GL320 - Consolidation File Creation
**Form Purpose
Run Consolidation File Creation (GL320) to build the consolidation file that
is used by General Ledger Report Writer and other related modules. The
GLCONSOL file is maintained automatically by the Lawson General Ledger system.
This program is provided for use in the event of unusual circumstances.
This program prints a report giving you the following:
- The total GLMASTER records processed, the total GLCONSOL records created.
- The total GLUNITS records processed, the total GLCONSOL records created.
- The total FBDETAIL records processed, the total GLCONSOL records created.
- The total CUAMOUNT records processed, and number resulting GLCONSOL
You must have at least one detail account set up within the company you
The time needed to run this program depends on the number of accounts and
budgets a company has. The program runs faster if you run it for a budget or
amount type.
Updated Files
CKPOINT - Used for restart capability.
GLCONSOL - This file is updated with consolidated account balances.
ULPOST - This file stores the last posting date and time.
Referenced Files
CUAMOUNT - Used to rebuild the consolidation file.
FBDETAIL - Used to rebuild the consolidation file.
FBHEADER - Used to validate budgets.
GLADDRESS - Used by common library; not referenced in this program.
GLAMOUNTS - Used to rebuild consolidated account balances.
GLCHART - Used by common library; not referenced in this program.
GLSYSTEM - Used to validate companies.
GLUNITS - Used to rebuild the consolidation file.
INVOKED Programs