGROUP    -


    MXLISTHDR  - Used to validate the existence of the dynamic account
                 generation accounting unit list.

    MXOBJCAT   -

    SLRELATHDR - This file is used to validate the user analysis relation


GL00.2 - Define Chart

Use GL00.2 (Define Chart Name) to define a name that identifies the chart of
accounts, a description of the chart, and select a user analysis group to
attach to the chart. You can only delete a chart of accounts if it is not
assigned to a company.

A user analysis group is defined in SL02.1 (User Analysis Group) and is a
combination of up to four user analyses. A user analysis is a flexible,
user-defined element, much like an  accounting unit, account, or attribute
that stores additional transaction information you can use for reports and
analysis. You can use a user analysis in all subsystems that report and post
data to the General Ledger system. You can assign a user analysis group to
more than one chart.

Within this subform, you can choose the Copy button to open the Chart Copy
subform. Use this subform to copy an existing chart of accounts to help create
a new one.

Updated Files

    GLCHART    - Used to store the chart name definition maintained by this

    GLCHARTDTL - Related detail account records deleted when chart name is

    GLCHARTSUM - Related summary account records deleted when chart name is

Referenced Files

    GLMASTER   -

    GLSYSTEM   - Used to validate the chart name's association to a company.

    SLGROUPHDR - Used to validate the existence of a user analysis group.

GL00.3 - Detail Accounts

Use GL00.3 (Detail Accounts) to define and maintain the detail accounts
contained within a summary account. Summary accounts are used as headings and
determine how detail accounts are totaled or rolled up. Detail accounts are
used to post journal entries and store general ledger information.

For each detail account, you determine the account status (Active or
Inactive), how transactions  are summarized, whether to allow units, and
whether activities defined in the Activity Management system are required.

To define additional detail account options, choose the More button to open
the Account Information subform. The detail account uses options defined for
the summary account unless you override the options on this subform. An
asterisk displays next to the button if options are defined for a detail

To assign a subaccount template to the account, choose the Template Entry
button  to open Template Subaccount Definition (GL02.3). A subaccount
templates lets you add subaccounts dynamically to your account.

Updated Files

    GLCHARTDTL - Used to store the detail account definition maintained by this

Referenced Files

    ACACCTCAT  - Used to validate the existence of the account category.


    GLACCTVLD  - Used to validate the existence of a system code restriction
                 for this account.

    GLCHART    - Used to validate the chart.

    GLCHARTSUM - Used to validate the summary account.

    GLMASTER   - Used to validate posting accounts.


    MXLISTHDR  - Used to validate the dynamic account generation accounting
                 unit list.

    MXOBJCAT   -

    RWGRPDET   -

    SLRELATHDR - Used to validate the existence of a user analysis relation.

    TRCODES    - Used to validate translation codes.

GL00.4 - Account Information

Use GL00.4 (Account Information) to define and maintain additional options
for a detail account. The detail account uses the options defined for the
summary account unless you override the options on this subform.

This program contains the following form tabs to define your chart structure.

Use the Main form tab to identify additional account usage. You can attach a
user analysis value relation defined in SL02.1 (User Analysis Value Relations)
to the account, use the dynamic generation account feature, associate an
account category defined in the Lawson Activity Management system with the
account, and determine whether to view account transactions on a daily basis.

Within the Main form tab, you can choose the Systems button to restrict
account usage to specific systems and the Move button to move the detail
account to a different summary account.

Use the Currency form tab to define currency for the account, including a
account currency code, currency control, translation code, and whether to
revalue nonbase transaction amounts.

Use the Financial Statement form tab to define the number of lines the system
advances after printing the detail line and determine whether a negative (-)
sign prints following a positive amount (a credit). The sign is for appearance
only, it does not change the account balance.

Use the Data Mart form tab to identify how the OLAP environment displays

Updated Files


Referenced Files

    GLCHART    -

GL00.5 - Summary Account Options

Use GL00.5 (Summary Account Options) to define and maintain options for a
summary account.

Use the Main form tab to identify additional account usage. You can attach a
user analysis value relation defined in SL02.1 (User Analysis Value Relations)
to the account, use the dynamic generation account feature, associate an
account category defined in the Lawson Activity Management system with the
account, and determine whether to view account transactions on a daily basis.

Within the Main form tab, you can choose the Systems, Rename, or Move button.
Choose the Systems button to restrict account usage to specific systems. An
asterisk displays next to the button if restrictions are defined. Choose the
Rename button to rename the summary account. Choose the Move button to move
the summary account to a different location in the chart of accounts.

Use the Financial Statement form tab to define the number of lines the system
advances after printing the detail line and determine whether a negative (-)
sign prints following a positive amount (a credit). The sign is for appearance
only, it does not change the account balance.

Use the Data Mart form tab to identify how the OLAP environment displays

Updated Files


Referenced Files

    GLCHART    -

GL00.6 - Move Detail Account

Use GL00.6 (Move Detail Account) to move the detail account to a different
summary account in the chart of accounts.

Updated Files

    GLCHARTDTL - This file is updated with the detail account's new summary
                 account association.

Referenced Files

    GLCHART    - Used to validate the chart.

    GLCHARTSUM - Used to validate summary accounts.

GL00.7 - System Accounts

Use GL00.7 (System Accounts) to select the detail accounts used to post
retained earnings, undistributed retained earnings, error suspense,
translation gain and loss transactions, and report currency transaction gain
and loss transactions. The detail accounts must already be defined in the
chart of accounts. Lawson recommends that you do not use system accounts for
any other process other than retained and undistributed retained  earnings,
error suspense, and translation gain and loss.

Each company must have at least one retained earnings, undistributed retained
earnings, and error suspense accounts.

The following table indicates the system accounts required by specific
General Ledger procedures.

Procedure                        System Account
---------                         --------------
Fiscal Year End Closing         Retained and Undistributed Retained Earnings
Journal Posting             Undistributed Retained Earnings and Error
Subsystem Journal Posting       Error Suspense
Recurring Journal Posting        Error Suspense
Allocation Journal Posting       Error Suspense
Currency Translation               Transaction Gain and Loss
Report Currency Journal Posting       Report Currency Rounding Adjustment

To select different error suspense accounts for each system, choose the By
System button to open the Error Suspense by System subform.

Updated Files

    GLCHART    - Updates the chart name with the system accounts maintained by
                 this program.

Referenced Files

    GLAMOUNTS  - Used to verify the existence of undistributed retained
                 earnings postings.

    GLCHARTDTL - Used to validate detail accounts.

    GLESACCT   - Used to validate the existence of multiple error suspense

    GLMASTER   - Used to validate accounts.

    GLSYSTEM   - Used to validate the existence of a company.


GL00.8 - Rename Summary Account

Use GL00.8 (Rename Summary Account) to change the name of a summary account.

Updated Files

    GLCHARTSUM - This file is updated with a summary account's new name.

Referenced Files

    GLCHART    - Used to validate the chart.

GL00.9 - Chart Copy

Use GL00.9 (Chart Copy) to create a new chart of accounts by copying an
existing chart of accounts and making changes. The copy process copies summary
accounts, detail accounts, and all account options.

Updated Files

    GLACCTVLD  - Used to validate accounting unit, account, and subsystem

    GLCHART    - Used to store the copied chart name records.

    GLCHARTDTL - Used to store the copied detail account records.

    GLCHARTSUM - Used to store the copied summary account records.

Referenced Files


INVOKED Programs
